
World Council of Churches Reaffirms Opposition to All Forms of Violence

July 7, 2005

Source: World Council of Churches Press Release

On July 7, 2005 a World Council of Churches Press Release reported, "Expressing solidarity with the victims of today's bomb blasts in London, and total rejection of violent actions, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia sent the following message to the churches and the people of the United Kingdom: "...I convey my...

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Opinion: Christians Can Learn from Islam

July 7, 2005

Source: Holliston Tab

On July 7, 2005 the Holliston Tab ran an opinion piece by Christine Whittaker, a priest at St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Holliston. She and 11 other pastors from various Christian denominations are participating in a "week-long intensive course on Islam sponsored by the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University and the Duncan Black...

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Tulsa Board Rejects Plan to Add Creationist Exhibit to Zoo

July 7, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

Wire Service: AP

On July 7, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "A city board reversed direction on Thursday and rejected plans to add a creationist exhibit to the Tulsa Zoo.

Board members voted 3-1 against installing an exhibit on the origin of life from the Bible. The vote, made at...

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National Council of Churches Condemns Terror Attacks, Joining Muslim Groups

July 7, 2005

Source: National Council of Churches Press Release

On July 7, 2005 a National Council of Churches Press Release reported, "The National Council of Churches joins in prayer for those who were injured and offers its sympathy to those who lost loved ones in the mass transit bombings in London today. Such violence reminds us not only of our need to be ever vigilant and to bring the perpetrators to justice; it also...

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Jewish Leaders Condemn Resolutions of United Church of Christ Related to Israel

July 7, 2005

Source: The Washington Times

Wire Service: AP

On July 7, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Jewish leaders condemned resolutions passed by the United Church of Christ that call for Israel to dismantle its security fences around Palestinian territories and for companies to use 'economic leverage' to promote peace in the Middle East. The measures, passed by the UCC's...

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Archbishop of Canterbury, During Interfaith Visit, Expresses Shared Condemnation

July 7, 2005

Source: Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury

On July 7, 2005 the Archbishop of Canterburg, Dr. Rowan Williams, issued a press release that reported, "The appalling events in London this morning have shocked us all. So I want first and foremost to extend my personal sympathy and condolences to everyone who is suffering and grieving at this time... As it happens I have spent this morning with Muslim colleagues and...

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International Council of Christians and Jews to Meet in Chicago: "Healing the World, Working Together"

July 5, 2005

Source: U.S. Newswire

On July 5, 2005 U.S. Newswire reported, "The International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), an umbrella organization of 38 Jewish-Christian dialogue groups worldwide, is holding its annual international conference in Chicago from July 24 - 27 at the Westin River North Hotel, 320 N. Dearborn, Chicago. A detailed conference schedule is viewable at Leading interfaith...

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Muslims at Air Force Academy Face Ongoing Worship and Schedule Conflicts

July 3, 2005

Source: The Denver Post

Wire Service: AP

On July 3, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "Nearly two weeks after an Air Force task force found that the academy failed to facilitate worship for diverse religions, Muslim freshmen had to choose between worship and a required training activity.

The training schedule listed 'optional chapel service' for Muslims from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday. However, that...

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Booklet Stirs Tensions Between Coptic Christians and Muslims

July 2, 2005

Source: Orlando Sentinel,0,6270922.story?coll=orl-home-lifestyle

On July 2, 2005 the Orlando Sentinel reported, "Coptic Christians of California has upon request distributed 5,000 copies of its 28-page booklet, 'The Islamization of American Schools' since its first press run in December 2004.

The booklet focuses on...

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Muslim and Christian Women Participate in Dialogue Group in South Bend

June 30, 2005

Source: South Bend Tribune

On June 30, 2005 the South Bend Tribune reported, "They call themselves the Muslim/Christian Women's Dialogue Group and take turns meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at either the Islamic Society of Michiana, 3310 Hepler St., or Little Flower Catholic Church, 54191 N. Ironwood Road. About 30 women from the...

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Wiccan Getting Silent Treatment After Great Falls Court Battle

June 30, 2005

Source: The Herald

On June 30, 2005 The Herald reported, "Many town residents were talking Wednesday about their support for the Town Council in its efforts to name Jesus Christ in meeting prayers. At church, around town, in restaurants and in gas stations, people were talking about the case that pitted resident Darla Wynne against the council, which had, before the suit, invoked Jesus' name in...

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