
Interfaith Delegation Denied Access to Guantanamo

January 21, 2004

Source: National Council of Churches

On January 21, 2004 the reported, "The U.S. Department of Defense has denied a written request from the National Council of Churches USA (NCC) for permission to send a small interfaith delegation to visit detainees at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay later this month. NCC General Secretary Bob Edgar made the request in a Dec. 8, 2003, letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell...

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Radio Station Banned for Hate Speech Against Christians

January 21, 2004

Source: BBC News

On January 21, 2004 the BBC News reported, "An alternative radio station in Hungary has been banned from broadcasting for 30 days by the state media watchdog for insulting Christians. During a live programme on Christmas Eve a presenter from Tilos Radio, based in Budapest, suggested that all Christians should be exterminated. The affair is unusual because the majority of people in Hungary are Roman Catholics and...

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Episcopalians Dissent Over Gay Bishop

January 21, 2004

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On January 21, 2004 The Houston Chronicle reported that "dissident Episcopalians upset over the consecration of a gay bishop formed an unprecedented national protest group Tuesday -- a network of conservatives who pledged to work with each other and oppose church leadership. Yet the creation of the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes stopped short of a schism...

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Editorial: Boroughs Should Not Have Zoning Rules That Discriminate on Religious Grounds

January 20, 2004

Source: Montreal Gazette

On January 20, 2004 the Montreal Gazette ran an editorial that argued, "Public hearings resume this week into the fate of what must be Montreal's most unusual mosque. The Canadian Islamic Centre Al-Jamieh, in Dollard Des Ormeaux, is situated in what used to be the Adat Reim synagogue in 1998. The Jewish congregation sold the 20,000-square-foot facility to a Shia Muslim organization, which in turn sold...

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Priest Found Guilty of "Provoking Discrimination, Hatred or Violence" Against Muslims

January 19, 2004

Source: Al-Jazeera

On January 19, 2004 Al-Jazeera posted an Agence France Presse article on their website that reported, "A French priest has been fined 800 euros ($990) for describing the Quran as a handbook for the devil. Philippe Sulmont, 82, was found guilty of 'provoking discrimination, hatred or violence' for comments he made in a letter to his...

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Church Destroyed by Arsonists in Wake of Death of Buddhist Monk

January 19, 2004

Source: The Guardian,1280,-3641372,00.html

On January 19, 2004 The Guardian reported, "Arsonists set fire to a Roman Catholic church in mostly Buddhist Sri Lanka early Sunday, the second such attack in four days, police said. Only part of the building was damaged, and there were no injuries. Sunday's attack in the village of Hokandara occurred before scheduled worship services. The attacks come amid calls by...

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Update: Palm Beach Officials Give Up Public Holiday Display

January 17, 2004

Source: The Associated Press

On January 17, 2004 The Associated Press reported, "Palm Beach officials have decided to do away with all holiday decoration in a town park after being sued by two women who wanted to display a Nativity scene alongside a menorah and a Christmas tree. The town council voted unanimously to give a menorah back to its donor, and merchants decided to move a Christmas tree from a centrally located park. Maureen Donnell and Fern deNarvaez sued the town...

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Alliance of Christian Churches to Form

January 17, 2004

Source: The Washington Post

On January 17, 2004 The Washington Post reported, "Fifty-three leaders from numerous denominations announced plans to create Christian Churches Together, an alliance of major branches of U.S. Christianity, as early as next year. The leaders, who met last week in Navasota, Tex., achieved 'consensus on all major issues related to the founding document' and 'a...

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Diversity at Pasadena Seminary

January 17, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,0,5270711.story?coll=la-news-religion

On January 17, 2004 the Los Angeles Times published an article on the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. The article notes that "hundreds of international scholars make the small evangelical seminary campus, a stone's throw from Pasadena City Hall, at times seem like a spiritual United Nations...

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Vietnamese New Year in Kansas

January 17, 2004


On January 17, 2004 reported that the Vietnamese New Year will be celebrated in Wichita by at least two congregations this week with events open to the public. The Phap Hoa Buddhist Temple will have an event to "welcome the ancestry spirits" on Wednesday. The Vietnamese Roman Catholics will also take part in a special Mass at the Church of the Magdalen.

Vietnamese New Year in Mississippi

January 16, 2004

Source: The Sun Herald

On January 16, 2004 The Sun Herald reported, "The Year 4701 is the Year of the Monkey, and for millions of Asians around the world, it will begin on Thursday. Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese and other Asians living in South Mississippi will celebrate privately and with special services at Vietnamese Christian churches and the Buddhist temple on Biloxi's Point Cadet. Throughout the day,...

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World Religions Day in Redlands, CA

January 15, 2004

Source: Redland Daily Facts

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On January 15, 2004 Redland Daily Facts reported that "a local observance of World Religion Day is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 18. The program will include representatives from major world religions, including Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith. 'The aim of World Religion Day is to foster the establishment of interfaith understanding and harmony by emphasizing the common...

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