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    The Call of Islam

    The Call of IslamThe shahadah is comprised of two fundamental faith statements in Islam that “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” This spiritual calling is expressed through auditory calls to prayers or adhan five times a day.... Read more about The Call of Islam

    Muhammad: The Messenger of God

    Muhammad: The Messenger of GodThe Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation during an annual devotion at Mount Hira outside of Mecca. The Prophet’s message of tauhid (unity and oneness of God) challenged the polytheistic 7th century Meccan society; Muhammad was met with prosecution. His migration (hijrah) from Mecca to Medina signified the establishment of a model Muslim community and the beginning of the Islamic calendar.... Read more about Muhammad: The Messenger of God

    Sunni and Shi’i Interpretations

    Sunni and Shi'i Interpretations

    The differences between Sunni and Shi’i Muslims stem from questions about Muhammad’s successors. Shi’i groups historically argued that Ali was Muhammad’s successor, and continued recognizing successors from within the Prophet Muhammad’s family. Sunni groups historically argued for Abu Bakr al-Siddiq as Muhammad’s successor, and continued to select leaders from across the community.... Read more about Sunni and Shi’i Interpretations

    Sufism: Seeking God

    SufismSufism refers to the inner dimension of Islam which aims to attain mystical knowledge and love of God through meditative practices, or dhikr, ethical cultivation, and purification of the heart and self. Though Sufism began with individuals, Sufi communities, or tariqahs, were formed around them providing a template for spiritual guidance. Poetry, art, liturgies, biographical and philosophical works, and other forms of Sufi literature were also produced. Today, Muslims practice Sufism in a variety of modes and mediums.... Read more about Sufism: Seeking God

    Shari’ah: Following the Straight Path

    Following the Straight PathShari’ah refers to the system of law, ethics, and guidelines in Islam that govern a Muslim’s practical life. Shari’ah began with the Prophet Muhammad, and was later codified and taught by the ‘ulama. Along with schools, judges, courts, and rulers, the Shari’ah developed into a complex network. Today, the Shari’ah is applied in a variety of contexts - both at the state and individual level - which varies in different countries and amongst Sunni and Shi’a denominations.... Read more about Shari’ah: Following the Straight Path

    Islamic Practices

    The Five PillarsAmong Sunni Muslims, the key practices of Islam are referred to as “The Five Pillars” and include: shahadah (statement of faith), salat (prayer five times a day), zakat (giving a portion of one’s possession, usually 2.5% of annual wealth, through local mosques or organizations), sawm (fasting from sunrise to sunset in the month of Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to the Ka’bah in Mecca during the month of Dhu’l-Hijjah). Though these five key practices are observed by other Muslim denominations, Shi’a Muslims add others like khums (yearly tax given to the Imams) and walayah (acceptance and adoration of the Imams). Islamic practices are also constantly in dialogue with societal changes and advancements.... Read more about Islamic Practices

    Expansion of Islamic Civilization

    Expansion of Islamic CivilizationFrom the 7th through the 18th centuries, Islam spread across the globe, as Muslim rulers expanded their control throughout North Africa, West Africa, and Central Asia. During this time Muslim rulers, soldiers, traders, Sufis, scholars, poets and architects all contributed to the shaping of distinctive Islamic cultures. Across the wide-reaching Islamic world, transregional Islamic culture mixed with local traditions to produce distinctive forms of statecraft, theology, art, architecture, and science.... Read more about Expansion of Islamic Civilization
