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    Sufi Order International of the Greater Boston Area (The Inayati Order of Greater Boston)

    This data was last updated on 10 July 2018.

    Address: 105 Billings St, Sharon, MA 02067, USA
    Phone: 617-522-0800

    Description: The Sufi Order of Boston is a branch of the Sufi Order International which was founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan in 1910. It offers a universal approach to religious understanding and guided training in spiritual practice and growth....

    Read more about Sufi Order International of the Greater Boston Area (The Inayati Order of Greater Boston)

    Brahma Kumaris Learning Center For Peace

    This data was last updated on 16 July 2019.

    Address: 75 Common Street, Watertown, MA 02472
    Phone: 617-926-1230

    Description: The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) was founded in 1936 by Prajapita Brahma, and is today affiliated with the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization. BKWSU is the parent...

    Read more about Brahma Kumaris Learning Center For Peace

    Boston Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

    This data was last updated on 18 July 2019.

    Contact Information

    Address: 66 Fellsway W, Somerville, MA 02145, USA
    Phone: 617 528 9692

    [flickr_set id="72157621939144016"] History The Boston Meditation Group of Self-Realization is comprised of members and friends of the worldwide Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), which was founded in 1920 by spiritual leader Paramahansa Yogananda....

    Read more about Boston Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

    Shootings at a Los Angeles Jewish Center

    August 13, 1999

    Source: The Houston Chronicle

    On August 13, 1999, The Houston Chronicle published an editorial opinion by Donna Ostrower, executive director of the Houston Chapter of the American Jewish Committee. Ostrower writes about hate groups such as Christian Identity and World Church of the Creator, with whom Buford Furrow, Timothy McVeigh, and Benjamin Smith had connections. With about 90 ministries in 34 states, Christian Identity is able to promulgate its racist theological message.According to Ostrower, Christian Identity "distorts Genesis to preach that people...

    Read more about Shootings at a Los Angeles Jewish Center

    Falun Gong Members March to D.C.

    July 4, 2001

    Source: The Boston Globe

    On July 4, 2001, The Boston Globe reported that "Falun Gong practitioners are in the middle of a march to Washington, D.C., to express solidarity with the spiritual group human rights activists say is persecuted in its native China...Falun Gong advocates a mix of meditative exercises and moral precepts and was banned in China as a cult in 1999." About 200 local Falun Gong practitioners are in the Boston area, most of whom are Chinese immigrants.

    Parents Guide Children with Falun Gong Practice

    July 9, 2001

    Source: The Baltimore Sun

    On July 9, 2001, The Baltimore Sun reported that "a small but growing number of immigrant [Chinese] parents [in the U.S.] say [the meditation and exercise practice called Falun Gong] is helping kids stay out of trouble...Children are receiving instruction in small, informal groups at a Howard County park." Parents fear "the permissive [American] culture will lead their children astray."

    Demonstrators in Houston Draw Attention to Persecution of Falun Gong

    July 20, 2001

    Source: The Houston Chronicle

    On July 20, 2001, The Houston Chronicle published a piece on people demonstrating outside the Chinese consulate in Houston who "are calmly drawing attention to the Chinese government's persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual movement...The Chinese government has sent thousands of Falun Gong followers to prison or labor camps...As long as the United States nourishes liberty and China's rulers war against it, relations between the two nations will not and cannot be smooth."
