
Hindu Temple Struggles to Find English Speaking Priests

July 28, 2005

Source: BBC News


On July 28, 2005 BBC News reported, "For the team behind what will be one of Europe's largest Hindu temples there is a new addition to the long list of daily tasks - fighting government immigration policy. After eight years and getting on for £7.5m, the battle to transform a desolate West Midlands industrial site should soon be won. The bulk of the looming Shri Venkateswara Balaji Temple in Tividale is already built......

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Advani Charged with Inciting Ayodhya Riots

July 28, 2005

Source: BBC News


On July 28, 2005 BBC News reported, "India's opposition leader LK Advani has appeared in court and been charged with inciting Hindus to attack a mosque in the town of Ayodhya in 1992. The demolition of the Babri mosque sparked religious riots in which more than 2,000 people were killed. Mr Advani has denied any wrongdoing over the destruction of the mosque. A court had ruled that Mr Advani had no case to...

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Lawsuit Accuses Hindu Temple in Flushing of Violating Immigration and Labor Laws

July 28, 2005

Source: Queens Chronicle


On July 28, 2005 the Queens Chronicle reported, "The battle over who will lead a prominent Hindu temple in Flushing has taken on a new twist, with a lawsuit filed on behalf of a temple cook who claims he was exploited... Filed in federal court on July 14th, the lawsuit claims the temple’s cooks and priests are...

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Update: Other Holy Books and Scriptures May Soon be Used for Court Oaths

July 27, 2005

Source: TheBostonChannel.com

Wire Service: AP


On July 27, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "The American Civil Liberties Union said witnesses in North Carolina courtrooms should be allowed to swear to tell the truth on scriptures other than the Bible. The ACLU has filed a lawsuit to permit oaths to be taken on the holy books of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and...

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San Bernardino County One of Most Religiously Diverse in Nation

July 24, 2005

Source: The Press Enterprise

On July 24, 2005 The Press Enterprise reported, "A decade of explosive growth in the Inland area has created one of the most religiously diverse regions in the nation, experts say. Nearly 1 million people have moved to the Inland area in the past 10 years, many of them immigrants who are building ethnic churches, mosques and temples as they settle in new neighborhoods. Today, Riverside and San Bernardino counties are home to a dozen mosques, nearly two dozen Buddhist temples, more than a dozen churches...

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Muslim Mothers Against Violence Group Grows in Greater Cincinnati

July 23, 2005

Source: The Enquirer


On July 23, 2005 The Enquirer reported, "They're mothers; they're Muslim. Now, after the terrorist attacks in London, they've joined to take a stand against violence, abroad and at home... As a mother of three and a member of the Greater Cincinnati Islamic community for 30 years, Ahmad of Mason decided to tackle that sense...

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Militant Muslims Ban Return of Kashmiri Hindus

July 23, 2005

Source: Arab News


On July 23, 2005 Arab News reported, "Four separatist groups said yesterday they would not allow minority Hindu Pandits who had left the region some 16 years ago to return to Kashmir. Kashmir’s moderate separatist leaders and officials said this month they were making plans to help thousands...

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Chicago Hindus Construct Pilgrimage Sites Along Wheaton Forest Trail

July 22, 2005

Source: Chicago Tribune


On July 22, 2005 the Chicago Tribune reported, "Hundreds of Hindus from across the metropolitan area [are expected] to [pay] homage to the faith's long-standing pilgrimage tradition [by hiking] to 10 different 'shrines' along a Wheaton forest preserve trail. Set up in...

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Kauai Hindu Temple Half Way Completed

July 21, 2005

Source: The Garden Island


On July 21, 2005 The Garden Island reported, "Over 600 people took in the splendid serenity of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery as monastery leaders opened up the grounds for their open house... And also to see immaculately maintained grounds of the monastery over-looking the North Fork of the Wailua River, to see an under-construction temple designed to last for generations...

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ISKCON Files Amicus Brief in Support of Evolution Stickers in Textbooks

July 20, 2005

Source: Beliefnet


On July 20, 2005 Beliefnet reported, "Though debates over evolution, creationism, and Intelligent Design are usually framed as Christian vs. secularist struggles, most religions hold beliefs about the origins of the universe. Recently, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)--better known as the Hare Krishnas--joined the debate by filing an amicus curiae, or friend of the court...

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Hinduism Today to Boost Circulation with Settlement

July 18, 2005

Source: NCM / India West


On July 18, 2005 India West reported, "A periodical on Hinduism based [in Kauai, Hawaii] has vowed to use the windfall from a fast-food chain class-action lawsuit settlement to increase its subscription in perpetuity by at least 1,000, or subsidize even more subscriptions, according to a press release from the...

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Hindu Americans Protest Building Church on Temple Site in Tirumala Hills

July 18, 2005

Source: Hindustan Times


On July 18, 2005 the Hindustan Times reported, "Opposing the construction of a church at the sacred Tirumala Hills, as many as 23 Indo-American organizations based in Houston has urged the Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, to ask the Andhra Pradesh Government to maintain the sanctity of the religious place, which is a holy shrine for the Hindus world over. Agitated by...

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London Vigil for Bombing Victims Includes Hindu Mantra for Protection

July 15, 2005

Source: Hindu Council UK Press Release


On July 15, 2005 a Hindu Council UK press release reported, "Yesterday's vigil at Trafalgar Square in London, marked by a two-minute silence at noon in honour of those who died in the terrorist bomb attacks last week, continued in the evening with a vigil of poems, messages and prayers from celebrities, and political and faith leaders... The Rt. Hon. Tessa Jowell gave a speech with the key word, 'love'......

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Ownership of Taj Mahal Disputed

July 13, 2005

Source: Yahoo! News

Wire Service: AP/Reuters


On July 13, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "An Islamic trust claimed ownership Wednesday of the Taj Mahal and demanded a slice of tourist revenue from the 17th-century monument to love, but the government-run group charged with its upkeep vowed to challenge that claim in court. The white-marble monument — built by...

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Hindu Youth Discuss Being Both Indian and American

July 13, 2005

Source: Beliefnet


On July 13, 2005 Beliefnet reported on the results of the invitation extended in March by the editors of Hinduism Today and Hindu Press International for Hindu-American youth "to submit essays discussing the challenges they face as they reconcile Eastern religious culture with Western daily life." 19-year-old New Yorker Shurjendu Dutt-Mazumdar states, "The ideals of America and of India are but...

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