
Muslim Official Visits Church, Temples

April 2, 2008


Source: Lexington Herald-Leader

Wire Service: AP

A lawmaker from Malaysia's Islamic opposition party said Wednesday he made rare visits to a church and temples to help assure non-Muslim minorities about their religious rights.

Khalid Abdul Samad, a Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party lawmaker, said he wanted to ease suspicions among non-Muslims that his party...

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Symposium Focuses on Women in Religion

March 31, 2008

Author: Henry L. Davis

Source: The Buffalo News

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Buffalo Chapter took on a monumental task Sunday, conducting an interfaith conversation on the role of women in religion.

It’s a potentially controversial subject that one might spend years studying — as well as arguing over — and still not entirely grasp.

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Vatican Sees Pope’s Visit as Chance to Soften Image

March 31, 2008


Source: The New York Times

When Pope Benedict XVI makes his first papal trip to the United States in April, he will be guided by a seasoned Vatican ambassador who sees the visit as an opportunity to introduce a little-known pope to a complex set of audiences: American Catholics, Americans in general and global opinion leaders.


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Muslims More Numerous Than Catholics

March 30, 2008


Source: ABC News

Wire Service: AP


Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world's largest religion, the Vatican newspaper said Sunday.

"For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us," Monsignor Vittorio Formenti said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano. Formenti compiles the Vatican's yearbook.

He said...

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Texas Board of Education Approves Elective Bible Course for High Schools

March 28, 2008


Source: The Dallas Morning News

Broad guidelines for a Bible course in Texas high schools were approved by the State Board of Education on Friday, but board members delayed action on specific curriculum requirements until the attorney general has ruled whether all school districts...

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Christians, Muslims Seek Common Ground

March 28, 2008


Source: The Enquirer

At first glance, Northern Kentucky doesn't appear religiously diverse, with most of the area's non-Christian residents attending worship at synagogues, Hindu temples, Buddhist adherents and other houses of worship on the Ohio side of the river.

But some Northern Kentucky residents want to make...

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Poll: 1 in 10 Get Obama's Religion Wrong

March 27, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP

One in 10 voters believes Barack Obama is Muslim, a mistaken impression that lingers across party lines, a poll showed Wednesday.

Fourteen percent of Republicans, 10 percent of Democrats and 8 percent of independents mistakenly think he is Muslim, according to a...

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U.S. Court Upholds 10 Commandments on Public Land

March 26, 2008

Author: Amanda Beck

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: Reuters;_ylt=AiexzanuzoGm4rdmiH7Dsm47Xs8F

A nearly 50-year-old monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments does not violate the Constitution just because it sits nearly alone on public grounds in a Washington city, a federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday...

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Scholar Denounces Muslim Baptism

March 26, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News

A Muslim scholar involved in high-level dialogue with the Vatican has denounced the Pope's baptism on Saturday of a prominent Italian Muslim convert.

Aref Ali Nayed, the head of Jordan's Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, called the baptism of journalist Magdi Allam a deliberate and provocative act.

The Vatican has not yet commented, but its...

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Call to Offer Faith Class Choice

March 24, 2008

Author: Hannah Goff

Source: BBC News

Head teachers should allow imams, rabbis and priests to offer religious instruction to pupils in all state schools, teachers' leaders have said.

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) said the move would be a way to reunite divided communities.

The NUT said parents had a right to have specific schooling in their own faith, if that was what they...

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Christianity and Islam Race for Prominence at Olympic Park

March 22, 2008

Author: Ashling O’Connor

Source: The Times

The Olympics is meant to promote solidarity – but the 2012 Games has become a question of faith for some in East London as Christianity and Islam vie to become the most visible religion around the 500-acre park.

Muslim leaders have begun a charm offensive with residents in the borough of Newham over...

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Obama's Speech Spurs Dialogue on Race, Religion

March 22, 2008

Author: Paul Eakins

Source: Press Telegram

Before moving to California in 2004, Elyssa Taylor-Stewart attended the same South Side Chicago church as Barack Obama and listened to the same sermons that since have enveloped the Democratic presidential candidate in controversy.

The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.'s criticism of America at Trinity United Church of Christ has shocked and outraged many people....

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