
"Open Doors, Open Minds" Pairs Jews and Catholics in Suburban Chicago

June 20, 2005

Source: Chicago Daily Herald

On June 20, 2005 the Chicago Daily Herald reported, "Every other week for seven sessions, about 25 members of the Am Echod Jewish Temple and about 25 members of the Prince of Peace Catholic Church met to discuss, well, just about anything. They chatted about serious topics such as anti-Semitism and abortion and lighthearted ones, such as Madonna's obsession with Kabbalah and Barbra...

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Majority of Global Christian Population Increasingly Non-American and Non-European

June 18, 2005

Source: Lexington Herald-Leader/The Dallas Morning News

On June 18, 2005 the The Dallas Morning News reported, "For centuries, Christianity has been primarily a white, European and North American religion. But the explosive growth of Africa and Asia, combined with the success of evangelization there, will change that forever. By 2050, it's expected that only one in five Christians worldwide...

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Editorial: Republican Evangelists Have "Twisted" the Role of Religion

June 18, 2005

Source: The Charleston Gazette

On June 18, 2005 The Charleston Gazette reported, "Walter Cronkite — one of America’s most respected voices, who addressed the Kanawha Valley’s business community five years ago at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet — says America is harmed by far-right fundamentalists who wield enormous political power... He said Republican evangelists such as Pat Robertson and Jerry...

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Billy Graham Reaches Out to Diverse Community During Three-Day "Crusade" in Flushing

June 17, 2005

Source: The Dallas Morning News

On June 17, 2005 The Dallas Morning News reported, "In 1957, when Billy Graham's New York City crusade launched him into the national spotlight, he took a chance by crossing racial lines in an age of segregation. Beginning Friday, Dr. Graham – now 86 and in declining health – will return...

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Editorial: Convocation on Hunger Illustrated Positive Impact of Religion on Politics

June 17, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On June 17, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ran an editorial that commented on the interfaith "convocation on hunger" held in Washington, D.C. The Monitor writes, "Even a corner-of-the-eye glance at US politics this past year and the conclusion is obvious: Religion has played a polarizing role... To counter this trend, more than 40 US denominations took part in a...

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Allegations of Unequal Restrictions on Muslim Cadets at Air Force Academy Surface

June 17, 2005

Source: Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_21_3862347,00.html

On June 17, 2005 the Rocky Mountain News reported, "Muslim cadets at the Air Force Academy were prevented from attending mosque services last semester because of school obligations, while similar duties were scheduled to avoid conflict with Jewish and Christian services, a Muslim student says. The issue of unequal treatment for the...

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Update: Ongoing Call for Evangelical Christian Parents to Withdraw Children from Public Schools

June 17, 2005

Source: Houston Chronicle

On June 17, 2005 the Houston Chronicle reported, "Houston attorney Bruce N. Shortt is on a mission to convince Christian parents to pull their children from public schools and educate them at home or in Christian classrooms. Shortt is among a small but growing number of evangelicals who regard public schools as antagonistic toward religion and incapable of educating. They...

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Editorial: Tallahassee Residents Reach Out to One Another Across Faiths

June 17, 2005

Source: Tallahassee Democrat

On June 17, 2005 the Tallahassee Democrat's associate editor, Bill Berlow, reported, "It started last December during the holiday season. About eight Turkish graduate students at Florida State University, all men, all Muslims, joined several Unitarians to share good cheer and red roses with dozens of recuperating patients at Tallahassee Memorial's rehab unit....

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Update: Troy Interfaith Group Plants Tree on City Hall Grounds

June 16, 2005

Source: The Detroit News


On June 16, 2005 The Detroit News reported, "Bruce Dickmeyer, a member of the Troy Interfaith Group, wanted to do something out of the ordinary Sunday to celebrate Troy's 50th birthday. So Dickmeyer, administrator of the Bharatiya Temple in Troy, a Hindu house of worship, decided to plant a tree. The tree, representing the family tree of man, would be adorned with ribbons containing statements of the Golden Rule -- 'Do unto others as you would have...

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Christian Journalist Advocates for Interfaith Education to "Promote Peace and Harmony"

June 16, 2005

Source: Worldwide Faith News

On June 16, 2005 the Worldwide Faith News reported, "How to teach religion in multifaith contexts is a growing concern for churches and religious communities everywhere. This interview presents a specific experience emerging from a multireligious context in Asia. 'Children from different religions can pray together in school,' says Usha Jesudasan, a journalist and writer from India, where Christians, Hindus,...

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"Cold War" Among Religious Groups Said to be Ending As Groups Try to Find Common Ground

June 15, 2005

Source: The Washington Post

On June 15, 2005 The Washington Post reported, "After a year in which religion played a polarizing role in U.S. politics, many religious leaders are eager to demonstrate that faith can be a uniter, not just a divider. The buzzwords today in pulpits and seminaries are crossover, convergence, common cause and shared values....

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