
Local Muslims & Christians Come Together to End Barriers

October 9, 2006

Source: WLNS

Two mid-Michigan religious groups are using their differences to understand each other. Muslims and Christians from neighboring congregations gathered to help break down some religious barriers.

It's a narrow strip of land that separates two faith communities- the Islamic Center of Lansing on one side and University Lutheran Church on the other, but instead of dividing the two congregations, the piece of...

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Jewish, Muslim Women Live Together to Seek Peace, Understanding

October 9, 2006

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

About a dozen women students, including a handful of Muslims and Jews, are living together at Rutgers University as they work toward ideals that have seemed out of reach for years in the Middle East: peace and understanding.

Rutgers was to hold a dedication ceremony Monday evening for...

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Beliefwatch: Fast Friends

October 9, 2006

Author: Dilshad D. Ali and Holly Lebowitz Rossi

Source: Newsweek

The Roman Catholic peace group Pax Christi USA has decided to fast, but it's not waiting for Lent. After Pope Benedict XVI quoted a Byzantine emperor's statement that Islam is "evil and inhuman," the group said that, to soothe tensions, thousands of its members are fasting for Ramadan. (For the 30 days of the Islamic holy month,...

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Catholic-Sikh National Retreat

October 9, 2006

Author: Manmohan Singh

Source: World Sikh Council

Representatives of the World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) and the US Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) met October 5-7, 2006 in Long Island, New York for a three-day Catholic-Sikh bilateral national interreligious retreat.

The retreat was held at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (Huntington, NY) and the nearby Mata Sahib Kaur Gurdwara (Glen Cove, NY).

The objective of the retreat was for the Catholic and Sikh communities to further deepen...

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Pope Adds Apologetic Footnote to Official Text of Islam Speech

October 9, 2006

Author: Stacy Meichtry

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

In his latest bid to clarify remarks that enraged the Muslim world, Pope Benedict XVI has added a cautiously worded footnote to the official text of the address he delivered at the University of Regensburg in Germany.

The footnote aimed to further assuage anger over Benedict's use of a quote by a...

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Defusing the Clash of Civilizations

October 7, 2006

Author: John Colson

Source: Aspen Times Weekly

As tensions rise between the Islamic and non-Islamic countries of the world, fed largely by an ever-growing fear and hatred of the United States among some international Muslims, a past mayor of Aspen continues to do what he can to defuse the situation.

Former Mayor John Bennett admitted this week that a recent high-...

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In US, Ramadan Gets an American Twist

October 6, 2006

Author: Omar Sacirbey

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Aaliyah Turner used to light up the scoreboards for the Emmanuel College women's basketball team - even while observing the Islamic month of Ramadan. She would go all day without food and water until half time, when the sun set. So during this year's observance, playing a pickup game of basketball with a youth team organized through her...

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Hindu Temple of Toledo Sponsors "Erase the Hate" Play

October 2, 2006

Source: The Toledo Blade


On October 2, 2006 The Toledo Blade reported, "Christians singing, dancing, and praying together with Hindus and Muslims. Mahatma Gandhi leading his followers in a protest against the British tax on salt. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., looking out to the crowd and bellowing, 'I have a dream.' This was the scene at Lourdes College's Franciscan Center yesterday, where a Detroit-area performance troupe presented an ensemble of...

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Yale Chaplaincy Search Proves Challenging in an Era of Pluralism

October 2, 2006

Source: Yale Daily News


On October 2, 2006 the Yale Daily News reported, "The music is raucous, there is dancing in the aisles, and the band would not be complete without that clarinet. Dozens of polo shirt-clad students clap and stamp their feet singing the refrain. 'I will bless the Lord. Bless the Lord at all times!' This is the scene at the first All-Campus worship of the 2006-’07 school year, a student-run evangelical service in Battell Chapel. Earlier that day, other...

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Christian Conservatives to Fight Restrictions on Military Chaplains

October 2, 2006

Source: International Herald Tribune

Wire Service: AP

Christian conservatives in Congress are expected to renew their fight to allow military chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus at public events, contending that existing practices infringe upon basic religious freedoms.

They lost a battle last week to push through...

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"Compromise on Torture Violates American Values" by Diana Gibson and Craig Wiesner

October 1, 2006

Source: The Mercury News

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On October 1, 2006 The Mercury News published an opinion piece by Diana Gibson and Craig Wiesner, members of the Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice, "During the exact time that the so-called 'compromise' on torture was being discussed in Congress, religious leaders gathered in Palo Alto to make their concerns about torture heard loud and clear. Muslims, Jews, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Quakers,...

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Shared Roots Spur Many Fights Among Abrahamic Religions

September 30, 2006

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On September 30, 2006 The Dallas Morning News reported, "In his controversial speech this month at a German university, Pope Benedict made a broad claim: Catholic understanding of faith is necessary to properly understand the world. He whacked at Protestants...

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