
Sharing Thanksgiving and Diversity in CA

November 24, 2004

Source: Merced Sun-Star

On November 24, 2004 Merced Sun-Star reported, "the [Livingston, CA] Thanksgiving celebration didn't look anything like the iconic image of pilgrims and American Indians sharing crops centuries ago. Instead, it put the spotlight on 60 people who practice eight different faiths and speak a half-dozen languages, all holding hands, dancing and chanting hymns for peace...

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Evangelicals Eager to Parade Republican Victory

November 22, 2004

Source: MSNBC

On November 22, 2004 MSNBC reported, "realizing that conservative religious leaders like [Pat] Robertson have been so demonized that they're lightning rods even among evangelicals, the Bushies relied on less divisive lieutenants to get the faithful to the voting booth. But if the big-name evangelicals lay low before the election, they have since begun a very public victory dance. Pointing to the wave of anti-gay-...

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Germans Worried Religious Unrest Will Spread Following Dutch Filmmaker's Murder

November 22, 2004

Source: NPR

On November 22, 2004 NPR reported, in a story on All Things Considered, "The death of a Dutch filmmaker, at the hands of a suspected Muslim extremist, has Germans anxious that religious unrest will spread to their own country. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli continues a five-part series on Europe as the emerging battlefield in the struggle to define Muslim identity."

Air Force Leaders Comment on Diversity and Intolerance

November 19, 2004

Source: Air Force Print News

On November 19, 2004 Air Force Print News reported, "Air Force leaders said the service’s capability to function as a team and accomplish its mission depends on respecting diversity. Leaders reinforced that basic tenet in light of recent feedback from U.S. Air Force Academy cadets who said they felt pressured to participate in religious activities that were not in line with their own...

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Cardinals Comments Comparing Islam to Communism Spurs Dialogue

November 18, 2004

Source: CathNews

On November 18, 2004 CathNews reported, "Last week's reporting of Cardinal George Pell's controversial remarks comparing Islam with communism appears likely to bring the Cardinal face to face with local Muslim leaders, with an official of the Lebanese Muslim Association expressing his wish for 'a friendly meeting' with Cardinal Pell. The Age reports today that Keysar Trad, of the Lebanese Muslim Association, said a speech...

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Football Coach Told to Remove "Team Jesus Christ" Banners

November 18, 2004

Source: The Gazette (Colorado)

On November 18, 2004 The Gazette (Colorado) reported, "the day after the Air Force Academy’s superintendent said publicly that the academy was coping with a religious intolerance problem, football coach Fisher DeBerry hung a banner in the locker room that said, 'I am a member of Team Jesus Christ.' The banner came down Friday after officials deemed it inappropriate, academy spokesman Lt. Col...

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Eviction Because of Religious Intolerance, or Debt?

November 17, 2004

Source: Orlando Sentinel,1,7120332.story?coll=orl-news-headlines

On November 17, 2004 Orlando Sentinel reported, "a court battle between a Christian school and its former landlord is escalating into a discrimination dispute as the school's owner said it was evicted because of religion. Lee Wasson, head of Kissimmee Christian Academy, said his school was kicked...

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Catholic Bishops Join Broad Alliance of Christians

November 17, 2004

Source: Dallas Morning News

Wire Service: AP

On November 17, 2004 the Associated Press reported, "the nation's Roman Catholic bishops voted Wednesday to join a new alliance that would be the broadest Christian group ever formed in the United States, linking American evangelicals and Catholics in an...

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ADL Speaks Out Against Threats to Presbyterian Churches

November 15, 2004

Source: ADL Press Release

On November 15, 2004 ADL Press Release reported, "the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned the threatened use of violence against Presbyterian churches because of decisions made by church leaders to pursue a course of divestment from Israel. The League is in dialogue on the divestment issue with the Presbyterian leadership and strongly believes that dialogue, not violence, is the appropriate...

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Removal of Cross From LA Seal Draws Outrage

November 15, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On November 15, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "a group of outraged Angelenos is gathering signatures to restore a tiny cross to the county seal after the board of supervisors recently voted to remove it. The Committee to Support the Los Angeles County Seal is aiming to collect 341,212 signatures by March 1, which would force the board to enact an ordinance protecting the...

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