
December: Celebrations and Dilemmas, 2002

December 25, 2002

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On December 25, 2002 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that "last night, a group of Hindu children arrived at the Belani family's home in Brookfield for a party complete with gifts and a visit from Santa Claus. 'It's not something that we do for religious reasons,' said Belani, who has two daughters, ages 9 and 10. 'I just want the kids to feel like a part of it just because everyone else is doing it. I feel like kids are growing up here and it's hard for them.' With carols playing on every radio station,...

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December: Celebrations and Dilemmas, 2002

December 25, 2002

Source: The Washington Times

On December 25, 2002 The Washington Times reported that "the D.C. Jewish Community Center was bustling yesterday as dozens of volunteers wrapped gifts and cooked meals in preparation for their annual Christmas charity event. 'This is very much in keeping with Tikun Olam, the Jewish tradition of repairing the world,' said William Kreisberg, president of center, in the 1500 block of 16th Street NW. 'December 25th is a perfect day for us to do this. It's not a holiday for us, so we can go into the community and bring cheer to...

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Christmas for New Americans

December 25, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On December 25, 2002 The Seattle Times reported that "newcomers face many adjustments as they begin new lives here. Learning about American Christmas customs is one of them. Depending on their heritage and religion, some enjoy blending American traditions with their own. Others from non-Christian backgrounds may simply watch from the sidelines. For some of the approximately 1 million immigrants and refugees who enter the U.S. each year, the festivities embody the American dream they harbored for years before they arrived. Many...

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MPAC's Annual Convention, 2002

December 24, 2002

Source: MPAC

On December 24, 2002 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported that the "MPAC annual convention drew over 1500 activists and speakers to Southern California this past weekend... Gasser Hathout gives a comprehensive, stark picture of the specific threats provisions within the USA PATRIOT act poses to the average American in a very informative...

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Nacimiento and Christmas

December 24, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On December 24, 2002 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "for Lucy Rodriguez, it's not Santa Claus, brightly decorated trees or snowmen that conjure up images of Christmas. It's the sight of the nacimiento, or nativity scene. 'It reminds me of the Virgin Mary and Joseph,' said the 70-year-old Rodriguez... 'That's the whole significance of nacimiento, the parents of Christ.' In thousands of Catholic Latino homes throughout the Bay Area, the Christmas season begins with the nacimiento, for many the most...

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"D" Report Card for Preserving Civil Liberties

December 24, 2002

Source: Religion News Service

On December 24, 2002 the Religion News Service reported that "a coalition of progressive religious leaders has given the nation's political leaders poor grades for the war on terrorism, including a grade of 'D' for preserving civil liberties... The Progressive Religious Partnership's recent 'Spiritual and Ethical Report Card' was...

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Chicago's South Asian Friendship Center and Bookstore

December 22, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On December 22, 2002 The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that "while some evangelical Protestants condemn Islam, those at Chicago's South Asian Friendship Center and Bookstore take the opposite approach. The small storefront opened in 1997 in the city's Little India section, amid dozens of specialty stores that cater to immigrants from India and Pakistan. The majority of people who stop to chat and sip tea are Muslims, though some are Hindus. The center provides many services new immigrants need, with emphasis on...

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Controversy Over Holiday Decorations at Pittsburgh Elementary School

December 21, 2002

Source: Democrat and Chronicle

On December 21, 2002 the Democrat and Chronicle reported that "the removal this week of three decorated evergreen trees from a seasonal display at Park Road Elementary School [in Pittsburgh] has touched off a lively and heated debate about religious symbols and their place, if any, in public schools... The display in Park Road’s foyer, called 'Winter Magic,' was created by...

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More Muslims than Jews or Orthodox Christians in Chicago

December 20, 2002

Source: The Chicago Sun-Times

On December 20, 2002 The Chicago Sun-Times reported that "new population figures for religious communities in the Chicago area show there are more Muslims living in the area than Jews or Orthodox Christians... The figures, from the National Conference for Community and Justice, are based on statistics submitted to the organization by various religious communities...

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Religious Groups Speak Out Against War with Iraq: Dec. 2002

December 19, 2002

Source: Religion News Service

On December 19, 2002 the Religion News Service reported that "about a dozen religious leaders met with Pentagon officials, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, on Wednesday (Dec. 18) for a briefing on the war against terrorism... Clergy participants described the two-hour gathering as a 'good exchange' during which Pentagon officials updated them on their efforts in Afghanistan and...

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Islamic Society of Central Florida Urges Unity

December 16, 2002

Source: Orlando Sentinel

On December 16, 2002 the Orlando Sentinel reported that "Central Florida Muslims welcomed leaders from top Islamic groups across the country to join them... They heard each other's frustrations, shared perspectives and vowed to unify to end discrimination against Florida Muslims. Now, they hope to unite blacks, Christians, Hispanics and...

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Conflict Over Mosque Construction in East Meadow

December 15, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On December 15, 2002 The New York Times reported that "a Muslim congregation's plan to raze two houses it owns here and build a mosque and a school in their place has drawn protests from some residents who worry about increased traffic... For nearly a decade, the Long Island Muslim Society has been holding meetings for about 150 people at the small Cape Cod-style houses side by side at...

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Holiday Celebrating Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 15, 2002

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On December 15, 2002 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that "for Racine's [WI] Hispanic Catholic community -- particularly for people of Mexican heritage -- Dec. 12 is no ordinary day... It is a celebration for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, known as Our Lady of Guadalupe for her apparition in 1531 near Mexico City to a Christian named Juan Diego at which she declared her love for the people of Mexico, according to Catholic Church teachings... On Dec. 12, Mary is said to have performed miracles --...

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