
US Department of Justice Turns to Matters of Religion

March 11, 2005

Source: Los Angeles Times

On March 11, 2005 the Los Angeles Times reported, "the Salvation Army was accused in a lawsuit of imposing a new religious litmus test on employees hired with millions of dollars in public funds. When employees complained that they were being required to embrace Jesus Christ to keep their jobs, the Justice Department's civil rights division took the...

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Coptic-Muslim Tensions Persist After Arrests in Murder Case

March 9, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On March 9, 2005 Beliefnet reported, "tense feelings between Coptic Orthodox Christians and Muslims over the mid-January killings of four Egyptian-American Christians in Jersey City, N.J., seem unlikely to vanish quickly despite the arrests of two men authorities say murdered the family to cover up a robbery. Many Muslims and Copts expressed relief...

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Court Upholds Government Subsidy for AmeriCorps Teachers in Catholic Schools

March 9, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On March 9, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "the federal AmeriCorps program may subsidize volunteer teachers in Roman Catholic schools without running afoul of the law, a U.S. appeals court said yesterday, overturning a lower court's ruling that found the practice unconstitutional. The decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the...

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Study Reveals How Interfaith Families Observe Both Passover and Easter

March 9, 2005

Source: i-Newswire

On March 9, 2005 i-Newswire reported, "although Hanukkah gets more attention, Passover is a more significant holiday for interfaith families, judging by participation levels. According to the Passover Predicament Survey, released today by ( ), an independent non-profit publisher and advocacy membership association, 97 percent of respondents reported participating in Passover celebrations...

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Opinion: Scotland Needs "Rebirth of Confidence" in Christian Heritage While Acknowledging Secularism

March 5, 2005

Source: The Scotsman

On March 5, 2005 The Scotsman ran an opinion piece by Joyce McMillan on the "strident Christian" response to growing multiculturalism in Scotland. She argues, "[I]f we feel we have no culture of our own, or that we have lost touch with it over two generations of breakneck social change, then we are bound to feel threatened by others who seem more certain of who they are and what they...

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Interfaith Youth Drama Draws Crowds

March 3, 2005

Source: Detroit Free Press

On March 3, 2005 The Detroit Free Press reported, "'The Children of Abraham,' casts Christian, Jewish and Muslim young people as characters who wrestle with the world's most explosive issue: religious bigotry. On stage, there's singing and dancing -- but the players also argue, call each other names and pour out heartfelt stories of pain and anger. And in the end, they remember...

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Scottish Hospital Struggles to Accommodate Religious Pluralism

March 3, 2005

Source: The Telegraph

On March 3, 2005 The Telegraph reported, "A communion table and other Christian artifacts have been removed from a hospital chapel to accommodate visitors of all faiths. The health trust behind the move said it was complying with guidelines from the Scottish...

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Muslims Invited to Use Catholic Community Center for Friday Prayer

March 2, 2005

Source: BBC News

On March 2, 2005 the BBC News reported, "Jersey's Catholic Church has come to the aid of the Muslim community. When the planning authorities ruled that the room in a restaurant they were using to pray was a fire hazard, they had to find another place. They temporarily decamped to a living room of someone's home where evening prayers were held every day during the holy month of...

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Hearing Begins in Anticipated 10 Commandments Case

March 2, 2005

Source: BBC News

On March 2, 2005 BBC News reported, "the US Supreme Court has begun hearing arguments about whether it is legal for the Ten Commandments to be displayed on government property. The hearing is focused on buildings in Texas and Kentucky. The judges must decide whether the monuments are merely a tribute to US history or an unconstitutional break with the church-state separation. Observers say the...

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Religious Demographics Shift, According to Report

March 1, 2005

Source: The Scotsman

On March 1, 2005 The Scotsman reported, "Scotland has a weaker sense of religious identity than the rest of the UK, according to a new report that shows the changing face of religion in modern Scotland. Despite a strong Christian past, just 67 per cent of Scots identified with a religion in 2001, compared to 86 per cent in Northern Ireland and 77 per cent in England and Wales. The breakdown of...

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To Avoid Rift, Anglican Body Asks U.S. and Canadian Churches to Withdraw Representatives

February 26, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On February 26, 2005 The New York Times reported, "The Episcopal Church U.S.A. began to grapple yesterday with a request from the leaders of the worldwide Anglican Communion to withdraw its official representatives from a major Anglican governing body to avoid a rupture over homosexuality... Late Thursday, the primates of 35 provinces, or regions, of the communion meeting at...

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