
Pope's Apology Fails to Quell Protests

September 19, 2006

Source: The New York Times

On September 19, 2006 The New York Times reported, "Many Muslims insisted Monday that Pope Benedict XVI did not go far enough in his apology on Sunday for the offense caused by a speech he gave last week that discussed Islam and holy war. In the southern Iraqi city of Basra, protesters burned an effigy of the pope, and an Iraqi group linked to Al Qaeda posted a warning on a...

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"Pope Benedict's Comments Were Unwise and Provocative, But the Best Course for Muslims is to Turn the Other Cheek" by Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah

September 19, 2006

Source: Muslim Wake Up!

On September 19, 2006 Muslim Wake Up! published a commentary by Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah, "It's ironic that while more than 1,000 delegates met at a congress in Montreal called World's Religions After September 11, where they discussed initiatives aimed at building greater understanding among followers of all faiths, halfway across the globe Pope...

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Indian Muslim Clerics Say Issue with Pope is "Closed" Following Apology; Urge Interfaith Dialogue

September 18, 2006

Source: Mumbai Mirror

Wire Service: PTI

On September 18, 2006 the Press Trust of India reported, "Softening their stance on Pope Benedict’s remarks on Prophet Mohammad, prominent Muslim clerics here said the issue should be considered ‘closed’ in the wake of the apology...

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Muslims to Meet with Cardinal of Los Angeles to Keep Dialogue Afloat

September 18, 2006

Source: The Press-Enterprise

On September 18, 2006 The Press-Enterprise reported, "Leaders of Southern California's Muslim community will meet this week with Cardinal Roger Mahony in Los Angeles to voice concern about controversial remarks Pope Benedict XVI made in Germany last week and to reinforce an interfaith relationship some leaders characterized as positive...

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Bill Held Up by Controversial Provision on Military Chaplains' Prayers

September 18, 2006

Source: The New York Times

On September 18, 2006 The New York Times reported, "A bill that sets the Pentagon’s spending levels is being held up by controversy over a provision that would allow military chaplains to offer sectarian prayers at nondenominational military events.

The provision, which is being pushed by Representative Duncan Hunter,...

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Fiji Council of Churches Labels Break-in at Hindu Temple a "Disgrace"

September 18, 2006

Source: Fiji Times

On September 18, 2006 the Fiji Times reported, "A temple break-in has been labelled a 'disgrace' by the Fiji Council of Churches.

Local residents said the act was cowardly and shameful.

Anil Dutt, 35, was ploughing his land next to the Shree Sanatan Dharam Vishnu Mandir yesterday when he noticed three louvre blades missing from one of the temple windows facing his home.

Mr Dutt...

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In the West Bank and Gaza, Churches of Various Denominations Bombed

September 18, 2006

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On September 18, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Al-Qaida in Iraq and its allies responded on Monday to Pope Benedict XVI's remarks on Islam and holy war, proclaiming that jihad would continue until Islam takes over the world. Schools and shops in Kashmir shut their doors and demonstrators took to the streets in Iraq and Indonesia and staged a...

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Albany Catholic and Muslim Leaders Respond to Comments by the Pope on Islam

September 18, 2006

Source: Capital News 9

On September 18, 2006 Capital News 9 reported, "The Pope's recent comments have Muslim leaders up in arms. He quoted a 14th century Byzantine text that calls the Prophet Muhammad 'evil and inhuman.' And it refers to the spread of Islam as 'by the sword.' But Father William Pape at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in...

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CAIR Calls for Increased Dialogue Between Catholics and Muslims

September 18, 2006

Source: United Press International

On September 18, 2006 the United Press International reported, "The U.S. Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for a stepped-up dialogue between Muslims and Catholics. The CAIR statement was issued Friday following the public controversy over Pope Benedict XVI's remarks last week that were criticized by various Muslim groups...

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Opinion: "We Cannot Afford to Maintain These Ancient Prejudices Against Islam"

September 18, 2006

Source: The Guardian,,1874786,00.html

On September 18, 2006 The Guardian ran an opinion piece by Karen Armstrong, author of Islam: A Short History. "Last week, Pope Benedict XVI quoted, without qualification and with apparent approval, the words of the 14th-century Byzantine emperor Manuel II: 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such...

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Rare Confluence of Religious Holidays Marked by Interfaith Efforts in Orange County

September 18, 2006

Source: Orange County Register

On September 18, 2006 the Orange County Register reported, "At a time when religious conflict has turned lethal for so many people and shattered their peace and security, a rare confluence of the sacred seasons of the three Abrahamic faiths – Christianity, Islam and Judaism – begins this week. Scores of Orange County residents –...

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Virginia Muslims Active in Fight Against Global Warming

September 18, 2006

Source: Augusta Free Press$40562

On September 18, 2006 the Augusta Free Press reported, "'In the Koran, God said that He created nature in a balance or mizam, and that it is mankind's responsibility to maintain this fragile equilibrium,' says Richmond-based Islamic leader Dr. Imad Damaj. 'We cannot maintain it by blaming each other, but must do so by working together.'

Last week, the faith-based...

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Vatican Expresses Concerns over "Wave of Hate" Following Pope's Comments

September 17, 2006

Source: The Guardian/The Press Association,,-6086400,00.html

On September 17, 2006 The Press Association reported, "Pope Benedict has tried to dampen the furore over his remarks about Islam saying he was 'deeply sorry' about the anger they had caused. But there were fears that the violent reaction to his comments would continue as an Italian nun was shot dead in Somalia. The Vatican said it hoped the 'wave of hate'...

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Muslim Leader Asks for Dialogue with LA Cardinal to Reinforce Strong Ties

September 17, 2006

Source: CBC News

On September 17, 2006 CBS News reported, "A local Muslim leader said Sunday he would like a 'dialogue' with Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony in the wake of Pope Benedict's recent remarks about Islam that sparked a violent reaction. Executive Director Salam Al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council also condemned the violence and said relations between local Muslims and Catholics have...

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