
Shi'ite Theology School Teaches About Abrahamic Faiths

October 7, 2003

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

On October 7, 2003 The Christian Science Monitor reported on a school in Iraq teaching about the three Abrahamic faiths: "Founded six months ago by a Shiite scholar, the institution bills itself as the Arab world's only school of theology, teaching Muslim, Christian, and Judaic texts...About 250 students of all ages have descended on the experimental school in search of a broader...

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Fasting Helps Diverse Faiths "Focus on the Spirit"

October 7, 2003

Source: Alameda Times-Star,1413,125%257E1549%257E1679937,00.html

On October 7, 2003 Alameda Times-Star took the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur as an occasion to describe the ritual of fasting in many religions. The article notes that "fasting has traditionally had a part in many religious traditions... Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints fast on the first Sunday of every month. Muslims fast...

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Episocopal/Muslim Dialogue Resumes After Controversy Over Robinson's Election

October 7, 2003

Source: Worldwide Faith News

On October 7, 2003 Worldwide Faith News posted an Episcopal News Service article that reported, "Christians and Muslims are back on track discussing the 'heavenly religions,' as the Sunni Muslim leader put it. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams played a key role in reestablishing the dialogue that was disrupted in the wake of the election of Gene Robinson, an openly gay man living in a committed...

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Opinion: Christian Soldiers Discriminated Against in U.S. Military

October 6, 2003

Source: The Miami Herald

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On October 6, 2003 The Miami Herald ran an opinion piece by Michelle Malkin in which she argued that Christian soldiers are discriminated against in the U.S. Military, which shows preferential treatment for Muslims. She writes, "There's something terribly wrong when an American soldier overseas can't receive Scriptures in the mail, but a Muslim chaplain can preach freely among al Qaeda and Taliban enemy combatants at Guantánamo Bay....

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Judge Permits Connecticut Family to Hold Prayer Meetings at Home

October 6, 2003

Source: Associated Press

On October 6, 2003 Associated Press reported that "a federal judge has ruled a New Milford family has the right to hold prayer meetings at home." The decision to permit meetings came after a town zoning-enforcement officer blocked the meetings at Robert and Mary Murphy's Jefferson Drive home in 2000 after neighbors complained about the crowds at the Sunday gatherings. After...

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Arab-American Muslims and Christians Grill San Francisco Candidates on Civil Rights

October 1, 2003

Source: An-Nahar

On October 1, 2003 An-Nahar reported that mayoral candidates in San Francisco held the first ever candidate forum to focus on the concerns of Arab Americans at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Local Arab Muslim and Christian participants on the Arab American Leadership Council grilled mayoral candidates on civil rights, the Patriot Act, and their commitment to...

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President and Pastor of Valparaiso University "Repent" for Interfaith Service

September 30, 2003

Source: Associated Press

On September 30, 2003 Associated Press reported that "the president and pastor of Valparaiso University have "repented" to members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod for hosting an interfaith service in which Muslim and Jewish leaders offered prayers. The independent Lutheran university in...

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Georgia Rally Protests Decisions in Alabama Ten Commandments Case

September 29, 2003

Source: Yahoo! News

On September 29, 2003 Yahoo! News posted an article by the Associated Press on a rally held in Georgia to protest court decisions in relation to the Alabama Courthouse case which prohibit displaying the Ten Commandments in the public square. The article said, "Several hundred...

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Rabbi Fails to Move Shul to Church Property

September 28, 2003

Source: The Boston Globe

On September 28, 2003 The Boston Globe reported, "Pray it ain't so. That's one of Rabbi Mendy Uminer's dwindling options after he lost a bid last week to move his makeshift shul into sprawling surplus church property in the Putterham section of South...

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New Jersey Community Pleas for Polish Language Mass

September 26, 2003

Source: Super Express

On September 26, 2003 Super Express reported that "the Polish community of New Jersey is urging the Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa to restart a Polish language mass. The 100-year-old church, built by immigrants from Poland, discontinued the Polish mass in 2001... A festival on September 24th commemorating Our Lady of Czestochowa’s Day served as a platform for the Polish congregation...

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Jews and Latinos Celebrate "Common Spiritual Values" in Washington

September 25, 2003

Source: The American Jewish Committee

On September 25, 2003 The American Jewish Committee reported that the American Jewish Committee joined members of the Latino community for an interfaith service to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. Dina Siegel Vann, AJC’s director of Latino and Latin American Affairs, said that the event was aimed at highlighting the "common spiritual values" between Jews...

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Lilly Endowment Funds New Study of Religion and Public Life

September 25, 2003

Source: Voice of America

On September 25, 2003 Voice of America reported "backed by a $3.3 million grant from the Lilly Endowment, investigators will embark on a long-term study of religious beliefs and behaviors among various ethnic groups...In the Rice/Notre Dame study, researchers will begin by interviewing 2,500 people across the nation. They will then follow up by...

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Shari'a Law Causes Tensions Between Christians and Muslims

September 24, 2003

Source: BBC News

On September 24, 2003 the BBC News reported, "President Obasanjo likes to refer to Nigeria as a 'multi-religious' country, with a constitution that, whilst reflecting the expectations of the different faiths, remains essentially secular. There are roughly the same number of Muslims and Christians in a country of 120 million people...over the past few years, relations between members of the two faiths have been...

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Survey Shows Increase in Demand for Islamic Education

September 22, 2003

Source: Helsingin Sanomat

On September 22, 2003 Helsingin Sanomat reported: "Demand for Islamic religious instruction at Finnish schools has increased sharply in recent years. According to a survey by Helsingin Sanomat the number of school pupils in the Helsinki region and Turku requiring religious education in Islam has exceeded that of those attending Orthodox religion class. The Finnish Orthodox Church is Finland's...

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