
Interfaith Discussion of Abrahamic Faiths

June 21, 2003

Source: The Kansas City Star

On June 21, 2003 The Kansas City Star reported that "not long after 9/11, evangelist Franklin Graham stated publicly that in his opinion Muslims worship a god different from the one worshipped by Christians or Jews. The national debate set off by those remarks continues today... This discussion is limited to these faiths because each believes there is only one God, and all...

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Polling Data Shows Religion Not a Major Factor in Upcoming Presidential Elections

June 21, 2003

Source: Los Angeles Times

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On June 21, 2003 the Los Angeles Times reported that "the religion of neither Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.), an observant Jew, nor President Bush, a born-again Protestant, will have much effect on voters in the 2004 election, according to a nationwide poll by Quinnipiac University in Connecticut... Most respondents, 85%, said Lieberman's religion would make no difference in voting decisions...

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The Pluralism Project Recognized by Webby Awards

June 21, 2003

Source: Dallas Morning News

On June 21, 2003 the Dallas Morning News reported that "in recognition of the radical changes in the American religious landscape of the past 30 years, [The Pluralism Project, Webby-award winning Web site developed by Diana L. Eck at Harvard University] was initiated to study and document religious communities, particularly those of immigrant communities... Through...

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First African-American Pastor to Serve Congress

June 21, 2003

Source: The Washington Post


On June 21, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "for a quarter-century, and most recently as the U.S. Navy's chief of chaplains, [Pastor Barry C.] Black has led interfaith services on aircraft carriers and destroyers and counseled sailors, Marines and Coast Guard personnel on spiritual and personal matters. Now, after retirement from the military Aug. 15, the rear admiral is set to become spiritual counselor to power constituents of a...

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Interfaith "Abrahamic Dialogues" Occur across the Nation

June 19, 2003

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 19, 2003 The Christian Science Monitor reported that "since Sept. 11, most Americans have become starkly aware of the great gaps in understanding and heightened tensions among Muslims, Christians, and Jews at home and abroad. Recognizing the need to build bridges and to strengthen moderate voices, many are experimenting with new forms of what some call 'Abrahamic...

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ADL Condemns Southern Baptist Leader for Comparison of Judaism to " Deadly Tumor"

June 19, 2003

Source: The Anti-Defamation League


On June 19, 2003 The Anti-Defamation League reported that "The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned as 'outrageous and offensive' the remarks of a Southern Baptist leader who, in calling for renewed attempts to proselytize Jews, compared Judaism to a potentially 'deadly tumor...' In a speech June 16 to the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship, a gathering of Messianic Jews, Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary...

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Press Release by Americans United for Separation of Church and State

June 17, 2003

Source: Americans United for Separation of Church and State


On June 17, 2003 the Americans United for Separation of Church and State reported that "Congressional leaders are trying to force a bill through Congress that would permit religious discrimination in staffing of Head Start and jeopardize the positions of thousands of teachers and parent volunteers... The popular tax-funded program is designed to provide academic instruction and health-care services for three- and four-year-olds, giving...

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Baptist Convention Speaker Denounces Islam

June 17, 2003

Source: Tennessean

On June 17, 2003 the Tennessean reported that "one year after the Rev. Jerry Vines generated a year's worth of controversy by calling the founder of Islam 'a demon-possessed pedophile,' Ergun Caner, a theology professor from Criswell College in Dallas, picked up where Vines left off... Caner, a Turkish immigrant who converted to Christianity as a child, spoke to pastors at the...

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Diverse Religious Growth in Dutchess County, NY

June 15, 2003

Source: Poughkeepsie Journal


On June 15, 2003 the Poughkeepsie Journal reported that "peek into almost any house of worship and the population growth in Dutchess County is obvious... Along with the swelling population comes a growing number of religious followers -- in just about every faith... Many local congregations say their membership is growing and they need to expand facilities to accommodate new members... The Hindu Samaj, also on All Angels, has...

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Interfaith Activity in Dutchess County, NY

June 15, 2003

Source: Poughkeepsie Journal


On June 15, 2003 the Poughkeepsie Journal reported that "Dutchess County [NY] truly is a melting pot of religious faiths -- and religious tolerance... 'In many ways the county is very diverse and it breeds tolerance,' said Michael Tori, a religion professor at Marist College... The county may be nearly three-fourths Roman Catholic, but not one faith dominates, he said... 'For the most part, there has been a very good-hearted...

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Modesto Muslim Community Upset over Dave Hunt Lecture

June 14, 2003

Source: The Modesto Bee


On June 14, 2003 The Modesto Bee reported that "as Moses Saleh sat in the cavernous sanctuary of a Modesto [CA] church recently, he felt trapped. He was listening to Christian author Dave Hunt lecture on the subject of Islam -- and Saleh, 62, a lifelong Muslim, was growing more and more upset... There were many things he wanted to say -- points he wanted to dispute, statements presented as facts that Saleh said were false. But he did not...

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Ecumenical Group Fights for Church Parking

June 13, 2003

Source: Pasadena Star-News


On June 13, 2003 the Pasadena Star-News reported that "Pasadena's faith community is banding together to fight parking restrictions that will go into effect next month around two churches on the northeast side of the city... The Ecumenical Council of Pasadena Area Churches, which...

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British Hindus Upset By Blasphemy Law

June 10, 2003



On June 10, 2003 ran a story from the Hindustan Times reporting that "a serious controversy has erupted following the release of a report by the [British] House of Lords Select Committee on Religious Offences from Westminster.

The committee was asked to decide whether the present law on religious offences that so far protects only the Anglican Church against blasphemy should be extended to include other...

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