
Op/Ed: "Where the Youth Are?" by Martin Marty

May 8, 2006

Source: The Martin Marty Center

On May 8, 2006 Martin Marty of The Martin Marty Center wrote, "Numbers of excuses are given for the absence of the younger generations in interfaith causes. First, you have to care about faith to 'do' interfaith, and many don't care. Second, the framing of issues was done some time ago by people who are now old; that framing doesn't match what...

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Tour of Baha'i Center Part of 'Sacred Space' Interfaith Tours

May 6, 2006

Source: Los Angeles Daily News

On May 6, 2006 the Los Angeles Daily News reported, "In the spirit of one of their practices - the independent investigation of truth - members of the Bahá'i faith will lead a tour Sunday of the Bahá'i Faith Center. The evening is the latest in a series of 'sacred space' tours and conversations with members of a designated faith that have been arranged by the interfaith relations committee of...

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Prince Charles Opens Bedouin Tent as Site for Interfaith Dialogue in London

May 4, 2006


On May 4, 2006 reported, "The Prince of Wales has unveiled one of London's most unlikely landmarks - a Bedouin tent in the shadow of City skyscrapers. The goat-hair structure stands in the garden of the former St Ethelburga's Church which was destroyed by the IRA Bishopsgate bomb in 1993 and is now a centre for peace and reconciliation....

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American Baha'is Hold 97th Annual National Convention

April 26, 2006

Source: U.S. Baha'i News Service

On April 26, 2006 U.S. Baha'i News Service reported, "From April 27 to 30, the Baha'i community of the United States is holding its 97th annual national convention to elect its national governing body and consult on global plans for the Faith’s growth and development. Approximately 170 delegates are convening at the Baha'i House of Worship for the North American Continent in Wilmette, just...

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Baha'i Website Receives Award from Religion Communicators Council

April 19, 2006

Source: U.S. Baha'i News

On April 19, 2006 U.S. Baha'i News reported, "The Religion Communicators Council (RCC) gave an Award of Excellence in the Internet Communications: Website category to in the council’s 2006 DeRose-Hinkhouse competition. Launched in December, is the newly redesigned official website of the Baha’is of the United States. 'It’s especially gratifying and confirming to be recognized...

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Dallas Baha'i Woman Writes Ridvan Pageant

April 18, 2006

Source: U.S. Baha'i News

On April 18, 2006 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "To the audiences attending the Perry Productions’ Ridvan pageant, the event is a magic carpet that transports them to the Baghdad garden where Baha’u’llah declared He was the Promised One of all earlier religions before leaving for Constantinople and further exile. To artistic director Anne Perry, the pageant is a passion play. 'I’ve devoted my...

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Baha’is Release Annual Baha’i World Volume

April 17, 2006

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On April 17, 2006 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "An examination of the science of morality, a look at the opportunities and challenges presented by human 'progress,' and a report on a small but inspiring educational project in Mali are among the articles in the latest volume of The Baha'i World. An annual record of Baha'i activities and perspectives, The Baha'i World 2004-2005...

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Baha’i Communicators Win Excellence Awards

April 7, 2006

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On April 7, 2006 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "Eleven professional Baha'i communicators have won 12 awards from the Religion Communicators Council for excellence and merit in the production of various informational materials last year. In addition, Baha'i filmmakers Suzanne Kay and Mark Bamford won a major Council award for their feature length theatrical film Cape of Good Hope. The...

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Newly Formed Interfaith Coalition Hosts First "Religion on Campus" Week at Bryn Mawr

April 6, 2006

Source: Bryn Mawr Now

On April 6, 2006 Bryn Mawr Now reported, "Next week, the Office of Intercultural Affairs (OIA) and a variety of student organizations that have joined to create the new Interfaith Coalition will sponsor [Bryn Mawr] College's first-ever Religion on Campus Week, the OIA has announced. Aside from celebrations of important Christian and Jewish holidays, the week will offer a chance to look at...

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Chicago-Area Interfaith Seder to Benefit Homeless Advocacy Group

April 4, 2006

Source: Courier News

On April 4, 2006 the Courier News reported, "They lined up at the door Sunday, their numbers stretching back outside under the stormy evening sky, and forward to the table stacked with 200 name tags. Beyond the registration table, more than 20 tables waited within the meeting hall of the synagogue, Congregation Kneseth Israel, on the city's...

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Interfaith Sanctuary at University of Chicago Set to Open

March 30, 2006

Source: University of Chicago Chronicle

On March 30, 2006 the University of Chicago Chronicle reported, "To meet the needs of a community becoming increasingly diverse and mirroring the religious complexion of the world, the underground floor of [Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, built on the University's campus in 1928] has been transformed from a basement into the new Interreligious Center... The new space provides a...

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White House Spokesperson Expresses President’s Concerns for Bahai’s in Iran

March 29, 2006

Source: Baha'i World News Service

On March 29, 2006 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "At the 28 March 2006 White House press briefing, Spokesman Scott McClellan said President George Bush is concerned over last week's announcement by a UN official that government persecution of the Baha'is in Iran is intensifying. In response to a reporter's question, Mr. McClellan called on the Iranian regime to respect the religious freedom...

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