
Haifa Changes Independence Day Posters After Protests from Baha'i Community

April 18, 2004

Source: Ha-Aretz

On April 18, 2004 Ha-Aretz reported, "The Haifa municipality and local media in the city on Sunday moved to change posters advertising the upcoming Independence Day festivities that caused offense to the Bahai community, which is based in the northern city. The large colorful posters were placed all around the city, inviting the public to next week's Independence Day celebrations, and featured a...

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Boston-Area Baha'is Celebrate Nah Ruz (New Year)

April 7, 2004

Source: Chelmsford Independent

On April 7, 2004 the Chelmsford Independent ran a feature article on New Year's celebrations among the Baha'i community of Lowell, Mass.: "It was a festive occasion, with friends chatting and laughing, and exuberant children making full use of the dance floor, running arm in arm in giddy circles. But the noise ended and a...

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New Religious Leaders Take Root in Kentucky

April 5, 2004

Source: The Courier-Journal

On April 5, 2004 The Courier-Journal reported, "Once led by volunteers from small communities of immigrants and American-born converts, the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are beginning to take root in Kentucky with the arrival of professional spiritual leaders. Even within religious traditions, 'clergy' are...

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Baha'i Magazines Win Awards of Excellence

April 4, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On April 4, 2004 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "Two Baha'i publications have won awards from the Religion Communicators Council (RCC), an interfaith association at work in print and electronic communication, marketing, and public relations. Brilliant Star, a magazine for children and junior youth published by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States...

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Brotherhood-Sisterhood Brunch Celebrates Religious Diversity in Teaneck, N.J.

March 29, 2004

Source: The Miami Herald

On March 29, 2004 The Miami Herald ran an article from The Record that reported, "About 600 people gathered Sunday afternoon for the 18th annual Interfaith Brotherhood-Sisterhood Brunch to recognize and embrace the diversity of people and religions found in...

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Parade Through Capital City Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Arrival of Baha'i Faith

March 15, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On March 15, 2004 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "Hundreds of Baha'is paraded through the streets of this capital city [Nuku'alofa] as they celebrated the golden anniversary of the Baha'i Faith in Tonga. Escorted by the local police band, more than 400 Baha'is set off from the newly renovated national Baha'i center for their destination, the royal palace of Tonga. They wore...

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Winners Announced in Interfaith Space Competition

February 26, 2004

Source: Market Wire

On February 26, 2004 Market Wire reported, "The Interfaith Sacred Space International Design Competition today announced four winning entries in the first competition in the history of religion designed specifically to identify concepts for truly interfaith sacred space. The competition's goal is to encourage creation of spaces designed for use by peoples of all faiths, as a...

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Conference Encourages Baha'i Youth to Contribute to "Welfare of Humanity"

February 25, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On February 25, 2004 Baha'i World News Service reported, "A six-day gathering to inspire Baha'i youth to make their contribution to the welfare of humanity attracted participants from more than 30 countries. The world's suffering was a 'call to action,' a keynote speaker told participants at the 'Changing Times' seminar, which was held at the Townshend International School here from 26...

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Bahai Leader Recognized for Interfaith Work

February 20, 2004

Source: The Bahai World News Service

On February 20, 2004 The Bahai World News Service reported, "Professor Suheil Bushrui, who holds the Baha'i chair for World Peace at the University of Maryland, is to receive an award previously bestowed on such luminaries as Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. On March 1 2004, Professor Bushrui will be honored with the Juliet Hollister Award from the New York-based Temple of...

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Baha'i Faith Celebrates 50 Years in Nambia; Original Convert Tells Story

February 19, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On February 19, 2004 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "The first Namibian to become a Baha'i told participants at jubilee celebrations here about how he joined the Faith after secret meetings with the person who brought the teachings to this country. Hilifa Andreas Nekundi said that because he was black and Englishman Ted Cardell was white, they had to have their meetings in...

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Baha'i Prisoners Released

February 17, 2004

Source: Religion News Service

On February 17, 2004 Religion News Service issued a press release that reported, "Two members of the Bahá'í Faith in Iran were released from prison on February 7, 2004, after completing terms of nearly 15 years imprisonment on charges arising solely from their religious beliefs. Mr. Bihnam Mithaqi and Mr. Kayvan Khalajabadi were imprisoned on April 29, 1989, for 'association with Bahá'í...

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Exhibition Illustrates Baha'i Contributions to Social Harmony in Europe

February 11, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On February 11, 2004 Baha'i World News Service reported, "An exhibition on social harmony at the main building of the European Parliament was officially inaugurated at a reception [in Strasbourg, France] on 10 February. Titled 'The Baha'i International Community: Promoting Unity in Diversity throughout Europe for over a Century,' the display will grace the first floor gallery of the...

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Opening of First Baha'i Center Attended By Representatives of Other Faiths

February 6, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On February 6, 2004 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "Devotional songs and prayers marked the inauguration of the first Baha'i center to be built in French Polynesia. After the local mayor and a Baha'i representative cut a ribbon of flowers to open the center, the Baha'is sang in Tahitian 'Blessed is the spot', a song whose lyrics are a prayer by Baha'u'llah. The event held on 7...

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Music Plays Large Role in Baha'i Jubilee Celebration

January 25, 2004

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On January 25, 2004 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "Musicians and dancers played a spectacular role during celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Baha'i Faith in Zimbabwe. A variety concert that followed the opening ceremony on 12 December 2003 showcased talents of Baha'is from throughout the country. Among the performers was a Baha'i youth group from...

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