
Concerns Over TX Candidate Seeking Jewish Votes

October 20, 2004

Source: Associated Press

On October 20, 2004 Associated Press reported, "Democrat Martin Frost believes that when Republicans tried to slam the door on his 26-year congressional career, they mistakenly opened a window. In destroying Frost's Dallas-area district during last year's political remapping, Republicans created a District 32 that includes most of the city's Jewish community......

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In Jerusalem, Diversity Does Not Breed Tolerance

October 19, 2004

Source: The New York Times/Jerusalem Journal

On October 19, 2004 the Jerusalem Journal reported, "Jerusalem may have the world's highest diversity of religious belief per square meter but here, it seems, diversity does not produce a lot of tolerance. In fact, it is almost the reverse, suggests Rabbi David Rosen, based in Jerusalem as head of inter-religious affairs for the...

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International Commission Moves Toward Reconciliation in Anglican Church

October 19, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On October 19, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "An international commission to head off schism in the global body representing 77 million Anglicans has taken unprecedented steps in what it calls 'a pilgrimage towards healing and reconciliation.' The commission, in a report released Monday, strongly rebuked the Episcopal Church, the US arm of Anglicanism,...

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Blasphemy Law Likely to be Repealed

October 18, 2004

Source: The Guardian,2763,1329823,00.html

On October 18, 2004 The Guardian reported, "Britain's ancient laws of blasphemy and blasphemous libel are likely to be repealed under proposals being considered by the home secretary, David Blunkett. The move is being considered as part of a package that will include a new offence of incitement to religious hatred, in order to make clear that freedom of speech and the...

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Christians Increasingly Vulnerable After Church Attacks

October 18, 2004

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On October 18, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor ran a story on Iraqi Christians, increasingly under attack and fleeing the country. The article opened with a baptism scene in a Baghdad church and quoted a priest: "'We should be strong in our hearts and work together, united,' the priest said. 'Thanks to our Muslim neighbors, who helped us. Let God protect our country...

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Greek Catholics Return to Church After Bombing

October 18, 2004

Source: The Washington Times

On October 18, 2004 The Washington Times reported, "Hope was reborn from the ashes of a blackened Greek Catholic church where a family held a baptism yesterday afternoon, a day after five churches in the Iraqi capital were targeted in bomb attacks. 'Our church was demolished. Death entered here in its black garb,' said the Rev. Mansour al-Mukhallessi in the cavernous hole that...

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Administrators and Chaplains Convene at John Hopkins for Annual Meeting

October 18, 2004

Source: John Hopkins Gazette

On October 18, 2004 the John Hopkins Gazette reported, "religious administrators from 27 colleges and universities will gather at Johns Hopkins' Homewood campus for the annual meeting of the Association of College and University Religious Affairs. Topics to be discussed include the best practices and worst pitfalls in chaplaincy, artistic expression in interfaith campus communities, how...

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Kerry Growing More Comfortable Talking About Faith

October 17, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On October 17, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "John F. Kerry is evolving from a reserved Catholic reluctant to discuss faith in the public square into a Democratic preacher of sorts who speaks freely and sometimes forcefully about religion on the hustings. From the pulpit to the pastures, Kerry is increasingly spreading a more...

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Israel Office of ADL Condemns Attacks on Christians in Jersulaem

October 17, 2004

Source: Anti-Defamation League

On October 17, 2004 the Anti-Defamation League issued a press release that reported, "The Israel Office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called on Israel's two Chief Rabbis to speak out against the phenomenon of attacks against Christians by Jewish students studying in yeshivas in Jerusalem's Old City... In letters sent to Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger and Sepharadi Chief Rabbi Shlomo...

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Lebanon Bans "The Da Vinci Code" Over Fears of Anti-Christian Sentiments

October 17, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On October 17, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "Few places seem to indicate how far this country has come from civil war better than the sunny hipness of the Virgin Megastore that fills a blond-stone building in the heart of the new Beirut... But there is a hole in the megastore's inventory that suggests the war's legacy has not entirely faded. The store's...

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Catholic and Muslim Clergy Call for Dialogue on Construction of Islamic Prayer Room

October 16, 2004

Source: The Manila Times

On October 16, 2004 The Manila Times reported, "To douse the tension caused by the planned construction of an Islamic prayer room in the heart of Greenhills’ shopping district, an alliance of Catholic and Muslim clergy on Thursday called for a dialogue between residents of upscale subdivisions and Muslim leaders. The...

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Evangelicals Continue to Target Conservative Voters

October 15, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On October 15, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "the Rev. Ken Hutcherson's game plan is simple. The former professional football player turned megachurch pastor intends to pack a stadium-size crowd of evangelical Christians onto the Mall today to decry same-sex marriage and 'let everyone know God is in control' of the Nov. 2 elections. Hutcherson's 'Mayday...

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