
Hindu, Sikh Leaders Criticize Pope for Using Poverty Work as "Tool for Proselytizing"

April 6, 2005

Source: CNW Group

On April 6, 2005 CNW Group reported, "Under Pope John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Church has used poverty as 'a tool for proselytizing,' an interfaith 360 Vision panel discussion heard this evening. Hindu and Sikh panelists argued that the Church has focused on aiding the destitute of Asia and Africa because it seeks to win converts in those parts of the world. At the...

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British Sikhs Pay Respects to Pope

April 6, 2005

Source: Hindustan Times

Wire Service: AFP,00050003.htm

On April 6, 2005 the Agence France-Presse reported, "The Sikh Federation of Britain paid tribute on Tuesday to Pope John Paul II, signalling its gratitude for his support of Sikhs during the past 20 years. The pope's expression of 'great sadness' at the Indian army assault on the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1984, was an example...

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Islam a Consideration in Choosing Papal Successor

April 5, 2005

Source: Newsday

Wire Service: AP,0,361499.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines

On April 5, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "On one of Pope John Paul II's last major trips four years ago, he stood in the ancient Omayyad Mosque in Syria and appealed for Christians and Muslims to seek common ground rather than...

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Women’s Group Issues Statement on Feminist Future in Wake of Pope's Death

April 4, 2005

Source: The Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER)'s%20Death.htm

On April 4, 2005 The Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) reported, "The death of Pope John Paul II brings to a close an era in the Catholic Church, inviting people of good will to observe, imagine, and create a new future. WATER joins billions of people who take this opportunity to express gratitude for the Pope’s contributions and to...

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Michigan Town, Home to Polish and Islamic Immigrants, Microcosm of World Response to Pope’s Passing

April 4, 2005

Source: The Baltimore Sun,1,2970143.story?coll=bal-news-nation

On April 4, 2005 The Baltimore Sun reported, "As they gathered yesterday under a 10-foot-tall statue of the pope they considered to be their own, residents of this longtime Polish Catholic enclave [Hamtramck, Michigan] stood as testament to the complex challenges the successor to Pope John...

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US Sikhs Pay Respect to Pope John Paul II

April 4, 2005

Source: Sikh News Network!OpenDocument

On April 4, 2005 the Sikh News Network reported, "The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR), on behalf of the United States Sikh community, expresses it condolences on the death of Pope John Paul II. The Pope dedicated his life to promoting peace with justice, and increased inter-religious...

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US Atheist Group Calls On Bush to Rescind Half-Mast Flag Order for Pope's Funeral

April 4, 2005


On April 4, 2005 reported, "President Bush is being asked to rescind an order for all U.S. flags to be flown at half staff this Friday to commemorate the funeral of Pope John Paul II. 'It's inappropriate for the American flag to be lowered as a salute to a foreign religious leader,' said Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists. 'There is no secular purpose for this, and Americans...

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Jewish Community Relations Council Statement on the Passing of Pope John Paul II

April 4, 2005

Source: The Jewish Community Relations Council

On April 4, 2005 The Jewish Community Relations Council reported, "The Jewish Community Relations Council, the public affairs arm of the Greater Boston Jewish Community today released a statement offering condolences to the Roman...

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Americans of All Faiths Mourn Loss of Pope

April 3, 2005

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On April 3, 2005 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported, "Quietly at home, or with heads bowed in church, Americans marked the death Saturday of Pope John Paul II, recalling him as a great leader who combined warmth with moral power, a call to care for the poor with an emphasis...

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Muslims Mourn Pope, Hope for Successor with Similar Interfaith Commitment

April 3, 2005

Source: xtramsn

Wire Service: Reuters,,11965-4252901,00.html

On April 3, 2005 Reuters reported, "For centuries, Catholic-Muslim relations were dominated by distrust and resentment born of painful memories of a history of mutual repression. But Pope John Paul spearheaded a campaign in the past two decades that helped turn conflict into cooperation between the 1.1 billion-strong Catholic Church and the world's 1...

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Mourners the World Over Grieve Pope’s Death

April 3, 2005

Source: BBC News

On April 3, 2005 BBC News reported, "Italian officials and Vatican clerics have been paying their respects to Pope John Paul II, whose body is lying in state in the Vatican. Mourners, including Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, filed past the Pope shown on television dressed in a crimson robe and a white mitre. Earlier, tens of thousands of mourners in St Peter's Square in Rome attended an...

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