
Kazakh President Convenes Congress of World and Traditional Religions to Promote Tolerance, Security

September 13, 2006

Source: BBC News

On September 13, 2006 BBC News reported, "More than 40 spiritual leaders from around the world are in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, for the Congress of World and Traditional Religions. The event was organised by Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, to promote security and stability through religious tolerance and understanding. Critics say it was also designed to promote Kazakhstan. Delegates...

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Op/ed: "Where's the 'Tolerance' for Christianity?"

September 13, 2006

Source: World Net Daily

On September 13, 2006 the World Net Daily published an opinion piece by Judge Roy Moore on the ten commandments controversy, "When did religious freedom cease to include the right to pray according to your own conscience? On Sept. 7, 2006, oral arguments were heard in the appeal of a case called Hinrichs v. Bosma, where the Indiana House of Representatives has been ordered by a...

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Archbishop of York Says Christians and Muslims are Allies Against Secularism

September 13, 2006

Source: BBC News

On September 13, 2006 BBC News reported, "The Archbishop of York has said British Christians should see Muslims as allies in the struggle against secularism. In a speech at York Minster, Dr John Sentamu said British Muslims were not offended by Christianity and preferred it to a secular state... He also said Britain had been damaged by the downgrading of religion...

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Church Sign Reads: "Muslims Can Convert to Christianity Here"

September 12, 2006

Source: Herald Tribune

On September 12, 2006 the Herald Tribune reported, "'Muslims can convert to Christianity here!' read the sign Monday in front of the Congregational Church on Laurel Road. It was an invitation that the church's pastor, K.C. McCay, admitted he didn't expect anyone to accept. But coming on the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it was...

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Update: Mayor of Redding, California Apologizes for Comments about Muslims

September 12, 2006

Source: Record Searchlight,2232,REDD_17533_4986480,00.html

On September 12, 2006 the Record Searchlight reported, "Redding Mayor Ken Murray has apologized for remarks made last week at a Sept. 11 commemoration at which he called Shiite Muslims 'wing nuts' who lie, cheat and steal for their God. 'I attributed these perverted beliefs to a sect of Shiite Muslims. Was I wrong?' Murray said Monday on...

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In the Pentagon Chapel, Muslims Share Space with Christians, Jews

September 11, 2006

Source: The Washington Post

On September 11, 2006 The Washington Post reported, "A little before 1400 hours on Friday, Faisal Rana and Umar Abdul Wahhab prepared the Pentagon chapel for worship. Fridays are always busy at the chapel, on the Pentagon's first level, E-ring, fourth corridor, about where American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the...

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"In Gandhi's Footsteps": Conference on Non-Violence Precedes 9/11 Unity Walk

September 11, 2006

Source: Rediff

On September 11, 2006 Rediff reported, "A group of Gandhians will hold a rally at the Lincoln Memorial grounds in Washington, DC to commemorate two ideologically opposed events: the fifth anniversary of 9/11, and the 100th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's first-ever use of satyagraha. The Memphis, Tennessee-based MK Gandhi Institute, which is organising the rally, will also participate in an inter-faith...

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Islamic Society of Boston Hosts Interfaith Gathering on 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2006

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 11, 2006 The Boston Globe reported, "Several dozen worshipers -- from spiritual mystics to Hasidic Jews and members of the Church of God in Christ -- joined the Boston Chapter of the Muslim American Society yesterday to trade jokes and suggestions about coping with life in today's fearful...

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In Leicestershire, an Interfaith Cricket Match with Hindu and Jewish Umpires, Muslim and Christian Players

September 10, 2006

Source: BBC News

On September 10, 2006 BBC News reported, "An inter-faith cricket match is being held in Leicestershire to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Local Christian clergy and Muslim imams will play each other in a Twenty20 cricket match at Grace Road, home of cup winners Leicestershire.

In addition to the Christians and Muslims on the pitch, the match...

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President of National Association of Evangelicals Expresses Concern over Erosion of Religious Freedom

September 9, 2006

Source: Religion News Service

On September 8, 2006 Religion News Service reported, "National Association of Evangelicals President Ted Haggard warned Friday that religious freedom is in danger of being greatly reduced in this country.

'I think right now we're in the beginning stages of the erosion of freedom of religion in the United States,' he told more than 200 people gathered for the annual...

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Religion in the Workplace: Rights, Responsibilities - and Respect

September 9, 2006

Source: Charlotte Observer/ Orange County Register

On September 9, 2006 the Orange County Register reported, "Attorneys Richard Streza, Dave Brown and Tim Voorhees, partners at Brown and Streza LLP in Irvine, Calif., hold weekly Bible study in the office. Farmers Insurance broker Belal Dalati has a sign of Allah on his Anaheim office wall and pauses from work five times a day to pray....

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