
Florida State University Coach Enters Air Force Debate

May 18, 2005

Source: Sun Sentinel,0,2580073.story?coll=sfla-sports-front

On May 18, 2005 the Sun Sentinel reported, "Florida State football coach Bobby Bowden said Air Force coach Fisher DeBerry is fighting the government over the role of religion on his team. Bowden brought up DeBerry while speaking to the Southern Colorado Fellowship of Christian Athletes on Sunday. Last season DeBerry...

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China and Vatican Consider Reinstating Diplomatic Ties After 50 Years

May 17, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On May 17, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "China said Tuesday it is sincere in its efforts to establish formal relations with the Vatican after a 50-year break, but Beijing insisted the Holy See consider Taiwan a part of China. Both China and the Vatican have expressed interest in recent weeks in forming diplomatic relations. China forced its...

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Conservatives Win Battle Over Sex-Ed Program in Maryland

May 16, 2005

Source: Post-Gazette

On May 16, 2005 the Post-Gazette reported, "a few months ago, when a handful of conservative parents first came together over their shared concern about the new sex-ed program in Montgomery County, Md., no one expected much to happen. But the parents were determined to try to change what they saw as the program's bias towards homosexuals. They created a formal group, Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum...

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Lutheran Air Force Chaplain Relieved of Post After Criticizing Evangelicals

May 14, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On May 14, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "an Air Force chaplain who protested that evangelical Christians were trying to 'subvert the system' by winning converts among cadets at the Air Force Academy was removed from administrative duties last week, just as the Pentagon began an in-...

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Harvard's First Humanist Chaplain to Retire

May 14, 2005

Source: The Boston Globe

On May 14, 2005 The Boston Globe reported, "Harvard humanists are preparing for a milestone this summer, the retirement of the man who started it all, chaplain Thomas Ferrick. A former priest, Ferrick lost his parents to tuberculosis as a child and found refuge from the loneliness of foster care in the idea of a loving...

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Pope Benedict XVI Appoints US Archbishop to Top Vatican Post

May 14, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On May 14, 2005 Religion News Service reported, "Pope Benedict XVI on Friday (May 13) named the archbishop of San Francisco, William Levada, to the pope's old job as guardian of the Catholic faith, making Levada the highest-ranking American ever to serve at the Vatican. Levada, 68, was named prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the...

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Pope Benedict XVI Announces Beatification Process of Pope John Paul II

May 13, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On May 13, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Pope Benedict XVI said Friday he had begun the process for the sainthood of Pope John Paul II, overriding the usual five-year waiting period following the death of a possible candidate. The pope made the announcement during a meeting with the Roman clergy at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, first...

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Pope Benedict XVI Plans to Visit German Synagogue

May 13, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

On May 13, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Pope Benedict XVI has told the Israeli ambassador to the Vatican he intends to visit the main synagogue in Cologne, Germany, in August, becoming the second pontiff in history to visit a Jewish place of worship. Ambassador Oded Ben-Hur said the pope told him of the planned visit...

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Catholic Bishops Launch Immigration Reform Campaign

May 11, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On May 11, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "U.S. Catholic bishops launched a campaign yesterday to change the country's immigration system, saying they would reach into the pews to build support for proposals that would grant residence to millions of people here illegally. 'Our immigration system is badly broken and needs...

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Harvard College Interfaith Council Hosts "Belief in Action" Event

May 11, 2005

Source: The Harvard Crimson

On May 11, 2005 The Harvard Crimson reported, "students of diverse faiths united to perform public service and discuss the role of service within religion at the 'Belief in Action' event hosted by the Harvard College Interfaith Council (HCIC) Monday. Forty students representing at least five religious organizations on campus participated in the afternoon’s events, volunteering three hours...

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Promotion Sought for Officer at Center of Air Force Bias Probe

May 10, 2005

Source: The Seattle Times

Wire Service: AP

On May 10, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "the Pentagon said yesterday it wants to promote a top commander at the Air Force Academy — a born-again Christian who has been the subject of complaints that he improperly mixes religion with education. The announcement about Brig. Gen. Johnny Weida...

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Greek Orthodox Patriarch Dismissed After Contentious Land Deal in Jerusalem

May 10, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

On May 10, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "The Greek Orthodox Church Synod, the church's highest decision-making body in the Holy Land, dismissed Patriarch Irineos I Friday over his alleged role in a land deal that angered Palestinian Christians, church officials said. The patriarch has been under attack over a deal in which church property in Jerusalem was leased to a Jewish group. Such land transactions, while legal, are politically explosive because Palestinians see...

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