
Jewish Congregation Sues for Right to Use Former Convent

February 10, 2002

Source: The Jerusalem Post

On February 10, 2002, The Jerusalem Post reported that "the state attorney general's office and the American Civil Liberties Union are asking a suburban community to let a congregation of Reform Jews turn a former Roman Catholic convent into a synagogue... Congregation Kol Ami has been trying to move into the Abington Township site for two years. The group hopes to start a synagogue and school in the community north of Philadelphia... Its efforts have been held up by neighbors and officials, who argue the plan would...

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Utah Interfaith Council Unites for Olympics

February 9, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On February 9, 2002, The Houston Chronicle reported that "at first glance, Salt Lake City could seem a one-faith kind of town: Mormon... But as athletes, their families and spectators arrived from around the world for the Olympic Winter Games that began yesterday, other faiths are cooperating to make sure visitors find the religion of their choice in Salt Lake City, whether it be Catholic or Baha'i... the official Olympic organizing committee has gathered an interfaith council of 45 city religious leaders charged with...

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Children's TV Show Builds Bridges Between American Christians and Muslims

February 9, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On February 9, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported on "a special episode of the Noggin channel's empathy-building children's series, 'A Walk in Your Shoes,' [that] gives viewers a glimpse into the post-Sept. 11 life of a Muslim American teenager through the eyes of a Protestant teen... In the 30-minute show, which will be simulcast on Noggin and Nickelodeon... the cameras are running as Nancy, a 15-year-old Protestant from a Boston suburb, spends two days with 13-year-old Mariam, a Muslim teenager in New Jersey, during the...

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Tennessee Schools Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Classes

February 9, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On February 9, 2002, The New York Times reported that "the Tennessee county where the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 resulted in a verdict favoring the classroom teaching of biblical creationism over evolution was ordered today by a federal district judge here to stop holding Bible classes in its elementary schools... The classes, held in Rhea County for 51 years, violate the constitutional separation of church and state, said the judge, R. Allan Edgar...The 30-minute classes were held weekly for about 800 students in...

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Sept 11 Awakens America to its Own Religious Diversity

February 9, 2002

Source: Star Tribune

On February 9, 2002, the Star Tribune reported that "ever since Sept. 11 the United States has seen a resurgence of sensitivity to and expressions of civil religion - we value service, cooperation, equality of justice and opportunity, respect for diversity and national symbols and ideas... The Rev. Peg Chemberlin, executive director of the Minnesota Council of Churches, said, 'Part of what we're seeing is a firm commitment to the celebration of religious pluralism. In that it's a central value of a democracy'... Chemberlin said, '...

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Greek Orthodox Church Joins Massachusetts Council of Churches

February 9, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On February 9, 2002, The Boston Globe reported that "the Massachusetts Council of Churches, which for a century has been an exclusively Protestant organization, has welcomed the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Boston to its membership, marking a milestone for ecumenical relations here... The organization, which works toward unity of Christian churches and which lobbies the Legislature on behalf of its members, now represents every major Christian church in Massachusetts except the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic dioceses of...

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Controversy Over Participation in Interfaith Service

February 8, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On February 8, 2002, The New York Times featured the story "Seeing Heresy in a Service for Sept. 11." It reported on the controversy over Rev. David Benke's participation in the national prayer service with leaders from other faiths. The article explained, "Addressing his 'brothers and sisters,' he prayed: 'The strength we have is the power of love. And the power of love you have received is from God, for God is love. So take the hand of one next to you now and join me in prayer on this field of dreams turned into God's house of...

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Los Angeles City Schools Pull Copies of Quran from Shelves

February 7, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On February 7, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported that "Los Angeles city school officials have pulled nearly 300 translations of the Koran from school libraries after learning that commentary in the books was derogatory toward Jews... Copies of 'The Meaning of the Holy Quran' were donated in December to the Los Angeles Unified School District by a local Muslim foundation, said Jim Konantz, director of information technology for the district. Konantz said the books, offered as a goodwill gesture in response to the Sept....

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Denver Neighborhood Protests Church Expansion

February 7, 2002

Source: Rocky Mountain News

On February 7, 2002, the Rocky Mountain News reported that "residents of The Meadows subdivision are battling the town's largest church over 53 acres that could be annexed into Castle Rock [CO] and transformed into a regional religious center... Neighbors say they don't object to a new $7 million Church Of The Rock being put directly to their west at the end of Cherokee Drive. They just don't want everything else that comes with it... "This isn't a church. It's a mega-church," said Jamie Kimbrough, a Meadows...

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Detroit Bishop Preaches Forgiveness and Humility

February 7, 2002

Source: Star Tribune

On February 7, 2002, the Star Tribune reported that "Bishop Thomas Gumbleton told an overflow crowd of about 1,300 Wednesday night at the Basilica of St. Mary that the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks should be forgiven and an 'active love' undertaken... 'We should pray for those who perpetrated that extraordinary violence against us on September 11,' said Gumbleton, a 72-year-old Catholic priest from Detroit. 'You can't worship God unless you forgive your brothers and sisters'... Gumbleton, one of only four U.S....

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California Church Moves into Courtyard to Avoid Expensive Permits

February 5, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On February 5, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported that "the Praise Christian Center... sits inside a 1920s-era warehouse, a tin structure tucked in a corner of what was once an oil field. The land is now owned by a landscape-supply company. Trouble is, Huntington Beach officials say, the little church is illegal... A few days before Christmas, the Rev. Derek Anunciation was told he could no longer hold services in the converted warehouse until he obtained various permits and had fire marshals inspect lights and ceiling fans. The...

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Ukrainian Church Community Active in Denver

February 4, 2002

Source: The Denver Post

On February 4, 2002, The Denver Post reported that "fifty years ago, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fled before the Russians, and some ended up [in Denver], where they built their church, Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church. Their numbers are few, and they are aging, but at least 150 people meet... every Sunday."

Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Create Mandala in DC for Protection of US

February 3, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

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On February 3, 2002, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "for six hours a day for two weeks... 20 Tibetan Buddhist monks... [created] the largest sand painting ever constructed in the United States... They began creating Jan. 11, four months after terrorists struck the Pentagon, [until] the day of the painting's final consecration, just before it was destroyed, its millions of grains of crushed...

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Post Sept. 11 Increase in Attendence at Religious Services Levels Out

February 3, 2002

Source: The Seattle Times

On February 3, 2002, The Seattle Times reported that "in the weeks immediately following Sept. 11, church pews, synagogue seats and mosque prayer halls were filled as they hadn't been in years. People openly talked about God and religion, uttered prayers and returned to places of worship they hadn't been inside since childhood. Some predicted a revival of religious life in America... But these days, the initial rush has tapered off. Americans, it seems, have gone back to life as usual, which, for most, doesn't include weekly...

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Japanese American Minister Struggles to Balance Christianity and Asian Ancestry

February 2, 2002

Source: Los Angeles Times

On February 2, 2002, the Los Angeles Times reported on a common "concern in Asian and Asian American churches: In becoming a Christian, does a convert sever ties with his non-Christian loved ones." The article focuses on the story of Dickson Yagi, "born in a Buddhist family in Hawaii... He had been the first member of his Shingon Buddhist family to convert to Christianity... Yagi went on to become a Southern Baptist minister... The third-generation Okinawan American's personal experiences convinced him that the 'good news' of...

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