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    Ramadan Reflections

    December 19, 1998

    Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

    On December 19, 1998, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution published an article on Ramadan and the Muslim community in Atlanta. The Islamic Circle of North America in Marietta, GA reports that there are about 50,000 Muslims, representing 100 countries, living and working in metro Atlanta. There are 12 mosques in metro Atlanta, including centers in downtown Atlanta, Marietta, Norcross, and Roswell.

    Religious Practice in the Work Place

    December 31, 1998

    Source: The Christian Science Monitor

    On December 31, 1998, the Christian Science Monitor published an article on the accommodation for Muslim prayer that the city of Denver provided for Muslim taxi and airport-shuttle drivers at Denver International Airport. Denver moved a glass shelter to the grounds of the international airport to provide a warm and dry space for Muslim drivers to pray at the airport. Though, the shelter is open to use by all drivers at the airport as a shelter. Around the country, lawsuits claiming religious discrimination in the work...

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    Stamp to Honor El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

    December 27, 1998

    Source: The Boston Globe

    An article in the December 27, 1998 Boston Globe reported that the U.S. postal service will feature El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (formerly known as Malcolm X) in their Black Heritage series. The 33 cent stamp will be available in early 1999.

    Plans for a New Mosque in Midtown Manhattan

    December 27, 1998

    Source: The New York Times

    On December 27, 1998 the New York Times reported that a local Muslim community plans to purchase a five-story building in midtown Manhattan and convert it to one of the largest prayer halls in the city. The congregation's director, Mohammed Ali Abdelaal, commented, "We are modest people -- a real mix from all over the world, just like Manhattan." The article noted that there are over 400 mosques in the New York City area, the first of which was opened some 45 years ago. "Tucked among the office towers of Manhattan there are about...

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    Religion and the World Wide Web

    December 26, 1998

    Source: Star Tribune

    On December 26, 1998, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis, MN published an article on the growing use of the World Wide Web by religious communities to help spread their message. The article states that religions are turning to this medium in order to "remain relevant among an increasingly fickle audience." The Barna Research Group, based in Ventura, CA, conducted a recent survey on religion and the internet. The results show that one out of six teens rely on the Internet to attempt to meet their spiritual needs. Quentin Schultze,...

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    Winter Solstice Celebrants Arrested

    December 23, 1998

    Source: The New York Times

    On December 23, 1998 the New York Times reported that 33 participants in a Winter Solstice celebration were charged with trespassing. The Staten Island beach is technically closed after dusk, and the ritual fire was seen as problematic. "Ms. Henes, 53, said she had held at least 15 solstice ceremonies on South Beach and never run into a problem before. 'In the past,' she said, 'sometimes the Fire Department has come because someone has seen the fire, and we say, look, this is our religion, and they have been very respectful and...

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    Muslims in the U.S. Military

    December 21, 1998

    Source: The Washington Post

    On December 21, 1998, the Washington Post published an article entitled, "Military, Muslim Life Meld on U.S. Bases." The article noted the increased recognition and visibility of Islam in the Armed Forces, including "appointing three Muslim chaplains, beginning with the Army in 1993; drafting about a dozen others into chaplain training programs; offering pork-free field rations; allowing Muslims to leave duty stations to attend prayers on Friday ... ; facilitating travel to Mecca for Muslim personnel making the hajj, or...

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    Hanukkah - Menorah Lightings

    December 14, 1998

    Source: The Washington Post

    On December 14, 1998, the Washington Post reported that the National Menorah on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. was lit at nightfall on Sunday, December 13th. The National Menorah stands 30 feet in height, the maximum allowable under Jewish Law, and in front of the National Christmas Tree.

    Hanukkah - Menorah Lightings

    December 5, 1998

    Source: The New York Times

    On December 5, 1998, the New York Times reported that the American Friends of Lubavitch, a Hasidic Jewish sect headquartered in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, has set up a website - - to broadcast simultaneously the lighting of menorahs in Jerusalem, Moscow, New York, and Paris at 3:15pm (Eastern time) on Sunday, December 13th.

    First Hindu Temple in Baltimore Area

    December 12, 1998

    Source: The Baltimore Sun

    On December 12, 1998, The Baltimore Sun reported on the dedication of the $2.3 million Greater Baltimore Temple, the first Hindu Temple in the Baltimore region, in Finksburg, MD. With more than 1,000 people expected to participate in the 3-day dedication events, the Greater Baltimore Temple will be the worship center for approximately 1,600 Hindu families in metro Baltimore and southern Pennsylvania. The 14,000 square-foot building includes a temple hall, a library, and a community center with space for 350 people.
