
S.B. Council Amends Rural Residential Standards

June 18, 2009

Author: Michael Acker

Source: Sentinel


South Brunswick Township officials recently approved amendments to land use standards that impact plans for the construction of a Hindu temple.

Officials decided to mandate that proposed structures, such as houses of worship, hospitals and community centers, have access to public sanitary sewers in a rural residential zone. The ordinance was...

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Catholic, Hindu Leaders Promote Harmony In Wake Of Anti-Christian Violence

June 15, 2009

Author: Babu Thomas

Source: The Christian Post


During an interfaith dialogue in Mumbai, Hindu and Catholic leaders denounced religious conversions and recent anti-Christian violence in Kandhamal district in India.

The two-day meeting...

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West Michigan Hindus to Mark First Year Of Local Worship With Daylong Cleansing Ceremony

June 13, 2009

Author: Juanita Westaby

Source: The Grand Rapids Press


The call to prayer begins with the sound of "om" reverberating off the marble and granite surfaces and the tall ceilings. An auspicious sound, it soothes the soul.

For the next 30 minutes, Hindu priest Surendra Bharadwaj will gently bathe the black...

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Bigotry Alive for Christian Dalits

June 12, 2009

Author: Sunil Raman

Source: BBC News


Centuries ago, as their forefathers faced social and economic deprivation, many low-caste Hindus embraced Christianity.

But in one corner of southern India, their hopes for equality remain unfulfilled hundreds of years on. Called "pariahs", hundreds of Dalit Christians continue to face discrimination - not from Hindus but fellow Christians.


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Sikhs Continue to Face Conflict At the Hands Of the Taliban

June 10, 2009

Author: Aftab Mughal

Source: The Sikh Times


Sikhs and other non-Muslims living in Pakistan are facing huge challenges at the hands of the Taliban,

The Bara-based Lashkar-e-Islam (LI, an Islamic militant group) has imposed jizya, an Islamic tax, on the non-Muslim communities, including Sikhs, Hindus and Christians living in the Khyber Agency, a tribal region of North West Frontier Post (NWFP) near...

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Sanskrit Mantra Opened Interfaith Picnic In Nevada

June 8, 2009

Author: Vikas Jaatyan

Source: Northern Voices Online


Northern Nevada (USA) held its third annual interfaith community picnic in Reno on June seven with prayers in Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, and Ennevada.

Christians (various denominations), Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Religious Science, Wicca, and others gathered in famous Rancho San...

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Hindu Group to Get Just $175,000 In Textbook Bias Suit

June 6, 2009

Author: Denny Walsh

Source: The Sacramento Bee


The much-ballyhooed brouhaha over how Hinduism is taught in California's secondary public schools has apparently been laid to rest.

A Sacramento federal judge entered final judgment this week in a lawsuit accusing members of the state Board of Education and the state's curriculum czar of unconstitutional actions.

California Parents for the...

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Hindu Americans Welcome Obama's Speech to Muslims, Wonder Why Hindus Ignored

June 5, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Hindu American Foundation


The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) welcomed President Obama's much heralded speech in Cairo, Egypt, that was billed by the White House as an address to the global Muslim community. In a nearly hour long speech, President Obama condemned Islamic extremism while also calling for increased tolerance and pluralism in many officially Muslim countries...

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Bhutanese Refugees In Australia Celebrate Resettlement Anniversary

June 5, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Hinduism Today/www.nepalnews.com


[HPI note: The Lhotshampas, who are mostly Hindus and once represented one sixth of Bhutan's population, were forced into exile during the 1990s....

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Muslim Sage Recites Hindu Scriptures In Uttar Pradesh

May 29, 2009

Author: Pawan Kumar Shah

Source: Silver Scorpio/ANI


A Muslim sage in Uttar Pradesh has been reciting holy Hindu scriptures at religious functions.

Yasin Bharti, the Muslim sage, resides in the Khoonipur block of Pipraich area.

Yasin not only has complete knowledge about the Quran, but has equal knowledge about Ramayan and...

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City Mayors to Inaugurate Hindu Festival

May 27, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: The Salt Lake Tribune


Mayors Ralph Becker, Kent Money and JoAnn Sehgeni will inaugurate the "Chariot Festival" or "Rathothsava" and Annual Day Celebrations of Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple (SGHT) and India Cultural Center on May 30 at the temple premises in South Jordan.

The event is free and open to the public between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The Rathothsava is a pageant when Hindus pull a colorfully decorated wooden chariot...

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