
Catholics Must Reach Out to Islam

January 14, 2004

Source: National Catholic Reporter

On January 14, 2004 the National Catholic Reporter reported, "The Roman Catholic church has the opportunity to clarify the relationship among the three Abrahamic faiths by making a minor change within its administrative structure. Currently, Catholic-Jewish relations are handled by the Council for Promoting Christian Unity, while Catholic-Muslim relations...

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Catholic Church in Colorado Town Burnt and Vandalized

January 13, 2004

Source: Denver Post,1413,36%7E53%7E1887319,00.html

On January 13, 2004 the Denver Post reported that St. Catherine of Siena church in Burlington was set on fire and vandalized, causing an estimated $400,000 in damages. "The statue of St. Catherine, the patron saint of firefighters, was knocked from its stand in the rear of the church early Friday morning after vandals set fires inside the church. They also destroyed...

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Not All Christians Agree on Interfaith Dialogue

January 11, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,2426229.story?coll=la-editions-orange

On January 11, 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported, "Non-Christians might be confused by the mixed signals coming from different sectors of the Christian world about the value of interfaith dialogue and cooperation. President Bush's comment during his recent visit to England that...

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Arab-Americans and Diversity

January 11, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On January 11, 2004 The New York Times reported on the diverse definitions of what it means to be "Arab American," noting that "the ethnic umbrella of Arab Americans includes generations-old long-assimilated families, as well as continuing waves of new immigrants, all with varying religious, cultural and political traditions." The article also discusses the difficulty of assessing...

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Cleveland Churches Embrace Multi-Culturalism

January 11, 2004

Source: The Plain Dealer

On January 11, 2004 The Plain Dealer reported, "Amid the lamentations over the suburban exodus that has closed or left many city churches as shells of their former selves, some churches are battling back, embracing the racial diversity of the city. First Church, a bastion of predominantly white United Methodism in...

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Christian-Muslim Relations Have Improved Since 9/11 in East Valley, Ariz.

January 10, 2004

Source: East Valley Tribune

On January 10, 2004 the East Valley Tribune ran a feature article on Christian-Muslim relations in the East Valley area after 9/11: "Though polarization followed [9/11] and some grew wary of Muslims, some Americans — especially the faith community — rallied around Islamic communities to confront hatred. Many set about trying to better understand Islam...The Rev. David Hodgson, pastor of the Congregational Church...

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Museum Director Could Face Jail Time Over Religiously Offensive Exhibit

January 9, 2004

Source: The Independent

On January 9, 2004 The Independent reported, "A Russian museum director has fallen foul of both church and state by organising a controversial exhibition that has been accused of offending Orthodox beliefs. The director of the Sakharov museum, named after the Soviet-era dissident Andrei Sakharov, has been charged with inciting religious hatred for staging the exhibition entitled...

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Pittsburg Concert Will Give Preview of Vatican Interfaith Concert

January 8, 2004

Source: Valley News Dispatch tml

On January 8, 2004 the Valley News Dispatch reported, "Music's power to heal and inspire is about to have a worldwide stage...World-renowned conductor Gilbert Levine, known as 'the Pope's maestro,' will lead the Pittsburgh Symphony in what promises to be a historic concert, carrying a theme of reconciliation, celebrating the silver jubilee...

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Putin: Christianity and Christmas Celebrations Linked With National Culture

January 7, 2004


On January 7, 2004 posted an Associated Press story that reported, "Russians mixed spiritual ceremonies with secular celebrations Wednesday on the day marked as Christmas by the country's dominant church [Russian Orthodox], which President Vladimir Putin said is linked with the nation's culture and the state in the soul of the people...In a Christmas address broadcast on...

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Editorial: Religion Won't Help Howard Dean

January 6, 2004

Source: Newsday,0,3917141.column

On January 6, 2004 Newsday published an editorial by Marie Cocco on Howard Dean's recent decision to discuss his faith more openly in his presidential campaign. Cocco writes, "Dean can quote scripture all he wants. He won't be accepted as a faith-based candidate because the public is conditioned to equate religious faith with political conservatism. And...

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