
Growth of Interfaith Marriage

June 24, 2004

Source: Beliefnet

On June 24, 2004 Beliefnet reported, "As Hindus marry those of other faiths, the ceremonies are often vibrant examples of mix and match. If someone had told Steven Fleming, an Irish Catholic, that one day he'd be wearing a bright pink turban and silken kurta pajamas while dancing a Punjabi folk dance at his wedding, he would have said, 'You must be joking!' And if someone had told Gurpreet Bajaj...

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3rd Annual Youth Interfaith Camp in N.C.

June 24, 2004

Source: The Mountain Times

On June 24, 2004 The Mountain Times reported, "The third annual interfaith camp was held at Elk Shoals United Methodist Camp last week where 16 Christians, Jews and Muslims met together to learn about one another and to learn how to trust others of different faiths or beliefs. Boys from Ashe County, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Israel, Africa, Charlotte...

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Vatican Demands Explanation for Chinese Arrest of Bishops

June 23, 2004

Source: BBC News

On June 23, 2004 the BBC News reported, "The Vatican has strongly protested to China over the arrest of three Roman Catholic bishops - one of them 84 years old - in the past month. A strongly-worded statement demanded an explanation from China, which has long sought to control religious expression. Its millions of Catholics are split between followers of Pope John Paul II and members of a state-backed...

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After Court's Ruling Against Jehovah's Witnesses, Religious Minorities Concerned

June 22, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 22, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "A district court decision here to ban the Jehovah's Witnesses, upheld by the city's top appeals court last week, is either an isolated event or a chilling sign of reviving religious intolerance in Russia, depending on whom you ask. The judgment ends a six-year court battle by the Jehovah's Witnesses to maintain legal...

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"Outsourcing" Religion to India: Catholic, Hindu, Sikh Rituals

June 22, 2004

Source: BBC News

On June 22, 2004 the BBC News reported, "Is nothing sacred? The hard-nosed commercialism that has spawned a boom in international business outsourcing is catching on in the religious world. In the West, there is a growing shortage of holy men of all religions, and the costs of spiritual services are on the rise. An opportunity, then, for India, where high-quality, low-cost 'religious outsourcing'...

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Opinion: Russia Can Provide an Example for Europe of "Mutual Understanding" Between Religions

June 21, 2004

Source: Russian Information Agency Novosti


On June 21, 2004 Russian Information Agency Novosti ran an opinion piece by political analyst Pyotr Romanov, commenting on the differences between the religious situations in the European Union and in Russia. Romanov writes, "Current religious events in the European Union and Russia coincide and differ at one and the same time. Russia has outstripped Europe in certain...

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Religious Leaders Protest Bush Visit

June 21, 2004



On June 21, 2004 reported, "A group of leading Irish religious representatives came out in support of protests against the forthcoming visit of U.S. President George Bush to Ireland. Christian, Buddhist and Muslim representatives, together with the NGO Peace Alliance, have planned a number of peaceful protests for this weekend. They are calling on Irish people to join their demonstrations taking place in Dublin and at Dromoland Castle, where the U.S....

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Methodist Church Publication Proposes "Ways Forward" in Interfaith Relations

June 21, 2004

Source: ekklesia

On June 21, 2004 ekklesia reported, "A new publication aiming to counter fears about relating to other religions, and pave the way forward in Inter Faith relations, will be launched at the Methodist Conference next week. 'Faith Meeting Faith' is a 72-page booklet which will tackle some thorny issues including the Christendom concept of Britain as a '...

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Pope Criticizes Decision Not to Include Reference to Christianity in EU Constitution

June 20, 2004

Source: The Washington Times

Wire Service: UPI

On June 20, 2004 United Press International reported, "Pope John Paul II used his noon appearance at his window Sunday to criticize the EU's failure to include a reference to Christianity in its new constitution. Speaking in his native Polish, the pope declared, 'One does not cut the roots to one's...

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Irish PM: EU Constitution Recognizes Inspiration in "Religious Inheritance" of Europe

June 20, 2004

Source: EU

Wire Service: AFP

On June 20, 2004 Agence France-Presse reported, "Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern stressed on Sunday that leaders of the 28 current and future EU members agreed to include in the preamble that they 'drew their inspiration from the religious inheritance of Europe'. Ahern was responding to a communique by the Vatican saying it regretted that the...

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Dalits Convert to Christianity, Islam in Protest to Hindu Caste System

June 19, 2004

Source: Frontline

On June 19, 2004 Frontline reported, "Ever since Dr. B.R. Ambedkar embraced Buddhism along with about five lakh Dalits in 1956, mass conversion has become a form of collective protest for Dalits across the country, a willing abandonment of what they consider an oppressive hierarchical social system. The rejection of a system as a form of protest gets reinforced by necessarily choosing one of...

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Christians Mobilized to Pray for Toronto During Dalai Lama's Visit

June 18, 2004

Source: Christian World News

On June 18, 2004 Christian World News reported, "When the news broke that the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism's spiritual leader, was planning to visit Toronto, Mission GTA kicked into gear. Mission GTA is a network of Christian pastors and leaders representing a variety of denominations and cultures. They saw this event as serious cause for concern. 'The prime mission of the Dalai Lama's visit,'...

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Interfaith Worship? Christian Groups Proceed With Caution.

June 17, 2004

Source: Grand Rapids Press

On June 17, 2004 Grand Rapids Press reported, "Interfaith discussions are great, but pray with caution. That was the upshot of a Christian Reformed Church policy on interfaith worship adopted by the CRC Synod on Wednesday. While encouraging CRC ministers to take part in interfaith dialogue, delegates cautioned they should be 'especially discerning...

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