Unitarian Universalist communities include individuals with varied theological commitments, religious behaviors, and ritual observances. While Unitarian Universalists engage in many forms of religious practice and celebrate many religious and secular holidays, the springtime Flower Communion is a specifically Unitarian Universalist event that honors diversity within community.... Read more about Diversity Within Community
Unitarians—those who belief that God is a single entity—and Universalists—those who affirm that God’s love and salvation extends to everyone—have existed since the life of Jesus. In 1961, after centuries of persecution, the two strains of thought united under the banner of Unitarian Universalism. This theologically liberal and socially progressivereligion welcomes the influence of many spiritual traditions, values reason and compassion, and lacks a binding creed.... Read more about Unitarian Universalism Develops
The official symbol of Unitarian Universalism is a flaming chalice. Originally a sign of refuge for those escaping Nazi persecution, the symbol now holds meanings as varied as the thousands of U.U. congregations that light chalices at the beginning of their weekly services.... Read more about The Flaming Chalice
On Sunday mornings, Unitarian Universalist congregations come together to light a chalice, create music, hear sermons, and pray or meditate. Worship services are meant to help congregants explore what matters most in life. Outside of worship services, Unitarian Universalists participate in classes, often on topics such as sexuality and religious education, and spend time seeking individual and communal spiritual growth.... Read more about Worth Shaping
With a progressive legacy that includes the first American Christian ordination of women as ministers, Unitarian Universalism is continually committed to social justice. The tradition’s Seven Principles, which include recognizing “the worth and dignity of every person,” motivate many Unitarian Universalist congregations to organize in support of liberty, justice, and peace.... Read more about Standing on the Side of Love