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    New Jain Temple Projects in California, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York

    November 15, 1997

    Source: Jain Digest

    "The Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC) celebrated the Bhumi Pujan ceremony on a rainy morning of November 15, 1997, with great devotion, splendor, and gaiety. The event marked an auspicious beginning of the construction of the first Jain Bhawan in the San Francisco Bay Area. ... The JCNC intend to build a unique landmark for Jains across the United States, Canada, and the rest of the world."

    New Jain Temple Projects in California, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York

    September 27, 1997

    Source: Jain Digest

    "The Jain Center of Greater Detroit celebrated a brick laying ceremony at their temple site on Saturday, September 27, 1997. The Detroit temple is under construction and the society wanted all of their members' participation in giving a symbolic hand in building the "Jinalaya." ... During the ceremony, over 160 families (more than 400 individuals) had an opportnity to place a brick on the northwest corner wall of the temple in construction."

    New Jain Temple Projects in California, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York

    October 1, 1997

    Source: Jain Digest

    "Jain Center of New Jersey (JCNJ) has signed a contract for the purchase of a property in Edison, New Jersey. The property is an existing 26,000 sq. ft. single story building located on 8 acres of land. Site plans have been submitted to the Edison Township for approval. ... The existing building will be improved and expanded to house temples in Shwetamber and Digamber traditions, prayer halls for Sthanakvasi and Srimad Rajchandra traditions, an...

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    New Jain Temple Projects in California, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York

    October 1, 1997

    Source: Jain Digest

    "Jain Center of America (JCA) recently purchased a property in Lake Success, Long Island, New York. The site consists of approximately 4 acres of land just off Long Island Expressway. JCA plans to build a spacious and attractive facility that will include a temple, auxiliary facilities for religious activities and a community hall."

    Health Risks May Be Associated with use of Mercury in Religious Practice

    January 1, 1997

    Source: American Journal of Public Health

    In the January 1996 edition of the American Journal of Public Health, a letter to the editor was published that stated, "As providers of community health and mental health services in underserved areas, we recognize the public health threat of dispensing mercury. However, we recommend also that the dangers of mercury be sensitively separated from the social-psychological benefits of spiritualism. In inner-city Hispanic communities, espirtismo is an indigenous source of community socialization and support....

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    Pagan Yemaya Fund Makes First Disbursement

    June 22, 1997

    Source: Pagan Educational Network

    On June 22, 1997 Pagan Educational Network published a press release stating that "On June 22, 1997 the Yemaya Fund made its first disbursement to the Inner City Community Church in Knoxville, TN. The gift of one hundred dollars was accompanied by a letter from the fund's sponsors, the Pagan Educational Network and the Wiccan Community Fund, and materials about Paganism. The Yemaya Fund was established in August 1996 to provide Pagans with a way of responding to arson destroying African-American churches in the South...

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    Pagan Education Network Announces E-mail List for Alternative Community

    July 31, 1997

    Source: Pagan Education Network

    On July 31, 1997 Pagan Education Network released a press release stating "The Pagan Educational Network is proud to announce the launch of the Sacred Action e-mail list. The list grew out of PEN's April 1997 conference of the same name. It is dedicated to furthering Pagan networking, facilitating joint action on issues of importance to the Pagan community, and building an alternative community. Topics include spirituality, human rights, the environment, sexuality,...

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    Pagans Establish Fund to Assist African-American Congregations

    August 17, 1997

    Source: Pagan Educational Network

    On August 17, 1996 the Pagan Educational Network released a press release stating that "In response to the burning of African-American churches across the South, the Pagan Community Fund (PCF) and the Pagan Educational Network (PEN) announce the birth of the Yemaya Fund... The birth of this fund springs from PCF's mission to assist those in need regardless of their faith and PEN's commitment to build community and religious freedom for all."