
African Churches Reshape New York's Religious Worship

April 23, 2004

Source: The Seattle Times

On April 23, 2004 The Seattle Times reported, "About 500 worshippers, many from Ghana, filled the Church of the Pentecost in the Bronx on Palm Sunday. Each Sunday, in more than 100 New York churches, pastors preach the Gospel in languages such as Ibo, Twi and Ga. Conga drums drive songs of praise. Swaths of kente cloth cover bodies swaying in...

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Muslims Urge Christians to Engage in Dialogue in Kentucky

April 23, 2004

Source: The Presbyterian News Service

On April 23, 2004 The Presbyterian News Service reported, "A group of 15 Muslim scholars and preachers said during a visit here last week that mainstream Islam is widely misunderstood in the United States. A Christian theologian challenged the group to engage Christians in dialogue that does not avoid the hard questions posed by either faith. 'We need serious, ongoing, in-depth discussion with...

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Responding to Controversy, Kerry Says Religion Should Stay Out of Politics

April 23, 2004

Source: The Detroit Free Press

On April 23, 2004 The Detroit Free Press reported, "Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's campaign said Friday that religion should not be an issue in U.S. politics after a top Vatican official said Catholic politicians who support abortion rights should be denied communion. Cardinal Francis Arinze would not comment specifically about Kerry, who is Catholic and...

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Government Watchdog Urges Public Schools to Teach About Religious Diversity

April 23, 2004

Source: The Independent

On April 23, 2004 The Independent reported, "Schools will be urged to teach their pupils about a broad range of religious faiths - not just Christianity - in new guidance to be published next week. The guidance, from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), the Government's exams watchdog, will suggest that pupils should be given an understanding of Islam,...

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Hundreds of Teens to Participate in Interfaith Service in Chicago

April 22, 2004

Source: The Pioneer Press

On April 22, 2004 The Pioneer Press reported, "Area teens will have a chance to meet and work with teenagers of other faiths Sunday when they take part in the National Day of Youth Service. The event, sponsored by the Interfaith Youth Corps, will bring together teenagers in 20 cities including an estimated 400 in the...

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Across from Lincoln Center, a New Mormon Temple to Open, and Close

April 22, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On April 22, 2004 The New York Times reported, "A legacy of misunderstanding and persecution has bred a keen instinct for public relations in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And so, in what has become something of a ritual itself, the Mormon church opens every newly built temple to the public. Then it shuts the doors. The latest viewing takes place next month at a...

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Photographer Talks About His Book Depicting "Living Faith"

April 22, 2004


On April 22, 2004 posted an interview with Dinesh Khanna about his photographic documentation of India in his new book, Living Faith. The article reported, "A decade ago, photographer Dinesh Khanna set out to record his fellow Indians' everyday lives and the country's kaleidescopic culture. Two collections have come out of his journey: 'Bazaar' (2001) and his new book, '...

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School Inspector Recommends Dropping Daily Worship Requirement

April 21, 2004

Source: BBC News

On April 21, 2004 the BBC News reported, "The chief inspector of England's schools has suggested dropping their legal obligation to provide 'a daily act of collective worship.' David Bell, the head of Ofsted, said 76% of secondary schools were breaking the law in not doing this. Mr. Bell said perhaps the requirement should now be weekly or even monthly, rather than daily. His comments marked the 60th...

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A History of American Secularism

April 21, 2004

Source: Beliefnet

On April 21, 2004 Beliefnet published an interview with journalist Susan Jacoby, the director of the Center for Inquiry Metro New York, who recently published a book on the history of secularism in America. She notes, "The secularist strain in American culture has been very strong since the beginning, but the nation's secular heritage is virtually unknown to people. A secular government was...

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Bush's Mission from God

April 20, 2004

Source: The Lexington Herald-Leader

On April 20, 2004 The Lexington Herald-Leader reported, "At a recent news conference and in a new book by Bob Woodward, President Bush conveys a sense that, when it comes to foreign policy, he's on a mission from God. 'I also have this belief, strong belief, that freedom is not this country's gift to the world. Freedom is the Almighty's gift to every man...

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Opinion: Religious Fanaticism Takes Root Through How Children Are Taught

April 20, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On April 20, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor ran an opinion piece by Ghassan Rubiez, an Arab-American social scientist based in Washington, who has spent much of his life working in and around the Middle East, on religion's role in Middle East conflict. Rubiez writes, "Religion can become a bridge of understanding among people or a wall of separation, depending on whether the...

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