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    Fake meat's surprising evolution, from Buddhism to the Beyond Burger

    November 7, 2019

    While plant-based meat may seem new and buzzy, China began concocting it way before the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat burst onto the scene, CNN reports. What’s more, its creations have approximated a far richer array of fake meats, beyond the “burgers” trending in the West, emerging from a food culture that has long celebrated ingenuity.

    Can an app teach Buddhist tenets?

    October 31, 2019

    In today’s stressful world, mindfulness – a type of popular spirituality that strives to focus on the present moment – promises to soothe away the anxiety and stress of modern life. The Internet is full of popular cure-all mindfulness apps targeting everyone from busy urban professionals to dieters, those suffering from insomnia and even children.

    Muslims Encouraged to Get Involved in Politics

    September 24, 2000

    Source: The Detroit News

    On September 24, 2000, The Detroit News reported that "Muslim Americans are pursuing an improved public image and increased political participation in a system they feel sometimes treats them unjustly. The most effective way to do that is to get out the vote, said Niwad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The council organized the national 'Muslim Americans Voter Registration Day' Sept. 15 to register new voters in the estimated 1,500 mosques in the United States. Other plans include training...

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    Greek Archbishop Speaks of Faith, Culture

    September 30, 2000

    Source: The Houston Chronicle

    On September 30, 2000, The Houston Chronicle published an article which reported that, "Archbishop Demetrios, spiritual leader of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, wants the 1.5 million members to share their faith and culture. 'Orthodoxy by nature is a church that is not selfishly turned in on itself,' the archbishop said during his first visit to Houston last week. 'It is an absolute necessity for this church, if it is going to be genuine, to reach out continuously. By reaching out I don't mean any propaganda attempts. I...

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    For Young and Old, Judaism Brings People Together

    September 30, 2000

    Source: The Houston Chronicle

    On September 30, 2000, The Houston Chronicle reported that "Ben "Bunny" Leff's vision is fading. At 81 years of age, he can no longer read or drive. Joe Mendelovitz, 84, needs a three-legged cane to assist his strides. But their hearts are strong. For years, Leff, Mendelovitz and other volunteers have shown up at Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care Services to lead the morning prayer service known as a minyan, Hebrew for quorum. Orthodox Judaism requires the presence of 10 men to hold a public worship service or Torah reading....

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    Conflict Erupts Over Soccer Game Scheduled for Rosh Hashanah

    September 29, 2000

    Source: The New York Times

    On September 29, 2000, The New York Times reported that "the 10-year-old boys of the Avon Soccer Club will not be playing the lads of Fairfield United in the Connecticut state soccer tournament this Saturday. Whether this is due to religious intolerance, as Avon's coach believes, or the inability of some suburban parents to follow the rules, as the Fairfield coach thinks, is for the lawyers to decide. The conflict between the two teams arose this week after it became known that the parents of 7 of the Avon squad's 11 starting...

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    Jewish Summer Camp Remembered

    September 30, 2000

    Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

    On September 30, 2000, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "what you see first is a huge sign with hand-painted letters reading 'Blue Star Camps.' It's mounted on two blue panels, nailed to 7-foot wooden poles. Then there's a long silver canoe. And a tiny cot and bedroom used by young campers. And a white nurse's uniform owned by Hilda Ney, 75, who wore it for more than 20 years in the camp's health center. A new exhibit mounted by Atlanta's William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is bound to evoke...

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    Muslims Encouraged to Get Involved in Politics

    October 1, 2000

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On October 1, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that "American Muslims gathered Saturday in Irvine to brainstorm ways to increase their clout in the U.S. political system and the November elections. A bipartisan slate of speakers--from U.S. Rep. Tom Campbell (R-San Jose) to California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres--encouraged Muslims to register to vote, volunteer on campaigns, donate money and forge personal relationships with elected officials. In the daylong conference, Muslims debated political strategies, including...

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    A Buddhist in a Presbyterian World

    September 30, 2000

    Source: Los Angeles Times

    On September 30, 2000, the Los Angeles Times told the story of Ai Tasedan. She has "attended services at St. Mark Presbyterian Church faithfully for the past 25 years. She got married there. She goes on church-sponsored mission trips and volunteers wherever needed." And, surprising to some, she is a Buddhist. "It's an ecumenical twist that doesn't bother the liberal Newport Beach congregation very much, if at all. St. Mark's elders decided in 1975 to help rescue Tasedan and her family, Vietnamese refugees who were in living in a...

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