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    Preserving Native American Heritage

    December 26, 1999

    Source: The Indianapolis Star

    On December 26, 1999, The Indianapolis Star published an article on Native American youths and the preservation of their Native American identity. According to the U.S Census, as of October 1999 there are 2,031,000 people reporting American Indian descent, which is less than 1 percent of the population. Allison Codynah, a 13-year-old Indian from Indianapolis, stated: "Staying in our own race is basically the only way you can keep it alive...My grandma and grandpa always said, 'Marry your own race, especially if you have kids....

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    Christmas 1999

    December 25, 1999

    Source: The Tampa Tribune

    On December 25, 1999, The Tampa Tribune reported that the Dover Community Council in Dover, Florida held a Christmas event for the children of migrant workers and others who were in need of assistance. The event, begun in 1997, was held at the Dover Elementary School and included a Spanish-speaking Santa that handed gifts out to the children. School Principal Kathleen Carr stated: "It's wonderful to see the faces of those kids...They were just thrilled to death." Approximately 1000 gifts were purchased with donations from local...

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    Christmas 1999

    December 25, 1999

    Source: The Denver Rocky Mountain News

    On December 25, 1999, the Denver Rocky Mountain News published an article on conversions to Christianity as the year 2000 approaches. At Trinity United Methodist Church in downtown Denver, more than 30 baptisms were performed on one Sunday this month. St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Englewood, Colorado has welcomed 630 new members since January 1999. The Next Level Church of Wheat Ridge, which is geared to young adults, has grown from a congregation of 700 to 1800 in two years. The First Spanish Assemblies of God...

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    Christmas 1999

    December 25, 1999

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On December 25, 1999, the Los Angeles Times published an article on the Southern California Vietnamese community, which is embracing the American Christmas celebrations. Many Vietnamese shops are decorated with Christmas trees, wreaths, and paper cutouts of Santa Claus. Westminster City Councilman Tony Lam, who came to the United States from Vietnam in the mid-1970s, stated: "Just because my family is not Christian, that doesn't make Christmas less meaningful. For Asians, festival time is important. There are messages there that...

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    Christmas 1999

    December 24, 1999

    Source: The Columbus Dispatch

    On December 24, 1999, The Columbus Dispatch published an article on the differing practices and origins of Christmas celebration. The Peace United Methodist Church in Pickerington, Ohio performs an annual Nativity reenactment, with participants telling the story through Christmas carols and guiding live farm animals. At St. Nicholas of Myra Episcopal Church in Hilliard, OH, a traditional creche is erected without the baby Jesus. At the Christmas Eve service, the baby Jesus is placed in the manger. According to Joseph Kelly, a...

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    December Diversity

    December 25, 1999

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On December 25, 1999, the Los Angeles Times published an article on the crossing of Christmas traditions to different Christian and non-Christian faiths. In many Latin American countries, the Catholic celebration of Christmas includes las posadas, a nine-day series of festivities from December 16-24 that involves celebrants dressed up as Mary and Joseph in a procession followed by meals and activities. In Pico-Union, California, St. Thomas the Apostle Church, joined neighboring St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral for the second...

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    December Diversity

    December 24, 1999

    Source: The Denver Post

    On December 24, 1999, The Denver Post reported that an exhibit entitled 'Holiday Traditions' at the Aurora History Museum in Aurora, Colorado runs on Tuesday and Sundays through January 23rd. The exhibit shows the diversity of seven holidays around the time of the winter solstice. The holidays include Diwali, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the Chinese and Vietnamese New Year celebrations.

    December Diversity

    December 24, 1999

    Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

    On December 24, 1999, The San Francisco Chronicle published an article on how several two-faith families celebrate multiple holidays. Vicki Roberts, who is Jewish, and Mark Roberts, who is Christian, combine the decorations of the house for their two daughters, who are being raised Jewish. Vicki stated: "Sure, half the house is decorated for Christmas, the other half is for Hanukkah...All it means to us is that we love the celebration of Christmas, the lights and the smell of the trees and candles. It really doesn't...

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    Sand Mandala at the Detroit Institute of Arts

    December 25, 1999

    Source: The Detroit News

    On December 25, 1999, The Detroit News reported that a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks, who live in exile at the Drepung Loseling Monastery in India, will construct a sand mandala at the Detroit Institute of Arts from Monday, December 27th through Friday, December 31st. The monastic group plans to make the mandala of the Amitayush Buddha, which symbolizes boundless life. A typical mandala has four corners in white, gold, red, blue, and green, which symbolize the elements of water, earth, fire, wind, and space. Geshe Lobsang Tenzin,...

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    Creche Controversy

    December 24, 1999

    Source: The New York Times

    On December 24, 1999, The New York Times reported that federal judge Alfred M. Wolin of the United States District Court in Newark denied a motion brought by the ACLU against Wall Township in New Jersey to dismantle a holiday display on public property. In a public courtyard next to the municipal building in Wall Township, there is a Nativity scene and a menorah. The ACLU filed a lawsuit against Wall Township in February 1999 for its holiday display in December of 1998. When the township erected another such display this year on...

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