
Florida Congregations Celebrate Lent

March 3, 2001

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On March 3, 2001, the St. Petersburg Times reported that "many denominations are observing Lent... Traditionally, Lent is an opportunity for people to publicly repent and acknowledge their sinfulness...Historically, the celebration of Lent has been associated with the Catholic tradition, but Protestant denominations including Lutherans,...

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Greek Orthodox Community Makes Plans to Build Complex

March 3, 2001

Source: The Denver Post

On March 3, 2001, The Denver Post reported that "Denver's Greek Orthodox community will build a 'Hill of Orthodoxy' next to its existing cathedral in Glendale. [It] will include diocesan offices, a chapel for the bishop and apartments for visiting dignitaries. Eventually, the community may build a retirement center and an amphitheater...There are six Greek Orthodox parishes in Colorado with a total membership of about 10,000." The Rev. Costas Pavlakos said "the 'Hill of Orthodoxy' could meet the needs of many people, 'like a...

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Supreme Court Hearing on Christian Group Gathering After School

March 1, 2001

Source: The Boston Globe

On March 1, 2001, The Boston Globe reported that the US Supreme Court is hearing a case on "whether a public school may bar a Christian children's group from gathering after class when it allows other outside groups to meet on its premises." The justices inquired as to whether there had been favoritism to other groups, why religious groups could not use the building when it was open for public use, and what the principle of neutrality toward religion would mean in this situation. A decision is expected at the end of June.

Supreme Court Case Could Support Bush's Faith-Based Initiative

March 1, 2001

Source: Los Angeles Times

On March 1, 2001, the Los Angeles Times reported that "the Supreme Court took up the question Wednesday of whether an evangelical Christian group has a constitutional right to meet for prayer and Bible study in a public elementary school at the end of the day...Most of the justices sided with the Christian group and against school officials during the oral argument." A ruling in favor of the Good News Club, an evangelical Christian group with 4,622 chapters nationwide, "could give an important boost to President Bush's 'faith-based...

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Kansas City Interfaith Council Passes Resolution on Public Prayer

February 28, 2001

Source: The Kansas City Star

On February 28, 2001, The Kansas City Star reported that, in response to the prayers invoking the name of Jesus Christ and President Bush's inauguration, "the Kansas City Interfaith Council adopted a resolution last month suggesting that 'those who offer prayers on civic occasions in which all citizens are entitled to participate be mindful and respectful of the religious diversity within our nation and prepare their utterances so as to recognize our heritage of religious freedom.'" The article reported that "public prayer is...

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Dayton Residents Celebrate Ash Wednesday

February 28, 2001

Source: Dayton Daily News

On February 28, 2001, the Dayton Daily News reported on Dayton Christians who were celebrating Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the penitential 40 days of Lent leading to Easter.

Olympics Place Spotlight on Tensions between Mormons and Non-Mormons in Salt Lake City

February 28, 2001

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On February 28, 2001, The Christian Science Monitor reported that the winter Olympic Games of 2002 in Salt Lake City is throwing the spotlight on the city and on the divisions in "the city population now evenly split between Mormon adherents and non-Mormons...The battles include what critics say are antiquated liquor laws, charges of discrimination, and complaints that the church stifles basic freedoms." One Mormon said the Mormons "'want the Olympics to correct misunderstandings about the church. Others want Salt Lake...

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Many Speak in Favor of School Prayer at School Board Meeting

February 28, 2001

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On February 28, 2001, the St. Petersburg Times reported on "the Citrus County [Florida] School Board...hearing the public's opinion on two issues: opening board meetings with a prayer and allowing a Christian youth group to meet at a middle school during school hours... Both issues were raised by board member Carol Snyder." She said that opening meetings...

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Date Set for Prom Falls on Sabbath

February 27, 2001

Source: The Arizona Republic

On February 27, 2001, The Arizona Republic reported that "scheduling the senior prom on the same night as the Sabbath has upset some students at Horizon High School and may force them to skip the event." The planned date for the prom falls on the Sabbath for the Jewish and Seventh-day Adventist students. One Jewish student is "considering legal action."

Editorial Supports Shift from School to Private Sponsorship of Religious Service

February 26, 2001

Source: Dayton Daily News

On February 26, 2001, the Dayton Daily News published an editorial on a Texas school's co-sponsorship of religious baccalaureate services with local churches. "Under current court rulings," the writer said, "school sponsorship of a religious service is unconstitutional." The school therefore needs to shift the religious baccalaureate from school to private sponsorship. He offers two more arguments in favor of this shift: "a privately sponsored, voluntarily attended religious service is consistent with our commitment to...

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Origin of the Ashes of Ash Wednesday Explained

February 24, 2001

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On February 24, 2001, The Houston Chronicle reported that, "Traditionally, the ashes that will mark the foreheads of ...Catholic and Protestant believers are made from burned palms - often the very palms used in the previous year's Palm Sunday observances...On Palm Sunday, celebrated the week before Easter, the palms represent the ones that residents of Jerusalem are said to have waved as Jesus entered the city." The palms are a symbol of hope, their ashes a symbol of death and a reminder of our mortality. One Episcopal dean...

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Presbyterians Learn About Muslims in a Program at a Mosque

February 23, 2001

Source: The Arizona Republic

On February 23, 2001, The Arizona Republic reported that about 100 Faith Presbyterian Church members came to a program at a south Phoenix mosque that was meant to address their misconceptions about Muslims. The group reported that they learned a lot about Muslims. As one church member said, "You have to learn about each other in order to get along with each other."

Christian Scientists' Attitudes to Healing Create Controversy

February 23, 2001

Source: The Denver Post

On February 23, 2001, The Denver Post reported that "the Christian Scientists are bringing out their powerful lobby as HB 1286...moves through the Colorado legislature." This legislation would remove "an exemption in the state's child-abuse statutes that essentially makes Christian Scientists not liable for death or disability that might result if they choose to treat their children with Christian Science practices rather than medical treatments." Christian Scientists distinguish themselves from other faith-healing groups...

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Pope Selects New Cardinals with Eye to Global Survival of Catholic Church

February 22, 2001

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On February 22, 2001, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on the 44 new cardinals that were installed last week by Pope John Paul II. "The number of cardinals installed was a record," as was the geographical diversity of the group. "The new cardinals reflected the pope's strategy for the church of 1 billion adherents in the new millennium. John Paul beefed up the Latin American contingent, elevated prelates from the Middle East, where the church is struggling to survive, and installed two Ukrainians, a new...

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