
Conservative Author, Religion Professor Debate Cross Removal

February 1, 2007

Source: The Dallas Morning News

Wire Service: AP


WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - A plain, 18-inch brass cross filled a 120-seat chapel Thursday night at the College of William and Mary, not for a worship service but for a debate on whether it belongs on the altar.

Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza came to campus to argue that school President Gene R. Nichol acted "recklessly" by ordering the cross removed last...

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Stripped of Religion, Yoga Enters Public Schools

January 28, 2007

Source: The Dallas Morning News

Wire Service: AP

SAN FRANCISCO - In Tara Guber's ideal world, American children would meditate in the lotus position and chant in Sanskrit before taking stressful standardized tests.

But when she asked a public elementary school in Aspen, Colo., to teach yoga in 2002,...

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Q&A with Diana Eck: A Look at Charlotte's Diverse Religious Scene

January 23, 2007

Author: Tim Funk

Source: The Charlotte Observer

As director of Harvard University's Pluralism Project, Diana Eck is the leading authority on America's changing religious landscape. She'll be in Charlotte next week in connection with "Families of Abraham," a photo exhibit at the Levine Museum of the New South that spotlights local Jewish, Christian and Muslim families. Eck, author of "A...

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New Zealand Census Says Church is Doing Okay

January 22, 2007

Author: John McNeil

Source: Journal Chretien

CHRISTCHURCH, NZ — A closer look at figures from the latest Census shows that over the past two decades the Christian faith has not been haemorrhaging adherents to the extent commonly believed.

It is true that Christians represent a smaller proportion of the total population, but rather than being caused by flight from the churches it has...

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"Blue Laws Should be Repealed Once and for All," a Commentary by Alex Crawford

January 19, 2007

Author: Alex Crawford

Source: Independent Mail

My wife and I have lived in Anderson County for two years, and I must say the council members’ decision to repeal, then reinstate the blue laws ranks as the most ridiculous decision I have seen in many years. Imposing Christian beliefs onto everyone in this county is an...

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Spain Cathedral Shuns Muslim Plea

December 28, 2006

Source: BBC News

The Roman Catholic bishop of Cordoba in southern Spain has rejected an appeal from Muslims for the right to pray in the city's cathedral, a former mosque.

Juan Jose Asenjo rejected the request made by Spain's Islamic Board in a letter to the Pope.

It had asked that the cathedral become an ecumenical temple where believers from all faiths could worship.

The bishop said such a move would...

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Navy Chaplain Provides Diverse Array of Religious Services During Holiday Season

December 28, 2006

Source: Blackanthem Military News

On December 28, 2006 Blackanthem Military News reported, "December is a month of celebration for multiple faiths, making the holiday season an extra busy time for chaplains in Iraq. Between Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and the Islamic Hajj, Navy Capt. Vince Arnold, 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward) group chaplain, knows the importance of providing for all service members, regardless of religious preferences... Arnold explained...

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Indonesian Police Guarding Churches

December 24, 2006

Author: Ali Kotarumalos

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

Wire Service: AP

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Tens of thousands of police deployed at churches across Indonesia Sunday amid warnings by Western nations that Islamic militants may be plotting Christmas bombings.

Indonesian officials downplayed the alerts, which have become something of a tradition...

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Court Rules in Favor of Australian Pastors, Accused of Vilifying Islam

December 15, 2006

Source: Indian Catholic

Sydney - The Supreme Court of Victoria in Australia upheld the appeal of two Australian pastors who could have faced jail time for publicly comparing Christianity with Islam.

The court ruled in favor of Daniel Scot and Danny Nalliah, who were previously found to have “vilified Islam” with their public comments by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.


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Traveling the Paths of a Hardy Christianity in India

December 7, 2006

Author: Mark Sappenfield

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Raymond Cruze is on a pilgrimage, which in India puts him in rather ordinary company. The destination, however, is not the Hindu's sacred Ganges, the Sikh's holy city of Amritsar, or the home of the Buddhist Dalai Lama in Dharmsala.

Mr. Cruze has come to a barren crag at the southern tip of India to stand where Christ Jesus'...

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Turks Debate whether an Imam Can Revere the Cross

December 7, 2006

Author: Mustafa Akyol

Source: Turkish Daily News

The visit by Pope Benedict XVI has sparked a new debate in Turkey about the rightful limits of religious ecumenism. The Turkish media have been discussing whether a Muslim cleric can revere Christian symbols like the sign of the cross, and whether it is really necessary to be so accommodating in order to establish genuine religious...

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