
2,000 In Clearwater, Faith Communities Come Together in Prayer and Compassion

September 10, 2005

Source: St. Petersburg Times. Eileen Schulte. September 10, 2005

On September 10, 2005 the St. Petersburg Times reported, "The Rev. Leddy Hammock held a candle and looked up at the dozens of people at an interfaith remembrance service for Hurricane Katrina victims Tuesday. 'We gather to rebuild a levee against all human tears,' she told them. A few minutes later, the lights were dimmed, and each person in the octagon-shaped sanctuary held up a single lighted candle, asking God to help the evacuees and to forgive the dead of their...

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Western Kentucky University Students Have Range of Local Worship Options

September 8, 2005

Source: Western Kentucky University Herald

On September 8, 2005 the Western Kentucky University Herald reported, "Many students have difficulty finding a place to worship after enrolling at Western. Other students may have trouble adjusting to new venues of worship... Several...

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Interfaith Gathering in Hartford to Discuss Global Warming in the Wake of Katrina

September 8, 2005

Source: Hartford Courant,0,683056.story?coll=hc-headlines-local

On September 8, 2005 the Hartford Courant reported, "Leaders from a range of denominations and faiths will gather for the first time Friday at Hartford Seminary to discuss the responsibility of faith communities to care for the environment. Religious communities have become more inclined to embrace...

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Austin Baha'i Center Holds Prayer Service for Katrina Victims

September 1, 2005

Source: News 8 Austin

On September 1, 2005 News 8 Austin reported, "The Austin Baha'i Center held an open prayer session for victims of Hurricane Katrina on Thursday. Community members and other concerned citizens took turns offering their thoughts and spiritual support. 'We feel that prayer is important at any time, and we all have our personal and private devotions, but it's...

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Baha'i School in Maine Celebrates Role of Promoting Peace in Treaty of Portsmouth

August 28, 2005

Source: Seacoast Online

On August 28, 2005 the Seacoast Online reported, "As the Russian and Japanese delegates sailed up the Piscataqua River in 1905, a large, white flag flew over Eliot, Maine, urging the men to put an end to their bloody war. One hundred years later, a smaller version of that flag, emblazoned with the word 'peace,' flies above the Green Acre Baha’i School in Eliot. The flag is...

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Muslim Boy Scouts Find Their Place in the Troop

August 23, 2005

Source: TIME Magazine

On August 23, 2005 the TIME Magazine reported, "Most people probably think of the Boy Scouts of America as a Christian group--and not a particularly inclusive one, a reputation earned in part through its efforts to keep out gays, atheists and agnostics. But the Scouts insists it is open and diverse, especially in matters of faith... There are Jewish, Hindu, Mormon and Baha'i scouts. There are Muslim scouts too, and for at least 20 years there have been all-Muslim troops in the U.S... There are now all-Muslim scout packs and...

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Interfaith Dialogue Held in Delhi

August 15, 2005

Source: Hindu Press International / Cihan News Agency

On August 15, 2005 the Cihan News Agency reported, "A symposium titled, 'Peace, tolerance and harmony among world religions,' was held in New Delhi Sunday by the 'Inter Faith Harmony Platform,' which was established by Indian Muslims. Many representatives from different religions participated in the symposium that was held for the first time in India. Indian deputy...

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Faith Groups Oppose Compulsory ID Cards

August 7, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1544226,00.html

On August 7, 2005 The Guardian reported, "Mounting concerns over the government's plans to introduce compulsory ID cards were given fresh impetus yesterday after it emerged that Britain's major religions oppose the scheme. A previously unpublicised report, produced by the Faith Community Consultation (FCC) consortium, which comprises representatives from the country's...

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Baha'i Forms Second and Third Spiritual Assemblies in Rockford

August 6, 2005

Source: Rockford Register Star

On August 6, 2005 the Rockford Register Star reported, "Judy Moe remembers a time when every mention of her faith -- Baha'i -- was followed by the same question: 'What's that?' While some people remain unfamiliar about the independent religion's humane mission, Baha'is have become more visible here since Moe came to...

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Baha’i Group Gives Homage to Faithful Heroine

August 3, 2005

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On August 3, 2005 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "This is the British military cemetery where British Commonwealth servicemen from two world wars, and some civilians, are laid to rest. In its neat precincts is the dignified grave of one who bore the nickname of 'General Jack.' This is not the tomb of a great soldier but rather of a spiritual hero of the Baha'i world community. It is the...

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Court Oath Lawsuit Begs Question of Pluralism in America

July 29, 2005

Source: The Christian Post


On July 29, 2005 The Christian Post reported, "A lawsuit in North Carolina asking that religious texts other than Bible to be used in court for swearing in has highlighted the challenges one city is experiencing as the nation becomes more diverse. In Greensboro, North Carolina, a suit was filed [by the ACLU] recently stating that denying the use of other religious books in court would go...

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Unity in Diversity Discussed at Baha'i Meeting in Dublin

July 28, 2005

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On July 28, 2005 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "The challenge of establishing unity in diversity was among the topics explored at a conference held here [in Dublin] to examine the impact of the Baha'i teachings on a wide range of contemporary issues. The concept of 'unity in diversity,' which addresses the underlying similarities of different populations and cultures, is increasingly studied...

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Construction Begins on Sterling Baha'i Temple Amidst Some Zoning Concerns and Much Diversity

July 17, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On July 17, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "Work has begun on Northern Virginia's first regional center for followers of the Baha'i faith... It is intended to serve 18 Bahai communities in Northern Virginia and about 2,500 members of the religion who have been meeting in rented space, private homes and a...

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