
Since 9/11 Muslims and Methodists Unite in MN

June 10, 2004

Source: Sun Newspapers

On June 10, 2004 Sun Newspapers reported that, "On June 19, the Methodists and the Muslims will get together for a big picnic at Brooklyn Park’s River Park. It will be the third picnic that the congregations have organized since the terrorist attacks in September 2001, which put the nation at war but brought the local Islamic center and church...

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Democrats Reconsider Progressive Religious Voice

June 9, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 9, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor reported that, "Since the rise of the Christian right in the 1970s, the mantle of faith-toned politics has been ceded largely to Republicans. Now a group of Democrats [are] eager to revive the historic role that religion has played in their party. It is launching a multi-year project Wednesday to amplify the religious roots of '...

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Chief Justice Ray Moore at Senate Concerning 1st Amendment Controversy

June 9, 2004

Source: First Amendment Center

Wire Service: AP

On June 9, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "The Alabama chief justice ousted from office for refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument from his courthouse urged Congress yesterday to make a clear a distinction between government’s legal acknowledgment of religion and illegal promotion of it. Moore is seeking...

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With Ashcroft's Warnings, Muslims Await New Tensions

June 7, 2004

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On June 7, 2004 The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "The racial epithets don't surprise Maher Martha anymore. He most often hears the anti-Muslim rhetoric when he stands outside the San Francisco electronics store where he works. He says the hatred intensified after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and worsens every time the government...

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Opposition Builds Over Proposed Mosque in IL

June 7, 2004

Source: The Daily Southtown

On June 7, 2004 The Daily Southtown reported on a growing controversy in Orland over the proposed building of a local mosque. "About 150 residents packed an Orland Park Plan Commission meeting this month, with many objecting to the mosque, the first of the village's 25 houses of worship that would not be a Christian church. Plan commissioners approved the plan,...

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Vatican Cautions on Denying Communion

June 6, 2004

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On June 6, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "A top Vatican cardinal told visiting U.S. bishops they should be cautious about denying Communion to Roman Catholic politicians who support policies at odds with church teaching, according to a news report. Bishop Donald Pelotte of Gallup, N.M., said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger spoke of proceeding...

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House Shrine to Mary Sets Off Neighborhood Controversy

June 6, 2004

Source: The Boston Globe

On June 6, 2004 The Boston Globe reported, "Noel Dube was a 62-year-old commissary officer at Fort Devens the morning he says his prayers were interrupted in his backyard in Pepperell by the gentle voice of the Virgin Mary...What Dube did [in response] has evolved...

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Faith Enters the Workplace

June 5, 2004

Source: IndyStar

On June 5, 2004 IndyStar reported, "Indianapolis firefighter Michael Saahir prays five times a day at work, finding quiet time by his bed at the fire station. Bernie Lacy's family printing business hires a chaplain to talk to employees about their lives. Rachel McDuffee tries to follow Christ's way of caring for others in her treatment of employees at her Broad Ripple hair salon. Then there is...

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Quakers Celebrate 275th Anniversary

June 4, 2004

Source: The Journal News

On June 4, 2004 The Journal News reported that the Purchase Quakers are marking their 275th anniversary this weekend with festivities at their Purchase meeting house. "The group will host an open house, a historic lecture, a cemetery walking tour, and a reunion of new and old members. The anniversary is a belated celebration of the beginning of the Purchase Meeting at...

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Religious Groups Protest Proposed Amendment Banning Gay Marriage

June 4, 2004

Source: The Sun Herald

Wire Service: AP

On June 4, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "A grouping of Christian, Jewish and Sikh organizations is urging Congress to reject a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage. Twenty-six organizations, ranging from the 2.3-million-member Episcopal Church, USA, to the 60,000 represented by the...

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Police Ban Muslim Procession After Appeals from Christians

June 4, 2004

Source: BBC News

On June 4, 2004 the BBC News reported, "The Nigerian authorities have banned a procession by Muslims in the northern city of Kano, after appeals from Christian leaders. The police outlawed Saturday's march by the Qadiriyya Sufi sect. It has been held annually for 59 years. Dozens of Christians were killed in communal clashes last month in Kano. The Christian Association of Nigeria said it had received information...

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Spanish Speaking Mormons Help Lead Growth of Church in US

June 4, 2004

Source: The Dallas News

On June 4, 2004 The Dallas News reported, "Today, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is decidedly international. More than half of its 12 million members live outside the United States – and most of them in Spanish-speaking countries. Mr. Carlos Calderon, 41, is president of a Spanish-...

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