
Americans United Urges Air Force to Ban Official Promotion of Religion

November 4, 2005

Source: Americans United for Separation of Church and State


On November 4, 2005 Americans United for Separation of Church and State reported, "Americans United for Separation of Church and State has urged the Air Force to adopt guidelines that bar the official sponsorship of religion and coercive forms of proselytization by senior officers and chaplains. Attorneys with Americans United were invited to comment on proposed guidelines on...

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New Documentary Explores Three Abrahamic Faiths

November 3, 2005

Source: Voice of America


On November 3, 2005 the Voice of America reported, "A new film is showing on American television. 'Three Faiths, One God' compares the practices and beliefs of the three so-called Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Many of the similarities have surprised American audiences, and critical reviews of the film have been very positive... 'What's most important is understanding and...

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Christian-Muslim Tensions Flare Over Play

November 1, 2005

Source: Newsday,0,7036994.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

On November 1, 2005 Newsday reported, "Abu Abbas looked in disbelief around his ravaged cafe just a few yards from a Coptic Christian church. Its wooden chairs lay broken and strewn about and shattered glass from broken lamps littered the floor after his...

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Sermon: "The Sacred in Images"

November 1, 2005



On November 1, 2005 released a transcript of a sermon delivered by Harold Babcock, the minister of the First Religious Society of Newburyport. "Images have great importance in many religious traditions. To Hindus, darshan is a special way of seeing, translated as 'seeing the divine image.' Diana Eck, professor of comparative religion and Indian studies at Harvard, writes: 'In the Hindu ritual tradition, darshan refers...

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Royal Mail Refuses to Withdraw Christmas Stamp that Has Sparked Hindu Outrage

November 1, 2005

Source: Khaleej Times

Wire Service: AP


On November 1, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Britain’s mail service refused on Tuesday to withdraw one of this year’s Christmas stamps after Hindus claimed the image was insulting to their religion. The Royal Mail said it was not possible to amend or withdraw the 68-pence (US $1.20) stamp, which features a man and a woman with Hindu...

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“Multiple Choices from the Founders,” by Martin Marty

October 31, 2005

Source: Martin Marty Center


On October 31, 2005 the Martin Marty Center ran an editorial by the center's founder, Martin E. Marty regarding the separation of church and state. "The 'Founding Fathers,' or 'Founders,' [of the United States] are getting worked over in public affairs, and especially in religious matters, more than ever before. With courts wrestling with issues of church and state, educators fighting over ways to treat faith and faiths in public...

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Hillsborough School Board Votes to Remove All Religious Holidays from Calendar

October 26, 2005

Source: St. Petersburg Times


On October 26, 2005 the St. Petersburg Times reported, "Nearly a year after local Muslims first asked that an Islamic holiday be recognized by the school district - just like Yom Kippur for Jews and Good Friday for Christians - board members voted to end vacation days for all religious holidays. The board approved a 2006-07 calendar that substitutes three secular vacation days for three Christian and Jewish holidays. The vote...

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Texas Interfaith Disaster Response Helps Resettle Katrina Evacuees

October 25, 2005

Source: Disaster News Network


On October 25, 2005 the Disaster News Network reported, "'Resettlement is a long process,' said Amy Elder, co-coordinator of the newly-formed Texas Interfaith Disaster Response (TIDR) in Austin. 'I really believe the hardest work is yet to come.' Elder volunteered to help lead the interfaith group at a recent meeting of the central Texas chapter of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD). TIDR is focusing on multiple issues with the...

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New Air Force Academy Superintendent Promises Increased Religious Tolerance

October 25, 2005

Source: Loveland FYI

Wire Service: AP

On October 25, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A new superintendent took command of the Air Force Academy on Monday, saying his goal is to make the school a safe environment for cadets amid complaints of sexual assault and religious intolerance. 'We have to have a positive learning environment, one that is free from discrimination and assault,'...

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