
NH Community Supports Hindu Temple Destroyed by Fire

February 1, 2004

Source: The Hampton Union


On February 1, 2004 The Hampton Union reported that "the aftermath of a New Year’s Eve fire that gutted the Saraswati Mandiram Hindu Temple on Ladd’s Lane has Pandit Ramadheen Ramsamooj, the church’s leader, feeling both devastated by the loss and uplifted by the outpouring of community support - a support he did not realize was there until he...

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Hindu Temple Gives Blankets to the Homeless

January 31, 2004

Source: Tri-Valley Herald


On January 31, 2004 the Tri-Valley Herald reported that "the Hindu Temple of Livermore recently distributed more than 150 winter blankets for homeless people visiting Hope Project, Open Heart Kitchen, Tri-Valley Haven and Shepherd's Gate. Christine Dillman, director of homeless services at the Tri-Valley Haven Pantry, thanked the Hindu Temple, also known...

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Jesus in America Reflects Diversity

January 31, 2004

Source: The Associated Press


On January 31, 2004 The Associated Press reported, "Readers looking for the one true Jesus won't find him in Boston University professor Stephen Prothero's new book 'American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon.' Instead, they will discover the extraordinary range of identities Jesus has assumed in American culture - in art, music, literature and more - over the past four centuries. The range...

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Hindu Family Asked to Remove Religious Flag in Florida

January 30, 2004

Source: Hindustan Times


On January 30, 2004 the Hindustan Times reported that "a Hindu family in Florida has been asked to remove a religious flag from outside their home or face a fine of up to $100 a day. Residents of the Rivermill development area in Lake Worth, Florida, asked Chola and Leila Persaud, who are of Indo-Guyanese origin, to remove the flag. 'We had a general meeting of homeowners. My...

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Hindu Temple Expansion Sparks Controversy

January 29, 2004

Source: Queens Chronicle


On January 29, 2004 the Queens Chronicle reported that "longtime Holliswood residents squared off against the Hindu congregation of the Vaishnav Temple of New York on Monday night, with both sides offering impassioned testimonies before Community Board 8’s Land Use Committee on the temple’s proposed expansion...

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Archeology Dept to Restore Hindu Pilgrimmage Site in Punjab Province

January 28, 2004

Source: Hindustan Times


On January 28, 2004 the Hindustan Times ran an Asian News International article that reported, "The Archaeology Department in Pakistan's Punjab province has begun supervision of restoration work of the famous Hindu shrine of Ketas, which is located between Kallar Kahar and Choa Saidan Shah. The first phase of the restoration work is likely to cost Rs 8 million and...

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Growing Politico-Cultural Nationalism a Sinhala-Buddhist Version of Hindutva

January 26, 2004

Source: Hindustan Times


On January 26, 2004 the Hindustan Times reported, "Sri Lanka is now witnessing the beginnings of a revivalist movement, the third in the last 100 years. Political circles here are abuzz with talk of the arrival of politico-cultural nationalism akin to Hindutva in neighbouring India. It is being described as Jathika Chinthanaya or National Consciousness, based on the island's 2,500...

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In Kansas City, a Muslim and a Hindu Discuss Faith

January 24, 2004

Source: Kansas City Star


On January 24, 2004 the Kansas City Star published an editorial by Rushdy El-Ghussein, former president of the Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City, on how individuals should participate in public debates concerning religion: "Discussions and debates should bring understanding between people without them being pressured or forced to adopt each other'...

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A New Hindu Temple in Wichita

January 24, 2004

Source: The Wichita Eagle


On January 24, 2004 the Wichita Eagle reported, "At Wichita's only Hindu temple, Sriraman Kadambi makes sure the gods are properly cared for. He is the priest for the temple at 320 N. Zelta, a modest, white building outside but elaborately decorated inside... On Feb. 7, the Hindu Temple will celebrate Thai Poosam festival. According to Hindu tradition, the ceremony celebrates the...

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ISKCON Temple To Be Built in Moscow

January 23, 2004

Source: Hindustan Times


On January 23, 2004 the Hindustan Times ran a Press Trust of India article that reported, "Ignoring opposition from some Christian quarters and ultra-nationalist lawmakers, Moscow Mayor has cleared the construction of a Hindu temple and Vedic Centre in the city by the local followers of Lord Krishna. Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has allotted a 1.05 hectare plot of land on the...

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CA Hindu Temple Offers Grants for the Needy

January 17, 2004

Source: Tri-Valley Herald


On January 17, 2004 the reported, "The Hindu Community and Cultural Center of Livermore is beginning its annual grant program, which serves individuals in the local community. The center focuses on individual donations to support nonprofit, human services agencies. Krishna Reddy, chairman of the Hindu Community Center, hopes that this year will be...

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New Jersey Planning Board Hears Indian Temple Proposal

January 16, 2004

Source: The Courier-Post


On January 16, 2004 The Courier-Post reported, "The planning board in Evesham heard revised plans Thursday night for a proposed $2.5 million Indian temple, cultural center, hotel and shopping center on 28 acres off Route 73. Board members said they were concerned that the 190 parking spaces would be inadequate since the assembly hall would host religious festivals, weddings and...

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Dalai Lama Encourages Hindu-Muslim Dialogue Over Ayodhya Dispute

January 14, 2004

Source: The Times of India


On January 14, 2004 The Times of India reported, "Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has accused politicians of gaining mileage out of the Ayodhya dispute and urged leaders to resolve it thorough dialogue. He said India was known for communal peace and harmony and the Ayodhya dispute, which caused Hindu-Muslim riots in the country, must be settled through dialogue...The Dalai...

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