
Navarathri in Houston

October 19, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On October 19, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported that "for Hindus, Navarathri falls in an annual festive season - the lunar month that straddles October and November and brings family and friends out in a flurry of celebrations. Observances of Navarathri - which began Oct. 6 and ended Tuesday - vary depending on Hindu tradition. But for most, Navarathri is a festive prelude of food, song, dance and prayer leading to Diwali, the Indian festival of lights Nov. 4."

U.S. Embassy in Delhi Confiscate Controversial T-Shirt

October 18, 2002

Source: Hindustan Times

On October 18, 2002 the Hindustan Times reported that "The VHP is upset with the United States Embassy for ordering T-shirts for its security personnel which portray a caricature of Hindu Goddess Durga with the Taj Mahal in the backdrop. The Embassy had ordered the T-Shirts from a local supplier and upon receiving the shirts with the controversial designs, was quick to confiscate them to avoid ill sentiments."

The Bhajan Belt

October 18, 2002

Source: The New York Times

On October 18, 2002 The New York Times reported on "the Catskill Mountains... [which] some call... the bhajan belt, applying a word derived from Sanskrit for devotional song to an area that stretches from the holistic enterprises of New Paltz to a yoga ranch in Woodbourne. The term fits, for as much as the region is defined by dairy farms, summer campers and a John Deere ruggedness, it is also home (or second home) to the influential stars of the new New Age -- people who dine with the Dalai Lama or turn up on the cover of...

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Religious Diversity in Queens, New York

October 15, 2002

Source: The Village Voice

On October 15, 2002 The Village Voice reported that "Flushing is no longer 'the valley of ashes' that Fitzgerald described. The former cultural void brims with residents from over 30 countries. An afternoon's stroll will expose you to cultures of Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Heralded as the birthplace of religious freedom, Flushing teems with Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, and Christians."

Balinese Hindu Prayer Ceremony for Peace at University of Vermont

October 15, 2002

Source: AScribe Newswire

On October 15, 2002 AScribe Newswire reported that "two Balinese psychiatrists and visiting professors at the University of Vermont... will lead a Balinese Hindu prayer ceremony for peace and lead a discussion to correct misconceptions about their country at noon Friday, Oct. 18, on the university campus. A concurrent prayer vigil at a Hindu temple in Bali will include friends and family of Dr. Cok YaYa, a member of the Balinese royal family, and Dr. Sri Whyuni, whose family owns the Bali Post, the country's largest...

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Larchmont, Virginia's Cultural Diversity

October 13, 2002

Source: The Virginian-Pilot

On October 13, 2002 The Virginian-Pilot reported that "Larchmont has the highest concentration of foreign-born residents of any neighborhood in Hampton Roads, according to new figures from the 2000 census... it is a hodgepodge of religions: Christian and Muslim and Jewish and Hindu and Buddhist."

Hindus Celebrate Vijaya Dashami

October 12, 2002

Source: The Hartford Courant

On October 12, 2002 The Hartford Courant reported that "[Durga's] triumph will be celebrated this weekend at the annual Durga Puja festival, the most important holiday on the Hindu calendar, particularly for Bengali Hindus and those who hail from the eastern parts of India. About 700 Bengalis from central Connecticut and Massachusetts are expected to celebrate the festival all day today and Sunday. It is being held at the Burnside Methodist Church. Celebrants mark the holiday by buying new clothes, exchanging gifts,...

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Hindus Celebrate Vijaya Dashami

October 11, 2002

Source: The Columbus Dispatch

On October 11, 2002 The Columbus Dispatch reported that "the Hindu version of Mother's Day pays tribute to heavenly and earthly moms. Tuesday, the faith will celebrate Dashara, or Vijaya Dashami, which comes at the end of a nine-day period of prayer and fasting worship of Durga, the Divine Mother. Durga is a name of the Devi, the warrior goddess who slew the buffalo demon and saved the world from evil. Depictions of Durga show her riding a lion and having eight arms. She holds weapons to combat evil and protect her devotees...

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American Hindus Gather to Mourn Shootings at Swaminarayan Temple in India

October 2, 2002

Source: News India-Times


On October 2, 2002 News India-Times reported that "taking place as it did exactly a year and a fortnight after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the faith of the people of Indian origin... received a blow with the terrorist attack on the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar on Sept. 24." The temple in the Indian state of Gujarat is the headquarters of the...

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Ram Dass Honored

October 2, 2002

Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer

On October 2, 2002 The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that "the Omega Institute, a New Age retreat center tucked in the hills above the Hudson River, was... opening a library in [Ram Dass'] name. Speakers praised the pioneering apostle of Hindu spirituality as 'a pure soul,' 'an intrepid traveler of the universe' who displays 'an authenticity to his being.'' Singers led 300 acolytes and spiritual seekers in rousing devotional chants in his honor."

Growth of Hinduism in North America

October 1, 2002

Source: Hinduism Today


On October 1, 2002 Hinduism Today published a paper by Dr. Vasudha Narayanan that stated, "Hindus have made the land of the Americas ritually sacred in at least four ways: composing songs and pious Sanskrit prayers extolling the American state where the temples are located; identifying America as a specific dvipa or island quoted in the sacred texts; physically consecrating...

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Swami Swahananda to Visit Puerto Rico

October 1, 2002

Source: Hindu Press International

On October 1, 2002 Hindu Press International reported that "Swami Sahananda and Swami Atmarupananda from Ramakrishna order are visiting the island. Swami Swahananda will give the lecture titled 'The Guru and the Initiation' on October 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the conference hall on the third floor of the condominio El Centro11, #500 Ave. Munoz Rivera Hato Rey."

American Hindus Gather to Mourn Shootings at Swaminarayan Temple in India

October 1, 2002

Source: India Tribune

On October 1, 2002, the India Tribune reported that "in a spontaneous outpouring of sympathy, thousands of followers of Swami Narayan gathered at the BAPS Temple [in Edison, NJ] and expressed their shock and sorrow over the terrorist attack on the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, [the main temple of the Swami Narayan movement in India]... Similar outpourings of sadness were seen on September 24 at more than 30 temples and over 200 centers of the Bochaswanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, commonly...

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American Hindus Gather to Mourn Shootings at Swaminarayan Temple in India

September 30, 2002

Source: Star Tribune

On September 30, 2002 the Star Tribune reported that "the BAPS Akshardham Monument and Cultural Complex in western India, located near the city of Gandhinagar, was the site of Tuesday's attack. There are an estimated 100 followers of the Hindu sect in the Twin Cities. About 150 people gathered Sunday evening at the Geeta Ashram in Brooklyn Park to mourn for the victims and to call for peace in the troubled region.
