
Growing Baha'i Community in Atlanta to Build New Center

May 21, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On May 21, 2002 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that the north Gwinnett County, GA Baha'i community is building a new center to accommodate growing number of members... "The center also would be a focal point for community service projects that are an integral part of the faith... It would be the fourth Baha'i facility in metro Atlanta, following the Atlanta Baha'i Center, the Chamblee Rose Baha'i Center and the Baha'i Unity Center near Decatur."

Central Ohio Organization Offers a Model of Interfaith Relations

May 10, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On May 10, 2002, The Columbus Dispatch reported "Group Unites Eight Faiths for Mutual Enlightenment." It reported on the efforts of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio: "Members of the 17-year-old association think that the community's religious tolerance, though a good start, isn't enough. 'We need to move beyond that to understanding and respect,' said Tarunjit Butalia, a spokesman for the association and representative of the Sikh community." The article noted that "The association also benefits from having been...

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The Baha'i Faith in New York

March 2, 2002

Source: New York Daily News

On March 2, 2002, The New York Daily News featured an article on the Baha'i Faith in New York City. "There are about 800 members in the city [and] the church counts more than 5 million adherents around the world, among them perhaps 620,000 in the United States. The Baha'i Faith, as it is formally known, is listed as one of the world's fastest-growing religions... It was founded in 1844... in what was then Persia, by Mirza Ali Muhammed, a Sufi Muslim who declared himself the Bab (Arabic for gate), a new messenger from God. He...

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Utah Interfaith Council Unites for Olympics

February 9, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On February 9, 2002, The Houston Chronicle reported that "at first glance, Salt Lake City could seem a one-faith kind of town: Mormon... But as athletes, their families and spectators arrived from around the world for the Olympic Winter Games that began yesterday, other faiths are cooperating to make sure visitors find the religion of their choice in Salt Lake City, whether it be Catholic or Baha'i... the official Olympic organizing committee has gathered an interfaith council of 45 city religious leaders charged with...

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New Zen Monastery to Open in Oregon

February 1, 2002

Source: The Oregonian

On February 1, 2002 The Oregonian featured an editorial on a meeting in Clatskanie, OR that was "sponsored by a Portland-based Zen Buddhist group, the Zen Community of Oregon, to explain its plans to remodel a former elementary school into a monastery and seminary. But many objected to adding the Zen sanctuary to the community's eight churches... 'Our goal is to protect those that have not yet accepted Christ,' said Loren Dummer, the Assembly of God pastor. He worried that that the Zen Buddhists, who are not evangelical, would try to...

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Baha'i Conference in Hawaii Addresses Social Concerns

January 28, 2002

Source: Baha'i World News

On January 28, 2002, Baha'i World News reported that "more than 1,000 Baha'is from at least 53 nations joined with the Baha'is of the Hawaiian Islands in December for a four-day celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the Baha'i Faith in Hawaii... Titled 'Fire in the Pacific,' the conference featured music, dance performances, workshops and speeches that commemorated the...

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Peace Vigils Mirror Interfaith Service in Assisi

January 23, 2002

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On January 23, 2002, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that "leaders of more than 20 faiths and denominations in the St. Louis region will gather tonight to reflect on the call to peace found in their respective scriptures... Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Sikh and Ba'hai leaders will enter the sanctuary of the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica and individually read from their scripture about peace... Archbishop Justin Rigali, past chairman of the Cabinet of the Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St....

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Events Honor Martin Luther King

January 20, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On January 20, 2002, the Los Angeles Times featured an article on "the 14th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Service, hosted by the San Fernando Valley Interfaith Council... Speakers representing the Bahai, Jewish, Islam, Buddhist and Christian faiths will speak about peace and nonviolence from the perspective of their religion, organizers said. An interfaith choir will perform."

San Diego Baha'i Community Sponsors Dialogues on Race

December 28, 2001

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On December 28, 2001, The San Diego Union-Tribune featured an article on a series of interfaith dialogues offered this fall to promote peace and harmony. "The dialogues were sponsored by the Office of Race Unity of the Baha'is of North County... Baha'is, believing that racism is an obstacle to world peace, founded the Institute for the Healing of Racism nationally a decade ago. The local dialogues are based on the institute's programs." A new series of dialogues will begin January 14, 2002.

Interfaith Services Raise Questions for Clergy Members

November 24, 2001

Source: The Washington Post

On November 24, 2001, The Washington Post reported that "the events of Sept. 11 prompted an unprecedented number of interfaith services nationwide, featuring leaders of different religions praying for peace and remembering the more than 4,100 terrorist attack victims. But some religious leaders have questioned the appropriateness of their clergy participating in such gatherings...'The basic question is: Does my participation enhance my witness of Jesus Christ or obscure it?' said the Rev. Karl K. Schmidt, pastor of Bethany...

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Acts of Support and Solidarity Following the Backlash

October 1, 2001

Source: The Baha'i World News

On October 1, 2001, The Baha'i World News reported that "Baha'i communities around the world responded to last week's terroist attacks...with prayers, voluntary acts of service, donations and messages of condolence...In New York City...members of the local Baha'i community rushed to the site of the world trade center complex and offered help...The New York Baha'i Center, which is located on 11th Street, was inaccesible to the...

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Baha'i Convention to Be Held in Milwaukee

June 30, 2001

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On June 30, 2001, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that "more than 8,000 followers of the Baha'i faith are in Milwaukee for 'Building the Kingdom,' their first national conference since 1986." An interview of Robert C. Henderson, secretary general of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States followed, in which he spoke about the Baha'i faith, race relations, and the convention.

A Baha'i Devotional Meeting

June 30, 2001

Source: The Fresno Bee

On June 30, 2001, The Fresno Bee reported on "a recent devotional meeting at the Fresno Baha'i Center [in California]...There's no clergy. All readers are members."
