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    The Edward E. Brueggeman Center for Dialogue

    This data was last updated on 19 November 2020.

    Address: 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207-4442
    Phone: 513-745-3922
    Mission: The Edward E. Brueggeman Center for Dialogue works collaboratively for a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. The center's projects use dialogue and collaboration to build social capital - the human-to-human...

    Read more about The Edward E. Brueggeman Center for Dialogue

    The Muslim-Christian Dialogue of Lorain County, Ohio

    As of 2020, this organization is no longer active.

    Address: 222 Colgate Avenue, Elyria, OH 44035


    The Muslim-Christian Dialogue of Lorain County, Ohio, has been meeting for about three years at the local community college. During that time approximately one hundred persons have attended at least one meeting. Twelve to fifteen Christians and Muslims participate regularly.

    The stimulus for the formation of the group was the experience of 9/11. Anger and fear dictated...

    Read more about The Muslim-Christian Dialogue of Lorain County, Ohio

    Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC)

    This data was last updated on 5 May 2020.

    Address: 632 Vine Street Suite 606, Cincinnati, OH 45202
    Phone: 513-721-4843
    Mission: MARCC is a coalition, a way of enabling these 14 Jewish, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Protestant and Unitarian-Universalist judicatories to work together on a few, agreed-upon, local social concerns to make life better for people in metropolitan Cincinnati.


    ... Read more about Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC)

    Building Bridges

    This data was last updated on 12 November 2020.
    This organization is featured as an exemplary model for interfaith work in our section on Promising Practices. You can read the full profile here.

    Address: 3030 Somerton Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
    Phone: 216-374-9339

    Read more about Building Bridges
