
Christian Community Has Deep Roots in Iraq

August 2, 2004

Source: BBC News

On August 2, 2004 the BBC News reported, "Christians have inhabited what is modern day Iraq for about 2,000 years, tracing their ancestry to ancient Mesopotamia and surrounding lands. Theirs is a long and complex history. Before the Gulf War in 1991, they numbered about one million, but that figures is now put at about 800,000 and falling. Under Saddam Hussein, in overwhelmingly Muslim Iraq, some...

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Vatican Letter Condemns "Distortions" of Feminism, Details Proper Man-Woman Relationships

August 1, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On August 1, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "The Vatican issued a letter Saturday attacking the 'distortions' and 'lethal effects' of feminism, which it defined as an effort to erase differences between men and women -- a goal, the statement said, that undermines the 'natural two-parent structure' of the family and makes '...

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Different Views on the Future of Faith Based Office

July 30, 2004

Source: Religion News Service

On July 30, 2004 Religion News Service reported that, "Call to Renewal, a religiously rooted anti-poverty group, has urged President Bush and Sen. John Kerry to keep the White House Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives in the next presidential administration... The Interfaith Alliance sent letters in mid-July to Kerry and Bush seeking the dismantling of the office and its...

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Study Finds Detroit Arab Americans Are Mostly Christian, Diverse and Settled

July 29, 2004

Source: Detroit Free Press

On July 29, 2004 Detroit Free Press reported, "A two-year, $1-million study of metro Detroit Arab Americans concludes that these thousands of families are far more diverse, more settled and more eager to embrace American life than many observers around the world had assumed... The study focused on in-depth interviews with 1,016 men and women whose families came from Arabic-speaking countries...

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Edwards Brings Religion to the Democratic Ticket

July 29, 2004

Source: Religion and Ethics Newsweekly

On July 29, 2004 Religion and Ethics Newsweekly reported on John Edwards and religion. The article noted that, "He's from a mainline Protestant denomination. He's Southern, and in that sense, he has perhaps a better ear for evangelical religion because he's simply a child of the South. He knows the rhythms and the cadences of Southern religion, which is something...

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Conference Focuses on Peace and Dialogue Between Christians, Jews, Muslims

July 28, 2004

Source: Anglican Communion News Service

On July 28, 2004 the Anglican Communion News Service reported, "A new 'Children of Abraham Peace Forum' for news, articles and discussions over the Internet has grown out of a large inter-religious conference held 11-13 June at the American Cathedral in Paris. The bi-lingual conference, entitled 'The Children of Abraham and the Art of Peacemaking:...

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Government Struggles With Separation of Church and State

July 28, 2004

Source: The Guardian,3604,1270381,00.html

On July 28, 2004 The Guardian reported, "The arguments are old, but the passions they provoke are no less fiery. Spain's leading archbishop compared the situation Catholics found themselves in today with the early Middle Ages, when the Moors swept across the Straits of Gibraltar. The object of his ire was a decision by the new socialist government to cancel the reintroduction...

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White Evangelical Voters Swing Towards Republicans

July 27, 2004

Source: The Washington Times

On July 27, 2004 The Washington Times reported, "The party of John Kerry and John Edwards is improving its standing with minorities, but losing ground to President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney among white evangelicals, a new survey found. Those findings are bad news for Democrats assembled in Boston for their national convention, because white...

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Councilmen Refuses to Alter Opening Prayer in VA

July 27, 2004

Source: First Amendment.Center/ AP

On July 27, 2004 The AP reported, "Despite a federal appeals court ruling and a reminder from civil liberties lawyers, a City Council member [Hashmel Turner, an associate minister of First Baptist Church of Love] said he won't change the prayer he uses to open council meetings... On July 22, a three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in a...

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Progressive Priest Offers Prayer at DNC

July 27, 2004

Source: The Washington Times

On July 27, 2004 the Washington Times reported, "Sen. John Kerry's campaign has asked a Paulist priest, and not the archbishop of Boston, to give an invocation later this week at the Democratic National Convention being hosted here. The prayer is expected to be offered Thursday -- the culmination of the convention -- by the Rev. John B. Ardis, director of the Paulist...

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How Receptive Are Americans to the Idea of a Christianized Nation?

July 26, 2004

Source: The Barna Group

On July 26, 2004 The Barna Group reported, "A new nationwide survey by The Barna Group explored the boundaries of how far adults are willing to inject the Christian faith into the nation’s culture. Examining six possible changes in public policy or social activity, the survey reveals that there are tens of millions of Americans who would go as far as...

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Youth Become Focus of Innovative Religious Tolerance Video

July 26, 2004

Original Source: Marin Independent Journal

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On July 26, 2004 Marin Independent Journal reported, "[Ruby] Unger, a Mill Valley educational filmmaker who specializes in videos for school-age kids, made 'Respecting Beliefs,' a 25-minute production explaining the religious tenets of Muslims, Christians, Jews and others. Finished in March, it's now heading for distribution to schools all over the country. Disturbed by the inflammable anti-Islamic rhetoric that...

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Editorial: Candidates Ask, How Would Jesus Vote?

July 26, 2004

Source: The Journal Gaze

On July 26, 2004 The Journal Gazette reported, "How would Jesus vote? That appears to be the great unspoken question as President Bush and Sen. John Kerry engage in a culture war for the hearts and minds of the elusive mainstream voter. Livening up the midsummer preconvention doldrums, Bush’s campaign leveled a new charge at his Democratic challenger...

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