
For Conservatives, Kerry is not Catholic Enough

March 8, 2004

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On March 8, 2004 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a Democratic senator from Massachusetts. So is John Forbes Kerry.   When he ran for the presidency 44 years ago, the first JFK drew fire from evangelical Protestants who feared he would be too tied to the church of the pope.   This year's JFK...

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Senator Calls for Dialogue and Reconciliation Amongst Religions

March 8, 2004

Source: Western Catholic Reporter

On March 8, 2004 the Western Catholic Reporter ran an excerpt from a talk by Senator Douglas Roche to the Canadian Egyptian Society of Edmonton and the Canadian Arab Professional and Business Club on Feb. 7, in which he said, "My message to you tonight is that all of us - Muslim, Christian, Jew and beyond - must reach out in dialogue and reconciliation in these new and dangerous...

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In Mass., Church Groups on Both Sides Speak Out on Gay Marriage

March 8, 2004

Source: The Boston Globe

On March 8, 2004 The Boston Globe reported, "Religious groups on opposing sides of the gay marriage debate held prayer services to rally supporters and promote their causes yesterday on the last Sunday before the Legislature reconvenes to try to resolve an issue that has focused the nation's...

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Government More Tolerant of Christianity--As Long as Followers Are Loyal to the State

March 8, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On March 8, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "[D]espite the challenges of practicing Christianity in China, there are signs that the once near pariah faith is being given more latitude. Most striking is what appears to be a public admittance by Beijing that Christianity is not only on the rise but is growing rapidly - and that the church is benefiting a spiritually...

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On the Eve of Purim, Swastikas on a Denver Synagogue

March 7, 2004

Source: The Denver Post,1413,36~53~2001565,00.html

On March 7, 2004 The Denver Post reported, "About 10 white swastikas and other Nazi symbols were spray-painted Friday night on walls around the BMH-BJ Congregation, a Jewish synagogue at 560 S. Monaco Parkway. Rabbi Daniel Cohen said he couldn't remember anything like that happening before at the east Denver synagogue. A Holocaust survivor who came to worship Saturday...

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Amish Find a Home in Montana

March 7, 2004

Source: Independent Record

On March 7, 2004 Independent Record reported, "With an abundance of open space and a history of conservation, Montana possibly provides some of the richest opportunities for new Amish colonies. In Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana, where some 80 percent of Amish communities are located, cities and housing developments have steadily encroached upon generational...

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Kentucky Baptist Church to Hold Day of Same-Sex Unions

March 6, 2004

Source: The Kansas City Star

On March 6, 2004 The Kansas City Star reported, "Broadway Baptist Church wants to join the national debate on gay marriage by arranging 'A Day of Holy Unions' for same-sex couples free of charge March 27. In making the announcement, the church stated the action is being taken 'in celebration and solidarity with our friends in San Francisco, Oregon...

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Despite Differences, Episcopalians Seek the "Middle Way"

March 6, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On March 6, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "Episcopalians who do not want their church to split over the consecration of a gay bishop plan this month to establish a nationwide alliance of clergy and laity who stand for moderation, tolerance and inclusion, leaders of the movement said yesterday. Representatives of 11 regional Episcopal groups that go by...

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"The Passion" Leads to Increase in Interfaith Dialogue

March 6, 2004

Source: The Miami Herald

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On March 6, 2004 The Miami Herald reported on interfaith dialogues sparked by Mel Gibson's film, "The Passion." "Mary Boys, a past president of the Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education, is one of many religious and lay leaders participating in interfaith dialogues across the nation, including in South Florida, where Christians and Jews can learn about each other's perspectives. Organizers believe Americans of all...

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Evangelical Movements Increase Their Use of Legal Advocacy

March 5, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,6920325.story?coll=la-home-local

On March 5, 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported, "When a severely disabled Miami woman was raped and impregnated, Florida-based Liberty Counsel stepped in, attempting to block an abortion and seek guardianship of the fetus. When a Huntington Beach ministry was booted from the warehouse where it worshipped and wound up in a...

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In Chicago, Muslim-Catholic Dialogue Day Stresses a Common Humanity

March 5, 2004

Source: Muslim American Society

On March 5, 2004 the Muslim American Society reported that speakers and attendees at the February 24 Catholic-Muslim Dialogue Day event "stressed that Catholic and Muslim communities can only establish meaningful bonds when each community rids itself of the us vs. them mentality, and learns to recognize that both Catholics and Muslims have similar concerns, from upholding their traditional values to figuring...

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Editorial: "God Gulf" in Politics is a Myth

March 5, 2004

Source: Beliefnet

On March 5, 2004 Beliefnet reported, "The Democrats have become the 'secular party,' the Republicans the party of the religious. So says the current conventional wisdom. This 'God Gulf,' in the words of New York Times columnist Nick Kristof, is reflected in polls like this recent one from Pew Center for People and the Press: 64 percent of those who attend church more than once a week intend to...

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Interfaith Prayers Bring Healing to Boston's Logan Airport

March 4, 2004

Source: The Milford Daily News

On March 4, 2004 The Milford Daily News reported, "Ellen Band has brought prayer into the noisy bustle of everyday life. Now, while travelers rush through Logan Airport, they hear sacred words and sounds from the world's great religions wafting through the elevated walkway to Terminal E. Band's intriguing audio installation rearranges and broadcasts a mix...

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Church Tries to Mitigate Tensions With Indigenous Community

March 4, 2004

Source: BBC News

On March 4, 2004 the BBC News reported, "The race riots in Australia's biggest city, Sydney, have focused attention on the role of the Church in helping to heal the country's fractured indigenous community. Dozens of police officers were injured in last month's confrontation in the inner-city district of Redfern. The violence was sparked by the death of an Aboriginal teenager, which is the subject of...

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