
'Untouchable Pak Hindus Being Sexploited'

September 7, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Times of India


A new study has found that the Hindus belonging to lower (scheduled) castes are unofficially declared as "untouchables" and are given a second-grade-citizen treatment. Their kids are made to clean the school premises and are forced...

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Hindus Mark Deity’s Birthday

September 5, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Seychelles Nation Online


Hindu devotees marked the birthday of their deity Lord Vinayagar, the elephant god, with a day of prayers and offerings at the Vinayagar temple in Victoria on Wednesday.

The rituals ended with a procession in which a figure of the god was pulled in a chariot around the temple from 9pm.

Hindu Seeks Court Ruling on Open-Air Cremations

September 5, 2008

Author: Riazat Butt

Source: The Guardian


A Hindu man is to ask the high court to overturn a ban on open-air cremations to allow the ancient religious ritual to take place in Britain.

Davender Kumar Ghai, 69, is challenging Newcastle city council's decision to deny him an open-air cremation when he dies. In 2006 the local authority blocked his attempt to establish Britain's first...

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Malaysian Government in a Fix Over Granting Work Permits to Hindu Priests

September 3, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Malaysia News.Net


The Human Resources and Home Ministries in Malaysia are reportedly at odds over the hiring of Hindu temple workers, including priests.

The New Strait Times quoted Malaysian Hindu Sangam president A. Vaithi-lingam as saying that while the Human Resources Ministry is in favour of their hiring, the Home Ministry seemed to be blocking the process.

This, he...

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Ganesha Immersed in the North Sea for Ganesha Chaturthi

September 2, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Hinduism Press International/The Times of India


At the Ganesh Chaturthi festival celebrations in the Hague, Netherlands, this year, the city will have a memorable event happening. A 2.25-meter...

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Catholics Invite Hindus for Inter-Religious Commission

September 1, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: News Track India


Catholics have invited Hindu leader Rajan Zed, the president of Universal Society of Hinduism, for an interfaith dialogue. He has been invited to attend the Diocesan Ecumenical Interreligious Commission meeting of Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento schedule for November 18.

Most Reverend William Keith Weigand, Bishop of Sacramento Diocese, in a...

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Muslim Anger Over Kashmir Deal

September 1, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News


The Indian authorities are maintaining a curfew in the mainly Muslim Kashmir valley after a controversial land decision over a Hindu pilgrimage.

Some 100 acres of land are to be set aside for use by a Hindu trust during an annual Hindu pilgrimage.

Muslims have expressed anger over the move, with some defying the curfew after Sunday's decision...

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Hindu Prayer Appeal in Iceland Parliament Rejected

September 1, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Merinews


The request for a Hindu opening prayer before the start of next Iceland Parliament session on October 1 has been rejected.

Replying to the Hindu leader Rajan Zed's request, deputy secretary general of Althingi (Icelandic parliament) Thorsteinn Magnússon wrote, "There is a long tradition for conducting a Lutheran mass at the opening of the Parliament...

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India Christians Shelter in Camps

September 1, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: BBC News


More than 10,000 Christians are living in refugee camps in the eastern Indian state of Orissa after anti-Christian violence in the area, officials say.

Meanwhile, the toll in the continuing violence, after a Hindu leader was killed 10 days ago, has risen to 20.

Over 3,000 police have been deployed but attacks on churches and Christian...

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USA: Growing Indian Membership Leads to Conflict in Vedanta Movement

August 27, 2008

Author: Richard Cimino

Source: Religioscope


Vedanta, an American and Hindu-based organization created for Westerners interested in Eastern religious thought and practice, is becoming increasingly Indian Hindu in makeup, causing controversy and concern among the remaining non-Indian members. Such members claim that Vedanta is losing its distinctive mission of reaching Westerners with Eastern...

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