
Mountain Spirit Center: a Korean Zen Buddhist temple

May 11, 2003

Source: KoreAm Journal


On May 11, 2003 the KoreAm Journal reported that "in the outskirts of Tehachapi, [first-generation Korean Americans] find a refuge in the Mountain Spirit Center, a Korean Zen Buddhist temple, which officially opened March 2. For the past nine years, resident monk Mu Ryang Sunim (sunim means monk in Korean) has been...

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Editorial: Religious Pluralism in America

May 10, 2003

Source: Honolulu Advertiser


On May 10, 2003 the Honolulu Advertiser printed an editorial by Robert Ganung stating that "it is almost impossible for me to write about spiritual matters without referring to my spiritual master, Thich Nhat Hanh. Although I am from another religious tradition (United Methodist minister), this gentle Zen monk from Vietnam has influenced my spiritual journey...

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Hawaiian Buddhists Celebrate Buddha's Birthday

May 10, 2003

Source: Honolulu Advertiser


On May 10, 2003 the Honolulu Advertiser reported that "about a thousand Buddhists of Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, Samoan and Taiwanese ancestry are expected to turn out today to watch a parade from 'A'ala Park through Chinatown [in Hawai]... At the end of the parade, people come to a statue of the baby Buddha to pour water or tea over it. That, Lui explains,...

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Buddhism's Growing Popularity

May 10, 2003

Source: The Charlotte Observer


On May 10, 2003 The Charlotte Observer reported that "Buddhism.. has attracted attention through the testimony of rock and soul diva Tina Turner. Turner's endorsement appears to be having its biggest impact in the African American community... For example, it was Turner who influenced Cheryl McIntosh to turn to Buddhism. A few years ago, McIntosh, a black...

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Editorials: Religions in Maine

May 8, 2003

Source: Casco Bay Weekly


On May 8, 2003 the Casco Bay Weekly published an editorial by Abraham J. Peck stating that "Professor Diana Eck of Harvard University argues in her recent book, A New Religious America: How a 'Christian Country' Has Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation, that 'the presupposition that America is foundationally Christian' is being challenged by a new...

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Multifaith Community in San Diego, CA

May 8, 2003

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune

On May 8, 2003 the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that "Harvard scholar Diana Eck calls America the most religiously diverse nation in the world – and San Diego is no different, home to faiths ranging from Baha'i to Wicca... Here is a look at representatives from four of these other faiths – a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Sikh and a Jew. They talk about their devotion to their beliefs – and how they feel about attempts to convert them."

Interfaith Group in Nebraska Gather for Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

May 8, 2003

Source: Lincoln Journal Star

http ://w ww.journalstar.com/local.php?story_id=44413

On May 8, 2003 the Lincoln Journal Star reported that "prayers by people of many faiths marked the annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Thursday at The Cornhusker hotel... More than 360 people attended the event. The theme this year was 'Let There be Peace on Earth, and Let it Begin with Me...' The event included prayers and comments by Rabbi Stanley Rosenbaum of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, the Rev. Steve Ratzlaff of the Lincoln Mennonite Church,...

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Editorials: Religions in Maine

May 8, 2003

Source: Casco Bay Weekly


On May 8, 2003 the Casco Bay Weekly published an editorial by Maine resident David Jordan, a Senior Dharma Teacher in the Kwan Um Zen School. In the article, Jordan explained the practice of Zen and his personal experiences as a Zen Buddhist.

Editorial: the Federal Government and the Construction of Religious Centers

May 5, 2003

Source: Oregon Live

http ://w ww.oregonlive.com/public_commentary/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/editorial/1052049473241131.xml

On May 5, 2003 Oregon Live printed an editorial by Patrick Korten stating that "sadly, local governments throughout the United States have gotten into the habit of using just about any excuse to prevent the construction, remodeling or expansion of churches, synagogues and other religious buildings... Sometimes the excuses are just silly, as when the Town of Bedford, New York, turned down a zoning...

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Buddhist Monks Attend Funeral Service of Marine Corporal

May 4, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On May 4, 2003 The Boston Globe reported that "Buddhist monks attended the funeral of Marine Corporal Kemaphoom Chanawongse of Waterford, Conn., at Arlington National Cemetery last week. Chanawongse was killed March 23 during fighting outside Nasiriyah, Iraq."

First Korean Buddhist Temple in Tucson, Arizona

May 3, 2003

Source: Tucson Citizen


On May 3, 2003 the Tucson Citizen reported that "Tucson's Korean Buddhists finally have their own temple... [and] as Great Master Monk Taheo Seunim told them during the opening ceremony for the Arizona Diamond Zen Center on Sunday, the temple came about because of their steadfast quest for enlightenment... The Arizona Diamond Zen Center... is the first Korean Buddhist Temple in Tucson......

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Spiritual Journeys at Yale University

May 2, 2003

Source: The Washington Post


On May 2, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "Isaac Chung and Richard Harvell both can trace their young careers to spiritual journeys they made while they were roommates at Yale University... Chung, who is Korean American, started down a new path when he joined Yale's chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ. By the time he graduated, he felt that God was calling...

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Dickinson College Students Map Religious Diversity of Pennsylvania

May 2, 2003

Source: Penn Live

http ://w ww.pennlive.com/living/patriotnews/index.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/living/1051781819113460.xml

On May 2, 2003 Penn Live reported that "students in a New American Religious Diversity class at Dickinson College [PA] this semester did fieldwork just a short ride from their dorms in Carlisle... The students were welcomed as Muslims prayed at a mosque in Steelton, Hindus read aloud the Ramayana at a temple in Fairview, and Buddhists drummed and chanted in a Columbia temple that used...

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