
Trustees Outline Guidelines for Prayer at Local School Board Meetings

May 27, 2002

Source: The Daily News of Los Angeles

On May 27, 2002 The Daily News of Los Angeles reported that the Wilsona School District trustees in Lake Los Angeles, CA "will take another stab at approving proposed guidelines for local pastors to give invocations at board meetings... The board will hold a special meeting Thursday to deal solely with the issue, which has generated controversy and high emotions in the community... The proposed guidelines, drawn up because of controversy after the first invocation mentioned Jesus Christ, say that invocations...

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Muslims, Jews, and Christians Pray Together in Brooklyn for Peace

May 26, 2002

Source: New York Daily News

On May 26, 2002 the New York Daily News reported on a prayer meeting attended by Christians, Jews and Muslims in Bay Ridge, NY. The meeting was part of ongoing efforts "to remain united despite the crisis in the Middle East... Nearly 100 people from the three religions gathered... to pray for an end to the conflict abroad, and for continued calm in their neighborhoods... The prayer meeting was sponsored by the Unity Task Force, a group comprised of Bay Ridge religious and civic leaders who organized almost two years...

Read more about Muslims, Jews, and Christians Pray Together in Brooklyn for Peace

Seattle Hosts Interfaith Dialogue on Middle East Conflict

May 25, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On May 25, 2002 The Seattle Times reported that in Seattle, WA, there was "an interfaith dialogue on the Middle East conflict featuring U.S. Reps. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, and Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, and local religious leaders... The event [was] sponsored in part by Tools for Change Institute, a Seattle nonprofit organization... The goal of the program was to 'acknowledge to God and each other that we don't have the answer and we...

Read more about Seattle Hosts Interfaith Dialogue on Middle East Conflict

Rabbi Works to Strengthen Interfaith Understanding

May 23, 2002

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On May 23, 2002 The Christian Science Monitor featured an article on the interfaith work of Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff. "After 28 years in the military - which took him from Vietnam to the top job of Command Chaplain for all US forces in Europe - the retired Navy captain is now working to increase understanding between faiths in the United States... Rabbi Resnicoff became national...

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Police Ticket Amish Community for Failure to Comply with Traffic Law

May 23, 2002

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On May 23, 2002 The Christian Science Monitor reported that "the ultratraditional Swartzentruber sect of Amish living in western Pennsylvania refuse to use... the simple orange triangle, which state law requires on the backs of all slow-moving vehicles... on their horse-drawn buggies... The police have ticketed them, but they've resisted paying the fines... Matters came to a head when 19 Amish, responsible for a total of 24 tickets... appeared in Cambria County [PA] Court last month, defended by lawyers who were secured...

Read more about Police Ticket Amish Community for Failure to Comply with Traffic Law

Christian Fired after Refusing to Work on Violent Computer Games, EEO Files Discrimination Suit

May 22, 2002

Source: St. Petersburg Times

On May 22, 2002 the St. Petersburg Times reported that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed suit charging Sykes Enterprises Inc. with religious discrimination. Sykes terminated Frances Wagner in 1997 from her job "answering tech support questions from computer users at a call center in Sterling, Colo... But when she was reassigned to provide technical support for ultra-violent computer games, she said her religious convictions prevented her from doing so. And when she balked, Wagner said, the Tampa [FL]...

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Sikhs, Muslims Discuss Training with Chicago Police

May 22, 2002

Source: Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago press release

On May 22, 2002 a Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago press release reported, "In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, Supt. Terry G. Hillard and other top Chicago Police officials began meeting with leaders of Chicago-area Sikh, Muslim, Orthodox Greek and Middle Eastern community groups who voiced concerns about racial...

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Federal Court Revisits Important Texas Case

May 21, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On May 21, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported that "a case involving a group of Brenham [TX] churches preaching that welfare recipients need a relationship with Jesus to prepare for work is heading back to court... The 5th U.S. Court of Appeals has sent the case back to federal district court to determine whether $ 8,000 awarded to the Jobs Partnership of Washington County must be repaid to taxpayers... At issue is whether the charitable choice program violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of separation of church and...

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St. Olaf College Continues Tradition of Daily Chapel

May 21, 2002

Source: Star Tribune

On May 21, 2002 the Star Tribune reported that St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota "has chapel every weekday morning... That tradition makes St. Olaf an anomaly among competitive liberal arts colleges. In Minnesota and across the country, many selective schools founded by churches in the 19th century have cut the ties that gave them birth... Sunday services usually draw 300 to 350 people, mostly students, with attendance on holiday and parent weekends swelling to as many as 1,100... Daily chapel at St. Olaf is...

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Religious Centers File Lawsuits Over Zoning Restrictions

May 19, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On May 19, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported that "at least seven churches, synagogues and religious schools throughout the state [of California] have filed lawsuits against cities as part of a nationwide effort by religious groups to use a new federal law to overturn local zoning restrictions... The groups are invoking the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, passed in 2000, to gain leverage in states where they say churches are routinely denied building permits in favor of projects that bring in tax...

Read more about Religious Centers File Lawsuits Over Zoning Restrictions

Ecumenical Meeting Unites America's Diverse Christian Leaders

May 18, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On May 18, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported on a meeting of ecumenical Christian leaders, a movement that has traditionally been missing the voices of American Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants. "That may change after a recent high-level meeting in Chicago at which Catholic, evangelical and mainline Protestant leaders formed what is being called Christian Churches Together in the USA and agreed to work for greater unity among major U.S. Christian churches."

Celebrate Diversity Walk to Celebrate America

May 18, 2002

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

On May 18, 2002, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on the Pittsburgh, PA area's "second Celebrating Diversity Walk... Last year, some 400 people of all types from all over the region participated in the event, which promotes understanding and harmony between people of all races, religions, and national origins... This year's theme is, 'When you walk to celebrate diversity, you walk to celebrate America.'" Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist religious leaders will speak at the event which is organized...

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Brandeis University Develops "Coexistence Studies" Program

May 17, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On May 17, 2002, The Boston Globe featured a story on Jehuda Reinharz, president of Brandeis University in Waltham, MA, and his new program in conflict resolution. With this program, the university is "poised to become a world leader in teaching Israeli Arabs and Jews - and dozens of other warring peoples - to live together on the same land... Brandeis has begun building on its historically Jewish identity to create a new field it calls 'coexistence studies'... The school is now aggessively recruiting Jews and Arabs, Hindus and...

Read more about Brandeis University Develops "Coexistence Studies" Program

Presbyterian Church Launches New Interfaith Model for Christians and Muslims

May 17, 2002


On May 17, 2002, PCUSA NEWS reported that "Christian and Muslim leaders from around the world will visit the United States in September to meet with selected groups of Presbyterians and talk about interfaith relations in their countries and cultures... A pilot project called 'Interfaith Listening' will involve as many as a dozen teams - each consisting of one Christian from a Presbyterian Church (USA) partner overseas and one Muslim with whom the partner is in dialogue - that will meet with PC(USA) congregations and presbyteries...

Read more about Presbyterian Church Launches New Interfaith Model for Christians and Muslims
