On January 3, 2002, American Airlines issued a press release entitled "American holds firm on protecting the safety of its passengers" in reference to the removal of a secret service agent from a flight. The release stated, in part: "American carries out its security obligations according to the guidelines provided by the Federal government. Those guidelines are applied equally among all passengers,...
On January 4, 2002, The Washington Post featured the article "Abusive Behavior, Or Racial Profiling? Airline, Attorneys Dispute Incident."
It reported, "The starkly different versions of the incident appeared to harden the stance of each side. [The agent's lawyer] said the Secret Service agent did not want to sue American Airlines, but wanted an explanation and...
On January 3, 2002, the Associated Press reported "Aid After Mosque Vandalized in Ohio." The article noted that "Non-Muslims have offered space, money and other support for worshippers after vandals drilled holes in the floors of the city's oldest mosque, ripped up copies of the Quran and pulled water pipes from walls." Offers of space and support have come from the...
On January 7, 2002, The Orlando Sentinel reported "World's faiths converge to urge peace, harmony." The article noted, "In the ballroom of the Rosen Plaza Hotel on International Drive in Orlando, the faces and families reflected the changing religious complexions of Central Florida...