
Women Augment the Priestly Ranks

July 6, 2007

Author: Lavina Melwani

Source: Hinduism Today


The bride was present, as was the groom, but where was the officiating priest? All the guests gathered in a Milwaukee home for the wedding ceremony were wondering aloud why he was so late. Little did they realize that the priest was already there, sitting amongst them. She is Shashi Tandon, an exuberant...

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Opinion: We Don't Worship Cows!

July 5, 2007

Author: Gautam Rama Varma Pathial

Source: Hinduism Today


I am a Indian Hindu living in the state of Oregon, on the west coast of the United States. There are only 11,000 Indians in this state. I am the only one in my school district, and there are none in the two neighboring districts. My nearest Indian neighbor lives 45 minutes away.

While I was attending public...

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Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Opens in Toronto

July 4, 2007

Source: Hindu Press International


The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir of Toronto, Canada, will celebrate their grand opening July 15 - July 27. The temple will be Canada's first traditional hand-carved stone and marble mandir. Using 6,000 tons of marble and stone, 1,500 craftsmen worked over three years to assemble the temple to last 1,000 years. Sunday, July 21, HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj will present for the Hagar Yatra (festival...

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First All-Stone Hindu Temple Outside India

July 1, 2007

Source: The Times of India


WAILUA (HAWAII): In a clearing within Kauai Aadheenam's lush gardens, the ping, ping, pinging of metal chipping at stone can be heard as a half-dozen artisans from India put the finishing flourishes on the Hindu monastery's legacy for the ages.

Hand-carved in granite and shipped in pieces...

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The Hindu Council UK Defends and Promotes Issues Pertinent to the Hindu Community

June 30, 2007

Author: Michael Binyon

Source: Hindu Press International / The Times


UNITED KINGDOM, June 30, 2007: Mr. Anil Bhanot, general secretary of the Hindu Council UK, speaks candidly about the challenges facing Hindus in the UK and about the role the Hindu Council has played in lobbying for British Hindus in the country. Times correspondent Michael Binyon explains, "Hindus in Britain have a problem: they fit...

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Infected Bull to Die Despite Hindu Protest

June 27, 2007

Author: Simon de Bruxelles

Source: Times Online


A sacred bull that tested positive for bovine tuberculosis is to be destroyed despite protests from Hindus around the world.

Shambo, a six-year-old Friesian, is part of a 52-strong herd of cattle and water buffalo at a Hindu temple in West Wales. Barring a last-minute change of mind, he is likely to be put down on...

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Hindu American Foundation Finalizes Lawsuit Terms with California State Board of Education

June 22, 2007

Source: The Hindu American Foundation


WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 22, 2007) The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) finalized terms with the California State Board of Education (SBE) following the Foundation’s victorious lawsuit last fall. The agreement was reached after a face-to-face meeting HAF held with SBE President Ken Noonan on May 8, 2007. In their wide-...

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22nd Annual International Peace Prayer Day Honors Interfaith Leader

June 20, 2007

Source: Sikh News Network


June 16, 2007. ESPANOLA, NM. On Saturday, June 16th, the 3HO Foundation in conjunction with Peace Cereals celebrated the 22nd annual International Peace Prayer Day at the Ram Das Puri campsite in the Jemez Mountains near Espanola, New Mexico.

Over 1000 people gathered at the mountain campsite...

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Journey of Faith Builds New Temple

June 18, 2007

Author: Madhu Krishnamurthy

Source: Daily Herald


A nearly 30-year journey of faith for Lake County's Hindu community will be fulfilled when the bell tolls for the first time this weekend, beckoning devotees to their new temple near Grayslake.

Three days of festivities begin Friday, marking the long-awaited unveiling of the Indian Cultural Association's Hindu Mandir, or temple, on roughly 20 acres at...

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For Many Hindus, Home Worship as Integral as Time at Temple

June 16, 2007

Author: Brian Long

Source: The Knoxville News Sentinel


It is estimated that, worldwide, there are approximately 800 million adherents of Hinduism, a number more than twice the population of the United States. Locally, about 300-500 Hindu families live and worship in the Knoxville area, each adding its own unique and vibrant complement to the collage of faiths and traditions composing the Knoxville religious community....

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