
Archbishop of Canterbury Visits Hindu Temple

January 30, 2005

Source: The Telegraph

On January 30, 2005 The Telegraph reported, "Britain’s one-million strong Hindu community, some of whose leaders feel it is being ignored because of all the attention being devoted to the country’s 1.5 million Muslims, received some attention today. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, visited the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Neasden, north-...

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PETA Finds Some Religious Partners and Foes

January 29, 2005

Source: The Ledger

On January 29, 2005 The Ledger reported, "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has launched an advertising campaign with a bite -- one that suggests good Christians steer clear of flesh consumption, and that Jesus would have agreed with such advice. Spearheaded by Bruce Friedrich, PETA's director of vegan campaigns, the...

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Editorial: Religion in the Classroom Issue Riddled with Tensions

January 27, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On January 27, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "when it comes to religion, there's an odd patchwork of what's allowed and banned in schools around the country, and the questions raised in the [...] controversy are complex: Does separating church and state mean omitting religion from public schools entirely? If it is permissible to teach about religion, where is the...

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Conservative Christians Angered Over Academy Award Nominations

January 26, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On January 26, 2005 Beliefnet/RNS reported, "conservative Christian groups are outraged, but not surprised, that the box-office hit 'The Passion of the Christ' didn't receive an Academy Award nomination for best picture or best director. Mel Gibson's film, which grossed $370 million in the United States and more than $600 million worldwide, did...

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Growing Number of Latinos Converting to Islam in the US

January 25, 2005

Source: My San

On January 25, 2005 My San reported, "thousands of Latinos across the country — both U.S.-born and immigrants — have been converting to Islam since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks sparked massive U.S. societal interest in the religion and its billion followers worldwide. No definitive research exists on the...

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Christians on Campuses Reporting Increased Discrimination

January 25, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On January 25, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "today, on college campuses throughout the United States, great stress is placed on the importance of treating divergent views with sensitivity. And there are many religious students who say they appreciate the respect with which their beliefs are received. Yet complaints [from Christians] are not uncommon and, ironically...

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Ongoing Controversy Over Religious Invocations at City Meetings

January 22, 2005

Source: San Bernardino County Sun News

On January 22, 2005 San Bernardino County Sun News reported, "twenty months after the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a ruling that bars religion-specific prayers at government meetings, many cities continue to allow them. It's yet another issue in the ongoing church-state debate. During the past year, people of all beliefs have been united, at least philosophically, in their zeal to practice what they preach not what...

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US Christian Aid Groups Raising Concern Amid Claims of Proselytizing

January 22, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On January 22, 2005 The New York Times reported, "A dozen Americans walked into a relief camp here, showering bereft parents and traumatized children with gifts, attention and affection. They also quietly offered camp residents something else: Jesus... The attempts at proselytizing are angering local Christian leaders...

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Christian Inaugural Prayers Acknowledged Other Faiths

January 21, 2005

Source: The New York Times

On January 21, 2005 The New York Times reported, "the president who swept to victory by mobilizing his conservative Christian base used his inauguration Thursday to signal that his administration is well aware that when it comes to religion, the United States is both diverse and divided. The tone was set in the opening invocation by the Rev. Luis Leon, an...

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Christians Upset Over Muslim Prayer Room in Manila Mall

January 19, 2005

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On January 19, 2005 The Christian Science Monitor reported, "As the midday call to prayer echoes along the dingy alley, Manny Macarambon hangs back, waiting his turn... 'During rainy season we can't pray outside, so what we do is we pray first batch, second batch, third batch. At one time, we can't pray all together,' Mr. Macarambon explains, nodding at the damp concrete floor....

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Pope Receives Interfaith Delegation

January 19, 2005

Source: Scientology Newsroom

On January 19, 2005 the Scientology Newsroom reported, "Members of Churches of Scientology were among leaders of different faiths who joined the largest group of rabbis and other Jewish delegates to be granted audience by the Pope. The delegation was organized by Mr. Gary Krupp, founder of the Pave the Way Foundation, a multi-faith alliance that...

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Spiritual Center in Ithaca Home to Many Religions

January 19, 2005

Source: The Ithaca Journal

On January 19, 2005 The Ithaca Journal reported, "located on Turkey Hill Road in Ithaca [NY], the Foundation of Light offers a unique spiritual experience for local residents who are looking for an environment that is accepting of all religious and nonreligious denominations. In the early 1970s, the Foundation of Light was established by Mabel...

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British Education Chief Angered Many with Comments about Single Faith Schools

January 18, 2005

Source: The Guardian,2763,1392831,00.html

On January 18, 2005 The Guardian reported, "The head of the government's education watchdog prompted an angry reaction from Muslim leaders yesterday after claiming that the growth of Islamic faith schools posed a challenge to the coherence of British society.

In a deliberate intervention criticised as 'irresponsible' and 'derogatory' by senior Muslim...

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Coalition Unites to Stop Hate Speech

January 15, 2005

Source: Muslim Civil Rights Center Press Release

On January 15, 2005 a Muslim Civil Rights Center Press Release reported, "following intense pressure from community groups spearheaded by the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a Santa Monica, CA storeowner agreed to remove signs from her store windows which called Palestinians 'Gaza cockroaches' and Islam a 'pig faith.' Bunnie Meyers also stated her intention...

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