
Creationism Debate Goes to Summer Camp

July 12, 2006

Source: Newsweek

Newsweek reported, "The battle over evolution is moving beyond the court room and into summer camp. The Christian Camp and Conference Association said 50 percent of the member camps--which include summer camps and year-round after-school programs reaching 6 million kids every year--have a science curriculum about God's creation. A Christian camping environment 'allows us to bring kids to a...

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Plans for Gay Pride March in Jerusalem Unite Religious Leaders Normally at Odds

July 12, 2006

Source: Boston Herald

Wire Service: AP


On July 12, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "Christian leaders condemned it. Jewish radicals put a bounty on participants. Muslim clerics threatened to flood the streets with protesters. Jerusalem’s conflicting religions have found rare common ground: opposition to an international gay pride parade next month. 'We consider this offensive and harmful to the religious integrity of the...

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Over 60 Gather to Protest Building of Pompano Mosque

July 12, 2006

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel


On July 12, 2006 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "Dozens of black residents, joined by some whites and Hispanics, rallied Tuesday in front of City Hall to protest plans to move a mosque into the predominantly black northwest area. More than 60 people responded to a call by a group of ministers for the protest, demanding that the City Commission rescind the permission it gave the Islamic Center of South...

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Update: Leaders in Lewiston Organize Event in Support of Muslim Community After Pig's Head Incident

July 11, 2006

Source: Portland Press-Herald


On July 11, 2006 the Portland Press-Herald reported, "Community leaders in Lewiston-Auburn will hold a rally Wednesday in support of Somali Muslims who were stunned when someone rolled a pig's head into their mosque at prayer time last week.

The event is planned for 11:15 a.m., with a tentative location at Courthouse Plaza on Lisbon Street, on the same block as the Lewiston Auburn Islamic Center. Scheduled attendees include...

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Suspected Motivations for Mumbai Bombings Include Anger at India's Religious Pluralism

July 11, 2006

Source: Ekklesia


On July 11, 2006 Ekklesia reported, "Militant jihadi groups based in Pakistan are among the early suspects following a series of explosions which killed at least 130 people on the train network in India's financial capital, Mumbai (Bombay), today (11 July 2006). Church, civic and community groups, together with other faith leaders and representatives of United Nations member states were quick to condemn the bombings, which followed...

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U.S. Religious Worker Visa Program Found to be Riddled with Fraud

July 11, 2006

Source: The Boston Globe

On July 11, 2006 The Boston Globe reported, "A special visa program that allows churches to bring thousands of foreign religious workers into the country each year is riddled with fraud, an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security investigation...

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Controversial Black Minister Forced to Step Down After Anti-Islam Remarks

July 10, 2006

Source: South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the


On July 10, 2006 the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, "The Rev. O'Neal Dozier, a controversial member of the Broward Judicial Nominating Committee, has resigned the post after he said Gov. Jeb Bush's office asked him to step down. Dozier, whose recent comments about Islam in a news release and on a radio talk show sparked outrage among Muslims, said Monday he did not talk to Bush, but he said the governor...

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Muslim American Society Campaign for Justice for Palestinians Takes Off

July 10, 2006

Source: Muslim American Society Press Release


On July 10, 2006 a Muslim American Society Press Release reported, "The Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation (MAS Freedom) initiated its American Justice for Palestine Campaign on June 28, the day after Israel unlawfully invaded the Gaza Strip under the pretext of rescuing a kidnapped Israeli soldier.  The following day, MAS Freedom sponsored an emergency rally across from the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C.    On...

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Black Minister Makes Troubling Remarks About Islam

July 8, 2006

Source: The Miami Herald

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On July 8, 2006 The Miami Herald reported, "The Rev. O'Neal Dozier, a Broward clergyman who has advised President Bush and is a political appointee of Gov. Jeb Bush, took to the air waves Friday to criticize Islam as a 'cult' religion. The radio appearance by Dozier, who serves on the governor's committee that screens Broward judicial nominees, startled a local Muslim leader, and prompted the governor to immediately distance himself from the...

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Muslim American Society Calls for Justice for Palestinians, Rallying Marchers in D.C.

July 8, 2006

Source: The News and Observer


On July 8, 2006 The News and Observer reported, "More than 100 protesters of Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip marched on the state Capitol Friday carrying banners and a mock corpse and demanding an end to the violence.

The protesters were responding to a national call for solidarity with the Palestinian people issued by the Muslim American Society. In Raleigh, they included Palestinian natives, Muslims, Christians and a handful of Jews....

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Church-Supported Youth Camp Celebrates Country's Religious Diversity

July 8, 2006

Source: Indian Catholic

On July 8, 2006 the Indian Catholic reported, "Young people from all over India prayed, worked and danced together for five days recently, celebrating India's cultural and religious diversity. The 350 participants, aged 13-35, came from 22 of the country's 28 states and belonged to the various major religions in India. Fifty-nine of them were females. S.N. Subbarao, a noted peace...

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Christians and Muslims Hold Remembrance, Issue Joint Statement on 7/7

July 8, 2006

Source: The Christian Post

On July 8, 2006 The Christian Post reported, "As England stood silent Friday in remembrance of the London bombing victims of one year ago, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) issued a joint statement with the Muslim Council of Britain.

On the one-year anniversary of the suicide bombings that struck London’s transport system, killing 52 people and injuring...

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Addressing G8, Religious Leaders Condemn Abuse of Religion

July 7, 2006

Source: Catholic News

On July 7, 2006 the Catholic News reported, "In a statement addressed to G8 leaders who will meet in Moscow next week, the World Summit of Religious Leaders has passed a resolution condemning the abuse of religion and the loss of moral values in the modern world. Ecumenical News International reports that the largest interfaith gathering to convene in Russia since the time of the Cold War, has closed by condemning...

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Religions Participate in Various Environmental Efforts Around the Globe

July 6, 2006

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: AP

On July 6, 2006 the Associated Press reported, "More than a decade ago on an Aegean island, the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians made a startling proposition: That pollution and other attacks on the environment could be considered sins.

At the time, the idea earned him little more than a nickname - the 'green patriarch...

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