
"What Would Jesus Drive?"

November 25, 2002

Source: The National Council of Churches

On November 25, 2002 The National Council of Churches reported that "a delegation of American religious leaders - carrying an open letter from over 100 heads of denominations and senior religious leaders from 21 states to automobile executives - is in Detroit today to launch a major national effort to get Ford, GM, and Chrysler to build cleaner, more efficient cars. Against a backdrop of...

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Interfaith Thanksgiving 2002

November 25, 2002

Source: The Plain Dealer

On November 25, 2002 The Plain Dealer reported that "Zoroastrians celebrated bountiful harvests in Persia long before the storied fall gala the Pilgrims put on near Plymouth Rock in 1621. Ditto for the Jewish faithful, who call their harvest festival Sukkot, and for followers of many of the world's other religions. So last night, four days before the Thanksgiving holiday, John Lecky brought together Buddhists and Christians, Hindus and Jews, Muslims and Zoroastrians to reflect on the thanks they all give in one way or another....

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Habitat for Humanity to Use Interfaith Coalition to Build Home

November 25, 2002

Source: Connecticut Post

On November 25, 2002 the Connecticut Post reported that "Habitat for Humanity of Greater Bridgeport [CT], using for the first time, an interfaith coalition of support, will have a two-story, four-bedroom house for Sundus, her parents and five siblings sitting on the property. Salem Lutheran will be teamed with members of Al-Aziz Islamic Center, Congregations B'nai Israel and Rodelph Sholom and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of Bridgeport, and Congregation Beth El of Fairfield. Habitat executive director Bob Knebel said the organization...

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Interfaith Thanksgiving 2002

November 24, 2002

Source: The Argus,1413,83%257E1971%257E1010917,00.html

On November 24, 2002 The Argus reported that "more than 40 years ago, three Protestant churches of different denominations came together in the name of unity for a Thanksgiving service. It was a progressive step at the time, said Don Anderson, former pastor of First Christian Church, one of the churches that met in 1961. During the 1960s, more churches...

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Interfaith Soup Kitchen

November 23, 2002

Source: The Washington Post


On November 23, 2002 The Washington Post reported that "the chaplain, Imam Johari Abdel-Malik, challenged the Rev. Graylan Hagler to work with him on an interfaith charity project in Washington. Abdel-Malik said he could provide food and volunteers for an effort to feed the needy. Could Hagler provide a place for them to serve the meals? This week, as a result of those discussions, Muslim volunteers cooked and served hot dinners to about...

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Interfaith Thanksgiving 2002

November 23, 2002

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

On November 23, 2002 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that "this year a little-known anniversary of religious freedom converges with the Thanksgiving interfaith exchanges. Sunday morning in the city's West End, congregations from three neighboring churches on Union Boulevard will follow their long tradition of praying together at one of their churches. Members of the churches say the joint Thanksgiving service began when the three churches were leaders in the civil rights efforts in the city. People from Freeman's...

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Interfaith Thanksgiving 2002

November 23, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On November 23, 2002 The New York Times reported that "Diana L. Eck, professor of comparative religion and Indian studies at Harvard University, where she is director of the Pluralism Project, has enjoyed many an interfaith Thanksgiving with Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends, 'all comfortable with prayer and thanksgiving,' she said, 'since we have had many holidays together,...

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Alabama School Officials Block Distribution of Bibles in Public Schools

November 23, 2002

Source: The Associated Press


On November 23, 2002 The Associated Press reported that "local school officials [in Athens, Alabama] have blocked Gideons International from distributing Bibles in public schools after a parent threatened to file suit. Limestone County Superintendent Barry Carroll said a parent complained after the Christian organization held its annual Bible distribution for fifth-graders. Bob Lambert, the president of the local Gideons chapter, said the...

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"What Would Jesus Drive?"

November 22, 2002

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On November 22, 2002 The Christian Science Monitor reported that "prominent Christian and Jewish leaders called this week on the auto industry and their own congregations 'to recognize that transportation choices are moral choices' because of 'the extraordinary impact they have on God's creation and God's children.' In an open letter to auto executives, and in meetings Wednesday at...

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Pennsylvania Passes "The Religious Freedom Protection Act"

November 21, 2002

Source: The Associated Press


On November 21, 2002 The Associated Press reported that "Pennsylvania could become the 10th state to pass a bill meant to give new protections to religious groups but criticized by opponents as giving the groups free rein to ignore many laws. The Religious Freedom Protection Act... would allow laws that burden a person's religious practice or belief to be challenged in court if the state lacks a compelling interest in passing the laws. Any law...

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Interfaith Iftaar 2002

November 21, 2002

Source: The Tucson Citizen

On November 21, 2002 The Tucson Citizen reported that "about 100 Muslims and Methodists from St. Francis in the Foothills congregation sat together to celebrate iftar - breaking of the Ramadan fast - at the Islamic Center of Tucson... A few Jews also were on hand."

Marin Community Foundation Awards Community-Building Efforts

November 21, 2002

Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

On November 21, 2002 The San Francisco Chronicle reported that "the Marin Community Foundation has awarded more than $60,000 in grants to 14 congregations throughout the county that are actively involved in community-building efforts. A variety of religious faiths are represented, ranging from Bridge the Gap (a partnership by Sausalito Presbyterian Church and the Marin City Church of God) to the Congregation Kol Shofar in Tiburon and the Novato-based International Association of Sufism. A grant to St. Andrews...

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Luncheon to Discuss Diversity of Corpus Christi, Texas

November 21, 2002

Source: Corpus Christi Caller-Times

On November 21, 2002 the Corpus Christi Caller-Times reported on "'Breaking Bread to Break Barriers: An Understanding of World Cultures,' an education series for community leaders. The six-month luncheon series is hosted by the National Conference of Community and Justice in cooperation with the Corpus Christi [TX] Chamber of Commerce. Business and community leaders are invited to learn more about the many different cultures and religions in the Coastal Bend and about those who helped to found Corpus Christi,...

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Discussion of American Muslim Relations in Iowa

November 20, 2002

Source: MPAC


On November 20, 2002 the Muslim Public Affairs Council reported that "relations between Americans and people of Muslim and Middle Eastern backgrounds have improved in some ways since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but much more needs to be done to foster understanding and peaceful co-existence among the groups, a diverse panel of cultural officials said Monday. Discussion at the Iowa City Public Library... began with panel member Shams Ghoneim of the Muslim Public...

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Continuing Controversy Over Ten Commandments and Municipal Buildings

November 19, 2002

Source: The Associated Press


On November 19, 2002 The Associated Press reported that "a federal judge ruled yesterday that a Ten Commandments monument installed in Alabama's judicial building by the state's chief justice must be removed because it violates the separation of church and state. U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson said he does not believe all Ten Commandment displays in government buildings are illegal, but this one crosses the line. The judge said Chief Justice...

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