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    Women and Public Policy Program

    This data was last updated on 25 July 2019.

    Contact Information

    Address: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
    Phone: 617-496-6973

    [flickr_set id="72157621817735773"] Description The Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP) at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government is a research center that seeks to educate the next generation of government leaders on gender perspectives while...

    Read more about Women and Public Policy Program

    Women's Studies in Religion Program

    This data was last updated on 13 April 2013.

    Contact Information

    Address: Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138
    Phone: 617-495-5705

    [flickr_set id="72157621942282298"]


    The Women's Studies in Religion Program (WSRP) at Harvard Divinity School "promotes critical inquiry into the interaction between religion and gender. It sponsors research and teaching in feminist theology, biblical studies, ethics and women's history, as... Read more about Women's Studies in Religion Program

    Plans for Cao Dai Church Approved in California

    June 16, 2000

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On June 16, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that city council members from Garden Grove, California have approved plans for the state's first Cao Dai church, despite the protest of residents who feel that the new religious facility will be a detriment to their neighborhood. Cao Dai, a faith begun in Vietnam in the 1920's that combines aspects of Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Judaism and Taoism, has approximately 200 followers in Orange County, CA and commands about 5 million followers worldwide. The new facility...

    Read more about Plans for Cao Dai Church Approved in California

    Mormons Flock To Palmyra, New York To Learn About Historical Roots

    December 20, 2000

    Source: The New York Times

    On December 20, 2000, The New York Times reported that many Mormons are traveling to Palmyra, New York to visit the birthplace of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, eventually led followers west. His recreated log home is one attraction in Palmyra. "A restored printing shop shows where the Book of Mormon was first published, and a visitors' center plays a recording of Christ's words in 20 languages including Hungarian, Finnish and Tahitian. A new temple overlooking the Sacred...

    Read more about Mormons Flock To Palmyra, New York To Learn About Historical Roots

    Houston's First Cao Dai Temple

    October 5, 1998

    Source: The Houston Chronicle

    On October 5, 1998, The Houston Chronicle published an article announcing the grand opening of Houston's first Cao Dai temple. Cao Dai, a combination of Buddhism, Catholicism, and ancestor worship, is the third most popular religion in Vietnam and has approximately 1,000 adherents in the Houston area.

    Both Christianity and Shamanism Represented in Hmong Community

    February 10, 2001

    Source: Star Tribune

    On February 10, 2001, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that, among the Hmong community in the Twin Cities, some have embraced Christianity over the past 50 years, "but many have remained faithful to the traditional faith, shamanism...The Hmong are a farming people who live in mountainous ranges in Southeast Asia and southern China. Refugees began immigrating to the United States in the 1970s, after the Vietnam War ended...Today, about 11 percent of the estimated 75,000 to 80,000 Hmong in the Twin Cities are Christian, according to...

    Read more about Both Christianity and Shamanism Represented in Hmong Community

    Socially Responsible Investing Gains Popularity

    February 25, 2001

    Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

    On February 25, 2001, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "socially responsible coming into the mainstream...There are bond mutual funds as well as stock funds, funds aimed at Muslims and Mennonites, funds for animal lovers, and funds that focus on gay and lesbian rights, pro and con."

    Symposium Promotes Dialogue

    March 23, 2001

    Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

    On March 23, 2001, The San Francisco Chronicle reported on "the Eighth Annual Sufism Symposium in Fremont [California]...The symposium is being held to promote dialogue, cross-cultural understanding, interfaith education and unity among the people of the world... Sufism is an ancient religion that dates back to the prophet Mohammed and the 7th century."

    Fashion at Religious Services Becomes More Laid-Back

    April 20, 2001

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On April 20, 2001, the Los Angeles Times reported on the latest fashion trend among Southern Californian worshippers at Sunday services. "Sunday wardrobes now reflect age, ethnicity and even hobbies...Clergy do agree on one thing: Clothes styles don't matter to God. The debate is over whether clothes make, or at least help, the worshiper...Other religions [including Judaism and Islam] have seen a slight dip in fashion formality, though nothing like the eclectic fashion sense of Christian congregations."
